No improvement at all.


Registered Users (C)

We have run out of ways to make TSC move forward. There seems no improvement of I-485. Some of forks expected several special dates to see flood of approvals, but it didn't happened. I have seen very few of cases got approved since the beginning of this year. I guess TSC might be on strike for I-485. Don't know what is TSC's purpose? And don't know when TSC is awaked?

Movement comparison:

Collect actions taken

If folks in this forum start listing all the actions they have done then we can see if we have done enough and/or what else needs to be done
Here is a suggested format

Action Taken Response
1) Wrote to xxx Senator xxx Response
2) Emailed xxx Congressman xxx Response
3) Contacted local newspaper xxx Response

Like you said nothing has moved in TSC and all the dates and excuses have passed by. We have to do something about this situation.
If TSC say we have lot of security issues, background checks and other issues to process the applications than No Congressman take responsibility even we write 1000 of letters.
Every body covers their Ass.

This is what happening
Sorry to say
04/17/2003: BCIS Priority of Security Over Adjudications of Immigration Benefits Applications

Since September 2002, the defunct INS and the current BCIS have placed the highest priority on security issues and adjudication of benefit applications have remained a backburner. As the immigration statistics and the field offices, including Service Centers, processing times reports reflect, the victims who have been suffering most from such priority are the green card (I-485) applicants. Until November 2002, I-485 adjudications had been completely on hold pending IBIS and security clearance policy determination and the call-in special registration of certain nationals of Middle Eastern and Arab countries. Along with the expansion of call-in Special Registration program to increased number of countries, adjudication resources have been exhausted for the so-called NSEERS task. Besides, the defunct INS adopted a new procedure that all the nonimmigrant and immigrant benefit applications will not be adjudicated unless they get the proof of applicant's completion of special registration. Unconfirmed sources indicate that the same policy and procedure are currently in place for I-485 adjudications at the Service Centers and that pending expiration of the on-going call-in special registration for Group IV on April 25, 2003, the practical freeze on I-485 adjudications may continue at the Service Centers.
Now it appears that wind is shifting to a slightly different direction in that the war in Iraq has been winding down and the terrorism alert has just been lowered one level. Additionally, the call-in special registration will end on April 25, 2003, at least for a while, and Service Centers will have a complete access to the special registration information on all the applicants. There is some indication that the I-485 adjudications may start picking up the speed beginning from next month, May 2003. It indeed has been painful and frustrating six months for the I-485 filers, especially EB-485 filers, and we ask all of these filers to cross their fingers for the upcoming changes!

some hope.

Courtesy, Breaking news section
How about other centers? It didn’t apply to them?
Why only to TSC everything

just bugging me.
I know it is frustration to every one
Have faith

I am very hopefull that by having faith and by our actions by writing to congressmen, senator etc, very soon we will see result. I myself have setup a goal that I should get my approval by May 4th, 2003. ND: 8/15/2001, fp: 2/3/2003
If they say they don't have funds, why don't we fund them thru our lawyers or say Rajiv Khanna or Murhty instead of writing petitions to congressmen or senators for funds from the government, I'm ready to give my one day salary. On an average $100 per application, if 40,000 485 applicantions pending in TSC it will be 4 million dollars, it is 30% more than what gov has allocated for all the service centers.
Just a thought, out of frustration ofcourse.
If they say they don't have funds, why don't we fund them thru our lawyers or say Rajiv Khanna or Murhty instead of writing petitions to congressmen or senators for funds from the government, I'm ready to give my one day salary. On an average $100 per application, if 40,000 485 applicantions pending in TSC it will be 4 million dollars, it is 30% more than what gov has allocated for all the service centers.
Just a thought, out of frustration ofcourse.
sm18, that's exactly how i feel. I am actually ready to pay whatever it would cost me to get my 2nd and 3rd EAD (and AP) upfront.
How many of us here are applying for their 2nd and 3rd EADs? 90%? If we are promisd that our 485 is approved with in a year (and we don't have to apply for EAD or AP renewals), I am sure every one would go for it ...
Just a thought... :)

You are correct in saying that if TSC is giving excuses like security checks etc. How come other service centers (NSC and VSC) are still approving cases and that all the other three centers are one year ahead of TSC in approval timelines.

If TSC were not to process I-485’s at all these are some of the actions that we can take
1) Contacting TSC – We know what they will say (not enough people)
2) Contact media to voice our problems – Given the current situations where general public are not pro-immigrant (lots of Americans are jobless so why should they give visas to foreigners) so I am not sure if the media will respond to our requests.
3) Law suit against TSC that they are behind other service centers – I don’t know the rules on suing a government agency, so I cannot comment on whether this is possible or not.
4) Staging a protest in front of TSC office – I don’t know if this will do any good. We probably will get the same reply, not enough people.
5) Contact BCIS Director, higher officials in the Homeland Security – I have sent a few letters to these officers and have not received any response so I don’t know what to say on this. Perhaps other folks have had better luck.
6) Contact political representatives – This seems to be the only way out. We need their help to increase funding. Election is next year so hopefully these folks will listen to our voices. We should think about making a contribution to the party and then ask them for their help. Also by mentioning that TSC is an year behind other service centers will make them think that it is folks in their constituency that suffer compared to VSC, NSC or CSC.
7) Ask lawyer groups to lobby our cases: This has been happening to some extent. We have not seen the fruits of it yet.

sm18: You are asking for premium processing for I-485’s. We know that up until now most of the funds that are generated by BCIS was transferred to law enforcement. Say BCIS were to institute this what prevents the Border Patrol or other agencies to get this money. If congress were to approve funding then at least that will be dedicated for adjudication purposes.

I will be pestering political representatives until something happens to our benefit. I have also contributed to the party in this process. I wish I knew more avenues to make something happen at TSC. Perhaps other folks in the forum do. It will be nice if they can share.
One more avenue

Companies representing us and lobbying for us – Given this economy where there are plenty of talent to pick from within the US labor force, I don’t think companies are interested in doing this.
I think my employer doesn't really care. I am into my 7th. year in the USA with this employer and still no green card. Many years of no activity due to a lack of response from the HR department. They got what they wanted with the L1 status.
PD 11/08/99
RD 11/07/01
FP 04/11/03
Why don't we donate $100 per applicant/family to a good lawyer and start a class action lawsuit???????? That's what people do in this part of the world...

If a class action suit can do better things for us I am all for it, even if it takes $500. My lawyer is a pretty useless one (extremely conservative). I will ask. If you and other folks in this forum also ask their lawyers and reply back then we can proceed further.
money $100.00

I really liked the money idea of raising $4M. But one thing to keep in mind is that the money we pay for our 485, that does not go to any service center. That gets utilized for customs or border enforcement, we all know that. I wonder what will happen to this $4M?
premium processing and its bad side effects

Here is a look at what happened to the premium processing program. BCIS got $115 million in revenue but the regular applications got backlogged. Page ii explains the details. BCIS had projected only $80 million revenues but they have exceeded their expectations. Even with all these additional revenues coming in if BCIS is understaffed. So guess where the money is going.
We all remember the TPS issue in March. Even though we paid for the program of TPS by approximately 1/3 of all our application fees altogether, we still got preempted. The problem is not only money. I485 becomes the least priority in TSC.
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Info on suit

I chatted with an attorney at and my attorney and they both mentioned that AILA is the best entity to file a class action suit against TSC (to process I-485’s). My lawyer doesn’t belong to AILA. If anyone else in this forum has a lawyer who belongs to AILA can they enquire?