Non RIR Discussion Only !

From Oh Law Firm

03/03/2007: Seven Months to Eliminate Backlog Labor Certification Cases

The OFDC has only seven months to finish all the backlog cases in Dallas and Philadelphia BECS by September 30, 2007. It is indeed a short time to finish up the remaining cases.

Currently, OFDC is hoping to eliminate a substantial TR cases in the form of RIR conversion with the deadline of RIR packet filing by 04/01/2007. It thus appears that the Dallas and Philadelphia BECs will accelerate the processing of all the remaining RIR cases and the final TR cases between April and June 2007, and the rest of the fiscal year from July through September 2007 may focus on processing of those cases which they fail to finish up because of NOF or Request for Reconsideration or Appeal. Accordingly, there will be a flurry of the BECs supervised recruitment activities between April and June 2007. This probably is consistent with the close-down of American Job Bank in June 2007.

It is unknown how the field offices of OFDC will be reshaped after September 30, 2007 as the field offices must still process nonimmigrant labor certification applications and labor attestations cases. Since these two BECs may have to be closed down, it is anticipated that there will be some type of readjustment in field operation structures and functions OFDC after September 30, 2007.
Anyone receive approval recently after submitting recruitment report

I sent mine on Feb 15th 2007 and still don't see any change on Online BEC status check. Any of you got the approval recently?
Lawyer called today as he received the RI. He told me it will be 3-4 months from now ( maybe 2 if really lucky ) to be done with LC altogether. I hope he is overstating as it sounds like a really long time to do recruting. Any EB3 TR out there that knows how long it will take from RI to certification?
non-RIR ad posted in AJB

My non-RIR ad posted on AJB today.
PD : Oct 2003 Non RIR-EB2
State : California, DBEC
AJB Posted : 03/06/2007
RI Received : Not yet
Online Status : In Process
Perm Conversion applied on 12/28/06
Perm Status: In process
My non-RIR ad posted on AJB today.
PD : Oct 2003 Non RIR-EB2
State : California, DBEC
AJB Posted : 03/06/2007
RI Received : Not yet
Online Status : In Process
Perm Conversion applied on 12/28/06
Perm Status: In process

Hello there,

Did you say you applied for conversion of your old case to PERM? Since you got the Recruitment Instructions now, what will happen to the PERM conversion case?

I am in the same boat, please let me know if you come across any resolution.

My cert got approved today

Finally my day comes... online status was changed to 'CERTIFIED' from 'IN PROCESS' this afternoon.
max about 3 months...

Lawyer called today as he received the RI. He told me it will be 3-4 months from now ( maybe 2 if really lucky ) to be done with LC altogether. I hope he is overstating as it sounds like a really long time to do recruting. Any EB3 TR out there that knows how long it will take from RI to certification?

...that is if your lawyer is proactive and calls the BEC officer in charge of your case 10 days after the recruitment period is over to ask if you can go ahead and file the recruitment report instead of sitting and waiting for BEC to mail it out to him/her! This period is what has bitten a lot of people...
for some folks it has taken like 1 month just to recive the go ahead to file the rec. report which is an unnecessary waiting time if no resumes were rcvd after all the advertising that was done.

see my siggy for details on my case hsitory.

good luck
you are the lucky one ..... I replied about a week after you but no response yet... I think they just stopped or really slowed down on certifications.

...that is if your lawyer is proactive and calls the BEC officer in charge of your case 10 days after the recruitment period is over to ask if you can go ahead and file the recruitment report instead of sitting and waiting for BEC to mail it out to him/her! This period is what has bitten a lot of people...
for some folks it has taken like 1 month just to recive the go ahead to file the rec. report which is an unnecessary waiting time if no resumes were rcvd after all the advertising that was done.

see my siggy for details on my case hsitory.

good luck
No Progress

you are the lucky one ..... I replied about a week after you but no response yet... I think they just stopped or really slowed down on certifications.

Well, in my case, since the attorneys haven't recieved any response from PBEC, they are yet to file the Recruitment Report.

Saw Job on AJB

Today, I saw my job posted on AJB. Yet no information from Lawyer's office about RI. Glad to see some progress after sooooooooo manyyyyyyyy yearsssss.Saw Job on AJB
I have done my report back to 2004 before my case was transferred to the Backblock center. So no hiring ativities are needed now.

Hey mrdingo,

Did you say you completed the supervised recruitment and your Labor has moved to Federal labor from where it is transfered to BEC. Mine is the same case. My supervised recruitment was completed in 2004' December. But my job is posted in the site. It is posted on 12/16/2006 and still showing up(2.5 months :( )
Was your job posted in the website

My ever so lazy lawyer called me yesterday and told me that my labor certification RI have arrived. I made the mistake of telling him that I have a PERM approved. He then proceeded to tell me that then tere is no point in pursuing this labor as it will be very costlly and time consuming. You see that law firm way back in 2000 used to immigration cases. Now they are not doing that anymore, literally I am the only immigration case they have since they took it. So maybe he wanted to stay away from it. Anways, he said the my company has to put 3 newspaper adds and and the text has to ber exactlly whats posted on Americas job bank. I saw my ad, it was posted on FEb 27, 2007. I did a query on one of the requirments for the job, and only 1 shoed up. In all of Texas only 4 showed up. In all of US 25 showed up.

So here is what I am trying to understand. Suppose the America Job bank ad that DOL has put under Team Exceed, if the ad says, java .... but also some 3rd party tools. Does the person who is applying for the job, has to meet all requiremtns on the description or just because he has java and no experience on other 3rd party tools will be sufficient...

About how long will this whole process take. I have hear anywhere from couple of months to 5 months.

Please elobroate.

Hey mrdingo,

Did you say you completed the supervised recruitment and your Labor has moved to Federal labor from where it is transfered to BEC. Mine is the same case. My supervised recruitment was completed in 2004' December. But my job is posted in the site. It is posted on 12/16/2006 and still showing up(2.5 months :( )
Was your job posted in the website

How did you check your ads at jobsearch. I never checked mine. If you show me how, I can check mine for you.

Yes, you are right. I completed my supervised recruitment and my case moved to Federal office in year 2004.
RIR conversion and certification

Just wanted to let you know that my LC status online shows Certified as of yesterday . After 4years and 8 months

My details:

PD: 07/2002
Never made to regional
45-day letter : 04/2006
Replied 10 days later
RIR conversion filed on : 02/12/2007
Status changed from TR to RIR on : 02/26/2007
Online status show as certified on: 03/06/2007

Thanks for the advice, info, comments - it helped me keep my hopes alive for the past years. A few colleagues also have recieved their approvals along with mine but with PD in 2003 and 2004.

longtime_wait - over