November Mailer

I got in receipt Dec 2001

Type : EB2 - RIR
MD : 11/4/2001
RD : 12/04/2001
ND : 12/06/2001

I don\'t know how it could be possible the MD and RD difference was 30 days. For my knowledge it could be 5-6 business days gap. Meaning it supposed to be 11/10/2001 or 11/11/2001..etc...,but NOT 12/4/2001.
Any one know why it was?
all the people in the Oct got there receipt in Nov

and looking at the people mailed in April, it was usually two month
difference for them !!!!

Either mail room contractor problem or something like that will make
your packet sitting in the mail room for months before they put
the data in the system(where the ND comes from).

hope that answer your question
Anyone waiting for receipt with mail date of 10/24 or earlier?

It looks like CSC has picked up and is issuing receipts - kewl!

I was wondering if anyone else is waiting for a receipt with a mail date in OCT... looks like I\'m the only one and I guess I\'ll have to go bug the lawyers agin.

One month difference between MD, RD...


When INS receives your application, in the mail room they open the packet and store PostMark along with it (due to mail room delays). Because of any reason if they loose your PostMark or if there is no post mark etc. then they put RD based on when they actually started data entry on your application. In the past it did happend to several people.

- PCee
No Title


Talk to your lawyer, You should get your receipts long back.


During economy boom time there was more H1 petitions applied due to that INS hired lot of people( also increased the H1 Fee ). Now due to slow down in the economy and complete stop on H1 petitions INS might have assigned those people who involved in H1 processing to other department. That could be the reason for this kind of fast response from INS
Fast response!!!!


Fast response!!!! (I wish it is true). May be you are talking about receipts, but note that data entry is done by contractors in the mail room. It use to take app. a week time before April 2001 (before the flood of 245i applications). Probably INS is getting back to normal now w.r.t. mail room delays.

But from I-485 processing point of view INS CSC is going backwards. Around the first quarter of 2001 people got their AOS done within 4 to 6 months time now app. 60% April mailers are still waiting for their approvals (more than 8 months).

- PCee
Please add details to your list

Type : EB3
MD : 11/07/2001
RD : 11/08/2001
ND : 11/21/2001
FP Notice Received Date - 12/28/01
FP Scheduled Date - 01/29/01
Is it possible to go early for FP (San Francisco)
deeps0 got FP Scheduled Date

Hi Deeps0,
You got FP schedule Date... Thats great...

But, what about others, I see only you getting FP for Nomvember Mailer, not even October Mailers(San Jose and SFO areas) have got FP.
No Title


RD: Nov1 2001
ND: Nov 21,2001

I recd my fingerprinting notice and it is in SFO. Can i do it in a different State.

How come you got your FP notice so soon????

My PD is 12/18/2000 and I485 ND is 11/27/01. Just wondering what is the logic in getting the FP so quickly. Have you been talking to a IIO?
Can you share your experience please? Thanks
No Title

hari reddy,

For tracking purpose, what is your WAC#, FP Scheduled date? Did you appply in CSC?

FP Done please update

Type : EB3
RD : 11/08/2001
ND : 11/21/2001
FP Notice Received Date - 12/28/01
FP Scheduled Date - 01/29/01
FP completed Date - 01/02/01 (San Francisco)