Now or Never!!, choices:::take out 5 min now/GC wait 5-10 years/go to your country

Great!gth,EB1 please mention states, so that we can ensure coverage of all states
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different text

the letter at ISN is different from format mentioned by sankara. do we need to change and re fax. well i faxed ISN draft to IL already
dent75, that is fine the ISN would be changing the fax

contents, may be pull from few sources. we all have done with ISN fax currently there except if one is using the own home / office machine then the one in this thread can be sent additionally, there is really no stoppping sending 2 faxes emphasizing other aspects on the same subject.
dent_75 said:
the letter at ISN is different from format mentioned by sankara. do we need to change and re fax. well i faxed ISN draft to IL already
here is the updated state list so far faxed at least once
List of States at least covered as a minimum to cover the base in the thread
if you don't find the state, try sending a fax to it.

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Here is another one form Rog, which looks good, think the link is not working though

Phone Calls


I called the following 39 members of the House budget Committee and left the enclosed message on their voice mails. I took me 1hr and 12 mins.

Republican & Democrat
1. Jim Nussle, IA, Chairman
2. Jim Ryun, KS
3. Ander Crenshaw, FL
4. Adam H. Putnam, FL
5. Roger F. Wicker, MS
6. Kenny C. Hulshof, MO
7. Jo Bonner, AL
8. Scott Garrett, NJ
9. J. Gresham Barrett, SC
10. Thaddeus G. McCotter, MI
11. Mario Diaz-Balart, FL
12. Jeb Hensarling, TX
13. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, FL
14. Daniel E. Lungren, CA
15. Pete Sessions, TX
16. Paul Ryan, WI
17. Michael K. Simpson, ID
18. Jeb Bradley, NH
19. Patrick T. McHenry, NC
20. Connie Mack, FL
21. K. Michael Conaway, TX
22. Chris Chocola, IN

1. John M. Spratt Jr., SC
2. Dennis Moore, KS
3. Richard E. Neal, MA
4. Rosa L. DeLauro, CT
5. Chet Edwards, TX
6. Harold E. Ford Jr., TN
7. Lois Capps, CA
8. Brian Baird, WA
9. Jim Cooper, TN
10. Artur Davis, AL
11. William J. Jefferson, LA
12. Thomas H. Allen, ME
13. Ed Case, HI
14. Cynthia McKinney, GA
15. Henry Cuellar, TX
16. Allyson Y. Schwartz, PA
17. Ron Kind, WI

"I request your support of Section 8001 in the Senate bill S 1932 which serves to increase federal government revenue by recapture of unused employment based permanent residence numbers in 2006. This senate bill had passed with great bipartisan support with a vote of 85-14. The house recently passed HR 4241 but without a similar provision. These 2 bills will be reconciled at a House / Senate Conference Committee meeting soon. I urge you to support the inclusion of Section 8001 of S 1932 in the final version to be submiited to the President

Please note that the provisions in Section 8001 would recapture unused permanent residence numbers which were already approved in past years but were not utilized due to administrative inefficiency by the former INS and now USCIS. Section 8001 benefits legal aliens who are already in the US for the past 4 - 6 years. These beneficiaries are hardworking tax payers who have already been certified by the US department of labor as highly-skilled workers who will not be displacing existing American workers in the market but meeting the need of American industry - especially the health care and IT sectors.

Support of Section 8001 is a win-win situation for all. The government benefits from increased revenue. The American industry will maintain its competitive edge. Health care sector can retain alien nurses and physicians already employed here in the US. The legal aliens in the US can gain permanent residence in a timely fashion and continue to contribute to American society.

I look for ward to your support of Section 8001 of Senate bill S 1932 at the Conference committee meeting."
any updates on SENATE committee members?

Hello everyone,

So far we know who is on the House committee. Do we know a similar list of ppl in the SENATE.

This is what i think.

1) Contacting Democrats is going to be completely USELESS. This is NOT an immigration bill, but part of a MUCH larger deficit reduction bill, which ALL Democrats JOINTLY oppose. Even if they sympathise with us, they WILL NOT vote for the passing of this bill.

2) I personally think we shud focuss on the SENATE REPUBLICAN MEMBERS. They are the ones who have had the foresight to put the immigration reforms in there in the First place.

3) I think contacting republican house members, is a double edged sword.
a) Advantage: We can inform them of these reforms.
b) Disadvantage: They may use these Immigration reforms as a Means to leverage their OWN agendas. That cud prove fatal for us. Lets say they negotiate a point saying, "we'll drop this if the senate committee drops the immigration reforms", then we are doomed.

4) We shud Wait for the final committee members to be announced and then contact members. Each one of us here shud write a PERSONALIZED letter to EACH OF the republican Senate members. Guys all this BULK FAXING, is NOT going to work. They are simply going to, either, trash that stuff Or write back with an auto-reply.

Guys pls lets EACH form our own letter and then WAIT for the final committee members to be announced.

Thoughts anyone?

it is hardly turning out bulk faxing, if you see the list of people who have participated so far is less as well as the number of states covered remain 15 out of 50.
Personalized faxes yes surley better but again being practical the response for ready faxes itself is so less then what makes us think a difficult more time consuming task like a personalized fax would get us better participation.

with the concept of something better than nothing. at this point generic faxes even if some are going to DEMOCRATS, even if you get 1-2 Dems in the favor by that it can make all the difference.

once we have clearly the comitee member then personalised ones are more significant.

also no paralysis by analysis theory we keep drafting / modifying with the faxes by tuning/ tweaking but nothing is sent out even after weeks is surley not desirable either.

nozdam said:
Hello everyone,

So far we know who is on the House committee. Do we know a similar list of ppl in the SENATE.

