Non RIR Discussion Only !

You can type in your first few digits of your case number with "*" in the keyword field, and type in zip code of your case, then you can narrow down to the jobs that were posted by Team Exteed in your area.

How do you check if your job is posted on ABJ. I can get all the jobs posted by TeamExceed to show up, but there is 666 pages of it. Is there an easier way to check for your job?

PD: Feb 2004
How do you check if your job is posted on ABJ. I can get all the jobs posted by TeamExceed to show up, but there is 666 pages of it. Is there an easier way to check for your job?

PD: Feb 2004

on job search go by company id, partial match and enter your id without the dashes . something like 051371313
Thank you. I just checked on and my job is not posted yet. But there is one posted with PD later than mine I think. My case number starts with D-05193, the job posted has D-05195, does this mean the job posted has a later PD than mine.
Does this mean DBEC is not following any particular order?

PD: Feb 2004
My lawyer did not wait to receive this. He just sent out the recruitment report after 60 days. He did that for a few other employees as well. Some have already received their certifications.

Has anybody from Dallas BEC received the Recruitment Report Instructions(RRI) recently. I know a bunch of folks from PBEC have gotten it or submiited the report without getting RRI, is there anybody from DBEC like that?
Recruitment Report

Received recruitment report from DBEC.

User Name: slk5
SWA: Wisconsin
EB3 - Regular/Traditional
PD - 25-FEB-02
45 Day Letter received: 14-Feb-06
ETA#: D-05139-XXXXX
Recruitment Instructions: 18-Dec-06
Recruitment Report: 23-Feb-07
size and format of the ad

Hi Friends,
How should be the format of the ad be like? Can it be a few lines instead of detailed line by line telling the requirements?
What should be the minimum size of the ad that we can use? Can somebody who went through this please let me know?

thanks a lot!

I am in the same boat. Mine was submitted 02/02/2007 and it shows 'In Progress' as of today.

is your case id in ending in KJo...I was going through the ajb site postings and found that many of the IT related jobs for NJ had case ids ending with Kjo..which it seems is the person to whom the case is assigned.

if anyone else reads the message and is from nj and could check their posted ads we could track if any cases assigned to this indvidual "Kjo" is getting approved and how much time is it taking for this person to approve a case.

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Hello All,

If labor cleared and I-140 approved, can that person carry the priority date to the next employer?. Does he need to wait for 180 days upon approval of I-140 to port the date?. My attorney says we can port the date to next employer upon approval of I-140. Is that true?. Please let me know. I need help on this.

is your case id in ending in KJo...I was going through the ajb site postings and found that many of the IT related jobs for NJ had case ids ending with Kjo..which it seems is the person to whom the case is assigned.

if anyone else reads the message and is from nj and could check their posted ads we could track if any cases assigned to this indvidual "Kjo" is getting approved and how much time is it taking for this person to approve a case.


My case number ends with KFo.
Hello All,

If labor cleared and I-140 approved, can that person carry the priority date to the next employer?. Does he need to wait for 180 days upon approval of I-140 to port the date?. My attorney says we can port the date to next employer upon approval of I-140. Is that true?. Please let me know. I need help on this.

Why don’t you trust your lawyer? Has anyone said it is not true?

I wish I could trust him, but he is not trustworthy person. So I thought of getting the second opinion. Because, I am in the verge of changing the employer. I do not want to lose my PD.

Please let me know if anybody has done that before.


Why don’t you trust your lawyer? Has anyone said it is not true?
Well, let’s trust the regulation. The 8 C.F.R. § 204.5(e) state:
A petition approved on behalf of an alien under sections 203(b)(1), (2), or (3) of the Act accords the alien the priority date of the approved petition for any subsequently filed petition for any classification under sections 203(b)(1), (2), or (3) of the Act for which the alien may qualify. In the event that the alien is the beneficiary of multiple petitions under sections 203(b)(1), (2), or (3) of the Act, the alien shall be entitled to the earliest priority date. A petition revoked under sections 204(e) or 205 of the Act will not confer a priority date, nor will any priority date be established as a result of a denied petition. A priority date is not transferable to another alien.

(Emphasis added).
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Hello Immiq,

Thanks for the clarification. I wanted make sure if that can be done. Because as you know we are in this BEC mess, we all are suffering, so I do not want to lose the Priority date. I really appreciate your help.


Well, let’s trust the regulation. The 8 C.F.R. § 204.5(e) state:
A petition approved on behalf of an alien under sections 203(b)(1), (2), or (3) of the Act accords the alien the priority date of the approved petition for any subsequently filed petition for any classification under sections 203(b)(1), (2), or (3) of the Act for which the alien may qualify. In the event that the alien is the beneficiary of multiple petitions under sections 203(b)(1), (2), or (3) of the Act, the alien shall be entitled to the earliest priority date. A petition revoked under sections 204(e) or 205 of the Act will not confer a priority date, nor will any priority date be established as a result of a denied petition. A priority date is not transferable to another alien.

(Emphasis added).
Your lawyer said it correctly as long as an approved I-140 will not be revoked. Why don’t you study the Reg, by the way?
I am seeing my job advertisement since 12/06...its been more than 2 months..In my case, the supervised recruitment was already done on Dec'2004 and sent to then moved to BEC. When my job was posted in the AJB site, my lawyer sent an email saying that the Supervised recruitment is already done. They have not yet got any reply from the BEC...damn frustrating..
How long to get recruitment instructions

Hi Folks,

Does any body has any idea how long is it taking to get RI once ur job is listed on My job was listed on feb 23, 2007 and I am anxiously waiting to get the RIs.

TR People with AJB posting Update

This is a call to all TR people whose cases are still stuck in BEC. If you saw your case was posted on the AJB, or if you received Recr Instr, please post in this forum. I am working on adding one more column in the Forum Member Tracker to track this RI received date (or AJB posted date) to help TR people to see the trend.

Thank you.
This is a call to all TR people whose cases are still stuck in BEC. If you saw your case was posted on the AJB, or if you received Recr Instr, please post in this forum. I am working on adding one more column in the Forum Member Tracker to track this RI received date (or AJB posted date) to help TR people to see the trend.

Thank you.

RIR conversion email received on 2/27/07(!) after calling PBEC. The status still shows TR online, however they stated over the phone that it is RIR in their system.