no message change after FP


Registered Users (C)

Me and my spouse gave FP on 03/25/2005.
LUD changed 4 times, 03/25/2005, 03/28/2005, 04/07/2005 and 04/08/2005
but no message change.

Not even FP results received/case resumed, But FBI sent the results same day. So many people got message that FP result received and case resumed (who gave FP after my FP date).

I dont know what is going on with my case, I am little worried. :(


Please share..

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Early Fingerprint

We had early finger print on March 31, but so far no email, no LUD. Actually, this time we received Finger print notice from local INS office. So I don't know what is going on? How long do I need to wait to hear from them?

RD 08/07/2003
TD 05/18/2004 Atlanta
FP2 03/31/2005
at the same boat.
FP on 03/24/05
LUD 04/08/o5
No change in status

mka2005 said:

Me and my spouse gave FP on 03/25/2005.
LUD changed 4 times, 03/25/2005, 03/28/2005, 04/07/2005 and 04/08/2005
but no message change.

Not even FP results received/case resumed, But FBI sent the results same day. So many people got message that FP result received and case resumed (who gave FP after my FP date).

I dont know what is going on with my case, I am little worried. :(


Please share..


I got emails from USCIS noticing that my FP result was received yesterday and my 485 case has resumed. It takes 9 days to get FP results back after FP was done on 4/4/05.

Good luck!
mqj73 said:
I got emails from USCIS noticing that my FP result was received yesterday and my 485 case has resumed. It takes 9 days to get FP results back after FP was done on 4/4/05.

Good luck!

Could you please post your case details like pd/catagory/ country... thanks
NIW case at VSC

NIW 140 ND 3/29/04 AD 4/4/05
FP 4/4/05 LUDs 4/4, 4/5 (no message change), and 4/14/05 (FP results received)
485 ND 5/17/04 AD????
PR China
what it means by FP Results Rcvd?

Folks, could some one calrify my question?

what it means by FP results were Received?does it means FBI Name check also completed?

no change here either

Me and my husband did our second FP on 03/15/05 and so far no change in our online case stauts. I've heard sometimes you can get approval approx 30-60 days after 2FP without getting any change in message, just the magic letter in the mail! We hope to get it soon; it's been too much time and too much anxiety already!
Good Luck!
Message updated on my case, not for my husbad who is primary

EB2 - Self petition - VSC

FP done on 04/07
LUD changed for both me and my husband on 04/07 and also on 04/08. No message updates.

Again LUD changed for both on 04/15 with no message updates.

On 04/18, LUD changed and my case status message changed saying 'received FP and process has been resumed". But no LUD and message updates on my husband's.

Anyone on the same boat. Please give your comments.
EB2- self - VSC
I140/I485 - RD -Jul,04
I140 AD - Jan 21, 05
FP ND - Feb 22, 05
FP Done - Apr, 05
FP LUD changes - 04/07,04/08,04/15,04/18 (Message updated)
My husband- 04/07,04/08,04/15 (No message updates)

I485 ???

Any suggestions please. Why no message update after FP for my husband? My case message updated .

here it is..

My details:

H1B: 8th Year extension
Original LC- non concurrent
EB3/India/Labor PD:Nov-1999
I-140 AD : Jun-2000
I-485/AP/EAD ND : Oct-2004
EAD/AP AD : Dec-2004
FP-code3 Done : 3/25/2005
On I-485 LUD changed 4 times, 03/25/2005, 03/28/2005, 04/07/2005 and 04/08/2005
but no message change. :eek:

I-485 AD : ?????

i am in the same boat...msg changed for my wife after fp, but not for me (primary)...i called the 1800-crap, and the officer said that this was routine, no big deal...he also checked and confirmed that they did receive my fp just don't worry, this is how uscis works :)
No LUD change for me

Me and my wife did FP on 04/14/ at Newark, NJ. My wife's message changed today, but not mine. Which number do I have to call?


longer time to get FP results for males?

Hi All,

I am in the same situation: Wife's FP results received a ccouple of days ago, my message still not updated.
Could it be that it takes longer for males because they do more for the background check?

NO I don't think it is a male or female thing at all. Is just that with the INS you never know. Some people get thing faster than others. Me and my husband did our 2FP 3/15/05 we had a LUD 4/7/05 but no case status change or message or email. Is more than a month already and nothing... I know the anxiety is terrible and the wait (since the beginning) unbearable...but what else can we do than wait?
Good Luck, and keep us posted when you get something.
mvusa said:
NO I don't think it is a male or female thing at all. Is just that with the INS you never know. Some people get thing faster than others. Me and my husband did our 2FP 3/15/05 we had a LUD 4/7/05 but no case status change or message or email. Is more than a month already and nothing... I know the anxiety is terrible and the wait (since the beginning) unbearable...but what else can we do than wait?
Good Luck, and keep us posted when you get something.

Thanks, I will post it if anything happens....
Did you call FBI for your case?