No 45 day letter. All my colleagues filed on the same day except me got 45-day letter last year and received the labor approval recently. Bad luck! Huh?

I got the 45 days letter 2 months after recvng case closure letter..they requested some more info but that is very basic info we should be able to provide....Good luck to folks waiting for 45 days letter..

Bec Email Acknowledgement Response???

Dear members:

If anyone have received the acknowledgement email response form BEC stating if or not they will send out 45-days letter or if any other sort of response, please enter their response. Also, I am renaming this thread from NO 45 DAY LETTER - Inquiry made within P/D-BECs to NO 45-DAYS LETTER – POST BEC EMAIL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.

I am not able to get such response on if or no the email my attorney sent to them being successful.
Check out this FAQ on no 45 day letter cases - FAQ dated 9/11/2006

- In brief - It says that BEC has not processed the emails to "no BEC contact" pending the release of the procedure. We should recieve an initial acknowledgement depending on volume.

As I see it - they will start sending out the acknowledgements soon.

BTW - no response to my "no 45 day letter "

RIR 2002 CA
Certified without 45-day letter

It seems my application is certified without getting the 45-day letter.
:) Our HR manager showd me the approval notice from PBEC today, while I was still hoping to get the 45-day letter.

PD: June 2003, NY, EB2, RIR

How this could happen: my guess is that I send out a letter to PBEC a while ago stating that our company's new address. Also, I included a letter from the company saying that the 45-day letter had not been received, but this letter itself serves the purpose of company's continued support for the labor application. So it's like replying the 45-day letter without getting it. This might worked!

So if you have not got the 45-day letter, you may ask your company to send out a letter stating their continued support for your labor cert application.

I_hate_wait said:
My HR called today (202-693-3010) and was told that my 45-day letter was sent on June 27th. Then was told to call PBEC 484-270-1500.

I called that number and was told to send email. But I have sent the email about two weeks ago. So I'm going to send another one using a different email account.

PD date: 6/2003
State: NY
To What address did you post "address change"?

To what address did you send your company address change mail?
My PD is May2002 and i still didnot get my 45 days letter.My company called PBEC and they said my case is assigned to analyst.

It didn't work for me.

I_hate_wait said:
It seems my application is certified without getting the 45-day letter.
:) Our HR manager showd me the approval notice from PBEC today, while I was still hoping to get the 45-day letter.

PD: June 2003, NY, EB2, RIR

How this could happen: my guess is that I send out a letter to PBEC a while ago stating that our company's new address. Also, I included a letter from the company saying that the 45-day letter had not been received, but this letter itself serves the purpose of company's continued support for the labor application. So it's like replying the 45-day letter without getting it. This might worked!

So if you have not got the 45-day letter, you may ask your company to send out a letter stating their continued support for your labor cert application.

We tried everything in my case, including a letter from employer confirming that he will continue support my LC. Still my case was closed. But I think it is worth trying. Maybe it will work in some cases.
Just the PBEC address, you should easily find it at their website.

2002MayPD said:
To what address did you send your company address change mail?
My PD is May2002 and i still didnot get my 45 days letter.My company called PBEC and they said my case is assigned to analyst.

Help! What is the correct ETA case number?

Hi, everyone:

My employer need to send an-email to request to reopen my case. It is required to provide the correct ETA case number? What is that? I found an OMB XX-RXXXX on the right upside corner of ETA form. Is that the ETA case number? Anybody has a clue what is the correct ETA case number?

Also anybody has an experience to reopen the case? How long does it take usually?

Thank you very much.

PD 12/20004
Edit/Delete Message
Case Status : RIR

PD 12/31/2003
State : CO

Never received 45-day letter. But when I checked for status online I got Case Status : Certified. But just to make sure my attorney requested snapshot from DOL. Snapshot form DOL has Case Status : RIR. Any one has had similar issues?


garuda75 said:
PD 12/31/2003
State : CO

Never received 45-day letter. But when I checked for status online I got Case Status : Certified. But just to make sure my attorney requested snapshot from DOL. Snapshot form DOL has Case Status : RIR. Any one has had similar issues?



Hi garuda, how did you get the case number without receiving the 45-day letter?
From the Snapshot

GCWhereareyou said:
Hi garuda, how did you get the case number without receiving the 45-day letter?

I dont really know but My lawyer had my Case Number for some time. May be from the snap shot from the DOL
Got letter from William Carlson's Office

I had written to Secretary Chao a few weeks back seeking her office's help in finding out the status of my case (no 45-day letter). Yesterday I got a reply from William Carlson, Administrator of LC stating that my case has received the necessary response that is required from the 45-day letter from employer and case is in active processing queue for Traditional Recruitment cases. There was also a printout of the case from the backlog system, which is similar to the H1B screenshot, but shows more details such as 45-day letter section, TR section, etc. The letter also states that I am entitled to 1 year increments of H1B.

While I was already aware of the case status from other sources, the fact that I got a response means that anything you send to Secretary Chao's office in writing does get noticed. So the least we can do is continue to write and keep them aware.
No 45 letter yet

labordrags said:
Please post if you have any recent update from BEC

I haven't received 45-day letter yet since my priority day is 2001. I checked my status is "Review". My attorney got snapshot to show my case is still in backlog center. I don't know why it took so long to wait 45 letter. Is there any way to request BEC to send the 45 letter to me quickly?

(I got this when i asked for proof for 7th year extension).
I am not sure if i still need to expect 45 days letter.

Guru's...Any idea?

2002MayPD said:
(I got this when i asked for proof for 7th year extension).
I am not sure if i still need to expect 45 days letter.

Guru's...Any idea?

First check your status using the P number you have received while asked for the 7th year proof. The recent FAQ did include the procedure in contacting BEC if the 45-days letter is not received by employer or attorney BUT since you already have P number which excludes in making any inquiry. Checking status, if it gives no result, I will suggest you to send email to that address provided in FAQ no matter what. Just to make sure they didn't close your case.

I sent email regarding the non receipt of 45-days letter, but still have not gotton any response yet. I called the DC office (I am doing every month) and my case still shows active. Please ask your employer or attoney to initiate the call to see if its still active, after following the above procedure.

chenxingjie01 said:
I haven't received 45-day letter yet since my priority day is 2001. I checked my status is "Review". My attorney got snapshot to show my case is still in backlog center. I don't know why it took so long to wait 45 letter. Is there any way to request BEC to send the 45 letter to me quickly?
2002MayPD said:
(I got this when i asked for proof for 7th year extension).
I am not sure if i still need to expect 45 days letter.

Guru's...Any idea?


I am in a similar situation. Still waiting for the 45 day letter.
I called 202-xxxx and was told that the case was NOT closed.
We asked for the screenshot and it says DATA REVIEW. Ditto for the status check.

My attorney sent out emails twice to becnocontact. No reponse so far.
What more can be done?

Case 05143-xxxxx NJ 07/03 RIR
Received an email from my sweetest attorney in the whole planet stating of email response from BEC. BEC has failed to give any reason why 45-days letter has not been transmitted yet, stating that the case is still active in the system under data review. PDS system is another failure to check the status, even by making T to D. I asked him to keep checking if he could do it, but I didn't mention the fact that I check the system almost everyday and get no results. I want him to go nuts to see how he can come up with anything?

This is just to let you guys know that nobec_contact has started sending out email responses.