November - Visa Revalidation Tracking

check cashed date

Since DC is not providing any information regarding the revalidation of HI Visa, why dont we add Check Encashed date. This will give us an approx. DC date.

ppguy's info
SL date = 12/01/2004
Check cashed = 12/17/2004

in my case
SL date = 1/7/2004
Check cashed = 1/12/2004

By looking at the above date's, i can say that St. Louis had started work on my application within 5 days and in case of ppguy it took 16 days.
As far as i know, our applications should be registered as soon as our Checks are encashed.
If you can please call you bank and post your check cashed date, it will help the people who applied after you.

Your help will be greately appriciated.
thanks in advance.


Recieved my PP today and everything looks ok, no typos. I have already booked my tickets today and am flying on 3rd march.


One more thing which i noticed was my banker's checks are still not encashed, last i found was on friday 2/26 in the bank.

thankyou all for the help and best to rest :)

Received PP

I received my PP today
SL Data: 24th Nov 2003
DC Data: don't know
Approved: 26th Feb 2004
Received: 1st March 2004

Thank you all for the support. This thread was
very helpfull.
Did any one you use USPS. I had called DC Office on 2/24 and they had told me that my PP was in the printQ and so far there is no signs of it. I am tracking based on the USPS Tracking number and its still not in the system. I have to travel this weekend, thus getting worried now. My SL Date was 11/20.
SL Date: 28th Nov 2003
DC Date: don't know
FedEx Pickup: 2:46Pm on 1st March 2004
Hopefully receive it tomorrow.

Thank you all for the support. This thread was
very helpfull.
This place had been extremely good in providing the status on re-validations.

My St.Louis date is 11/05/2003
My P/P was sent back on Feb 5th for additional documents under 221g for a new photograph & employer letter.

I believe the P/P sent for 221g is taking about 2 weeks to be stamped.

Thanks again for all the postings in this forum.
Revalidation Query


My visa expired on Nov 4th, 2003 and I have a I-797 valid till Nov 12, 2004 for a New Employer (I changed my job). Can I apply for Visa revalidation at the US Department of State/Visa office?

In Print Q

Hi Mine approved on 26th Feb. I am waiting for Passport. I sent by USPS.

Any one got USPS mails.

PP recd...

Hi all,
I recd my PP today. Eveything is in order


SL dt: 11/24/03
DC dt: 12/12/03
Approval dt: 02/24/04
Dispatch dt: 03/01/04
Rcvd dt: 03/02/04

