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Not married


New Member
Hey there,

I would like to apply for DV2007, but have just one question:

I'm from Belgium, and in relationship for over 6 years with a woman, and we own a house together and all, but we are not married.
Now, if we both apply, filling in marital status "unmarried", and only one of us hits the jackpot. can we still get married and recieve a green card for both of us, or does one need to be married before applying for that ?

Or even better, is there a way to avoid marriage entirely, not that it is not sincere love or anything, i'm just not to fond of sealing a relationship with a contract.

Thanks in advance,

DV_EU_WIN said:

However, if you decide not to get married: The person that did not win can still go to the US with a Fiance visa, but with this visa you're not allowed to work. This person can than later start to work when you get married (or wins the green card later, or gets another Visa e.g. H1)

I am pretty sure that this is not a correct statement. The fiance visa is only available if the other party is a US Citzen. In this case the other party is only a green card holder and cannot sponsor the fiances visa or cannot sponsor the person for a green card. If they get married after the first person gets the green card , then the spouse with the green card can sponsor the other for a green card. However that will take years .

If you are selected on the lottery and are serious about coming to the US, it is very important that you get married before you are granted the green card.

User12345 is right. If only one of you gets a GC, and you will marry later, you will be able to bring your spouse to the US 5-6 years later.