This is what i think.

1) Contacting Democrats is going to be completely USELESS. This is NOT an immigration bill, but part of a MUCH larger deficit reduction bill, which ALL Democrats JOINTLY oppose. Even if they sympathise with us, they WILL NOT vote for the passing of this bill.

2) I personally think we shud focuss on the SENATE REPUBLICAN MEMBERS. They are the ones who have had the foresight to put the immigration reforms in there in the First place.

3) I think contacting republican house members, is a double edged sword.
a) Advantage: We can inform them of these reforms.
b) Disadvantage: They may use these Immigration reforms as a Means to leverage their OWN agendas. That cud prove fatal for us. Lets say they negotiate a point saying, "we'll drop this if the senate committee drops the immigration reforms", then we are doomed.

4) We shud Wait for the final committee members to be announced and then contact members. Each one of us here shud write a PERSONALIZED letter to EACH OF the republican Senate members. Guys all this BULK FAXING, is NOT going to work. They are simply going to, either, trash that stuff Or write back with an auto-reply.

Guys pls lets EACH form our own letter and then WAIT for the final committee members to be announced.

Thoughts anyone?
the vote

Nato remember the Vote of 217-215. If it wasnt for the 2 ABSENT democrats, hr4241 wud have been history. Not a SINGLE Democrat voted for thr bill, whereas 14 republicans voted against it.

I am not saying that democrats are anti immigration. All i am saying is they are opposed to this bill. I mean if writing to them all is gonna help then by all means. All i am saying is, that immigration reforms just might be an agenda between republicans. The immigration reforms may not even get to the Democrat stage. It may just be a weapon of leverage between senate and house repubs

I am in favor of some action rather than no action, and making it easy for people to do so. Any approach on those lines from you is surely welcome, keeping in mind that the faxes from machine to person easily can be a week with their schedules, with that something in their inboxes is better, till the time the comittee is formed and it works faster on it we may not really be left with time.

on the 2 missing dem votes(they showed NV) making the win, I agree as I watched the proceeding live.

the 2nd scenario is we keep this process on and prepare other one suggested by you in parallel too as there is no holdup for sending the 2nd set of faxes by us anyway to a more focussed group of REPS.
nozdam said:
Nato remember the Vote of 217-215. If it wasnt for the 2 ABSENT democrats, hr4241 wud have been history. Not a SINGLE Democrat voted for thr bill, whereas 14 republicans voted against it.

I am not saying that democrats are anti immigration. All i am saying is they are opposed to this bill. I mean if writing to them all is gonna help then by all means. All i am saying is, that immigration reforms just might be an agenda between republicans. The immigration reforms may not even get to the Democrat stage. It may just be a weapon of leverage between senate and house repubs
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Nato imagine this scenario.

100 ppl keep faxing the SAME exact letters from Dont u think that it kinda loses it's edge and becomes more like a "spamming" issue? Dont you agree that targetted stuff is better?
Sure I do agree, but where is the 100

see even with my multiple threads how many much we have got so far in this pursuit not even an average of 2-3 faxes yet for each state, the senators, congressman are even further not reached till the state is choosen by someone to send the fax.

pool forward what your action plan is and lets work on that too in parallel as well
nozdam said:
Nato imagine this scenario.

100 ppl keep faxing the SAME exact letters from Dont u think that it kinda loses it's edge and becomes more like a "spamming" issue? Dont you agree that targetted stuff is better?


1) Find out BOTH committee members
2) Write/Call/Fax each one personalized letters. By personalized i dont mean changing the letter for each senator/congress person. By personalizing i mean Each one of us comes up with a different format.
3) Send it individually, NOT from a Bulk Fax sender. Just use snail mail. I have heard snail mail and phone calls work the best.

Ok i guess it's ok to ask Democrats for help too, on this issue, i just dont think they are gonna be able to provide any. But like you said No harm in asking.

On the Republican side, i think we Definetely shud focuss more on the Senate committee, unless we are VERY sure that the congressman is PRO-immigration.

What say?

The members I believe aren't finalised yet, fax is a better option than snail mail(though effective) due to the time. Again as I said implementation is the probelm, I have fax at home and there may be some other folks too, for the purpose of personalizing would suggest put up a format which comes to your mind. we have one other format in this thread whcih can be personalised too.
Ravi kota at ISN hasn't yet uploaded that too, you may want to send a PM to him too to check if he can provide a way that we can personalize the fax for a free fax else what are the alternatives
nozdam said:

1) Find out BOTH committee members
2) Write/Call/Fax each one personalized letters. By personalized i dont mean changing the letter for each senator/congress person. By personalizing i mean Each one of us comes up with a different format.
3) Send it individually, NOT from a Bulk Fax sender. Just use snail mail. I have heard snail mail and phone calls work the best.

Ok i guess it's ok to ask Democrats for help too, on this issue, i just dont think they are gonna be able to provide any. But like you said No harm in asking.

On the Republican side, i think we Definetely shud focuss more on the Senate committee, unless we are VERY sure that the congressman is PRO-immigration.

What say?
here is the updated state list so far faxed at least once
List of States at least covered as a minimum to cover the base in the thread
if you don't find the state, try sending a fax to it.


Still quite a few states left out, anyone out there from the left out states