Hope it helps


updated list
rajeshsfo->2nd Nov---->xxxxxxxx ---->XXXX----> 2/13/04
arkm------>3nd Nov---->xxxxxxxx----->Sing----> 2/16/04
MNo ----->2nd Nov----->xxxxxxx ----->MARR----> 6th-Feb (en route fedex)
Nav ----->3rd Nov----->4th Dec ----->XXXX----> 6th-Feb
katman -->3rd Nov----->xxxxxxx------>XXXX----> recd
vj20------>3rdNov------->xxxxxxx---->xxxx----> 12th feb
nsk77 --->4th Nov----->24th Nov----->XXXX----> 5th-Feb
farooq78->4th Nov---->8th Dec------->XXXX----> 11th-Feb (en route)
sk2002sk ->4th Nov----> 4th Dec ---->MARR----> Feb 16
YAV---------->4TH NOV---->8THDEC---->MARR----> 21st-Feb
calva------->4th nov--->xxxxxxxx---->marr----> 23rd-Feb
Ramyamj ->5th Nov----->3rd Dec ----->XXXX----> 6th-Feb
aayukath->7th Nov----->xxxxxxxx----->XXXX----> 5th-Feb (en route fedex)
cool_stuff79->7thNOV-->xxxxx-------->xxxxx---> 9th FEB
aakarsh--->7th Nov---->8th Dec------>XXXX----> 2/27
valabor-->9th NOV----->xxxx--------->xxxxx---> 9th FEB
kunalb --->10th Nov---->3rd Dec----->XXXX----> 18th feb
pashwin ->10th Nov---->25th Nov----->XXXX----> 9th-Feb
Parthasas->10th Nov---->1 Dec ------>XXXX----> 13th feb
kris1975-->10th Nov---->xxxxxxxx---->XXXX----> 13th Feb (fedex pickup)
auslaender--->Nov 10th---->xxxxx---->xxxxx---> Feb 13th (en route)
cuckoo76-->10th Nov---->8th Dec----->XXXX------> 2/25
auslaender--->Nov 10th---->xxxxx---->xxxxx---> Feb 17th
nviren --->12th Nov---->xxxxxxxx---->MARR----> 16th Feb
vcgc ---->12th Nov---->XXXXXXX------>MARR----> 10th-Feb
Profres--->14th Nov---->xxxxxxxx --->XXXX----> 20th-Feb (PrintQ)
tha ------>14th Nov---->xxxxxxxx---->MARR----> 13th-Feb
Prasadpd--->14th Nov---->xxxxxxxx -->XXXX----> 24thfeb (enroute)
Ash04---->19th Nov---->xxxxxxxx----->XXXX----> 2/26
Babji_nadh->19thnov-->11th dec------>xxxx------> print q
raju_dv -->20th Nov---->xxxxxxxx---->XXXX----> 24th-Feb (PrintQ)
daroori------>Nov 24--->NotSure----->Single--> 3/1
Shoba---->26th Nov---->xxxxxxxxx---->XXXX----> 6th-Feb
mnhrdc--> 20th Nov ---->xxxxxxxx---->Marrie----> 2/26
VijayAkash 24th Nov----> 12th Dec--->MARR-----> 3/2
prasannatummala-25th nov->xxxx------>xxxx------> 3/1
Prabca ->26th NOv---> xxxxxx ------->xxxxx-----> 3/1
krs100200->28th Nov---->xxxxxxxx----->XXXX------> 3/1

Pending List:
Name------->SL Recv ------>DC Recv->Single/Married-> Status

arzootech->6th Nov----> 31 Dec----->XXXX------> Pending
Nilesh --->18th Nov---->10th Dec---->XXXX------> Pending
tj_jayson->26th Nov---->12th Dec---->XXXX------> Pending
Sigh....I finally got mine PP stamped. Everything looks fine....
Thanks for this was very very useful.

Once again my details...
SL Date -- 20-Nov-2003
DC Date -- Dont Know
Approval Dt -- 24-Feb-2004
Issue Date -- 27-Feb-2004 (On VISA)
Received Date -- 02-Mar-2004
Marital Status -- Married
Hey guys
I got the revalidation along with Wife H4
the best part is H4 Visa approval date is prior to H1 Visa date,
once again details
SL Date 25th Nov
DC date not known
Approval Date 1st March
Receipt Date 3rd March
i gotch it!

HI Finally I gotvh it yester day .

SL Date -- 19-Nov-2003
DC Date -- 11-dec-2003
Issue Date -- 26-Feb-2004 (On VISA)
Received Date -- 02-Mar-2004
Marital Status -- Single.

Thanks all.
This is THE BEST place .

only nilesh and jayson are remaining, ( off couse they could have already received their PP's )
we can close this thread , i believe
Any body with return USPS express mail

My SL date is 11/29.
When I called today DC people,told mePPwere were sent on 03/01.
When I am tracking with No. it was not picked up so far(03/03).
Any body similarily ?and recieved PPs?
I got PP .!!!USPS delivery -Priority mail

HI All.

SL Date -- 26-Nov-2003
DC Date -- 12-dec-2003
Issue Date -- 28-Feb-2004 (On VISA)
Received Date -- 03-Mar-2004
Marital Status -- Married.
Delivery USPS

This thread was very helpful.

Thanks all.