News just in - on 485 processing times

Some clarifications ....

on the points raised by gettinclose.......

My lawyer **DID NOT** say anything about clearing up all the cases upto end of 2001. He just said that they **PLAN** to clear up cases that might have the fingerprint expiring.

** My reading of his comments was that your lawyer can prevail upon INS to look into the case if fingerprinting is expiring ** Thats as far as I dare to dream. INS being the way it is, nothing is predictable.

It would be an excellent idea for everyone to contact their lawyers and see if they have anything on this. (and post it here please)
Brokenarrow, I'm sorry, you're right.

When I was reading the posts, it was Pceefans post I attributed to you as well as your own one. However, your post in conjunction with his seems to convey there is finally going to be some action, but there is mixed messages here and it will be great if people ping their lawyers to get clarification.

Imagine if our lawyers and BCIS actually thought about customer service (to us!) and actually sent out full communication - what a novel idea.
Nope .......


You know I cannot do that on the public form. I hope though, that I have not given you the impression that my lawyer has some special "insight" into BCIS. This is something that every lawyer must and should do for his client (liasing with BCIS ....), if he is acting in the best interest of his client. Lawyers can get thro to BCIS better than we **earthlings**. What can I say?

fax number and format.

Can anyone tell the fax number to send the inquiry for the fingerprint expiry issue.
can one send this fax for self ?
Also, do anyone has a format for the letter?

This is likely to be true

After several follow ups and conference calls, hearing thier same old standard message "Its been assigned to an Officer", got my approval for H1B extension (WAC 02-034-SERIES). This makes me to believe the statement is likely to be true.

We should be prepared to expect 485 approvals after all fools day.
It seems to be an encouraging news that INS will clear up 01 cases in 3-4 weeks. But it will be a very bad news if 01 cases means ND < Oec, 01.

I do not believe any real progress of the 485 cases approval until May.

Even if they started processing some new cases in April, the speed is going to be very slow. Moreover most of the cases with ND between Nov 16 and Dec 31, 2001 will have FP expired soon. So what they are going to do to those cases is simply a RFE for FP redo or FRE for EVL etc.

The best is someone get a RFE in April, it will take INS at least another 3-5 months to schdule a FP for you and get clearance from FBI and approve the RFEed 485. This pattern is highly likely and pls do not expect them to approve RFE right away after FBi clearance being received. So not until Sep, will we start see some real approval for 485 with ND between 02-040 and 070. This also assume that your Medical exam is not going to expire by Sep. Otherwise they will issue another RFE for med redo between april and Sep when they receive FBI response for FP redo.

While this seems to be worst case to someone. however you should feel lukcy if you see new approval before Sep. The real worst case might be much worse that this. Your case is shreded, immigration law changed due to national security and interest etc. That is really the worst case in my mind

Take it easy. US is changing slowly.
Originally posted by LC66

Take it easy. US is changing slowly. [/B]

Who cares, let it change. I just saw their JIT. I think they
may not be working on employment based 485s as they think
economy is already bad, lets not bring more foreign workers.
It may be a stupid logic, but dont think no progress on
eb based 485s is accidental, it is might be well planned.
could not agree with you more.
The situation that you describe I beleive is most likely happen.
I hope it does not .But ,It would be.

Frankly, most of the 2001 and early 2002 filler's fp would
be expiring in couple of months. Then , we would see the
vicious cycle for RFE for one thing and then other.
like medical or/and evl.

And each of these seprate rfe is going to consume couple
of months to say the least.One would be lucky if all the
expiry fp/medical/evl come in the same rfe.

and did I mention I am optimestic when I write the above
scenario's . becasue you know when CSC would frezee
the 485 for some security impl, or some f**ked up reason.

Anyway I am sure everybody can judge for themselve
based on the appoval process.

Talked to my lawyer

I talked to my lawyer yesterday about this "liason meeting". Their office did not hear anything about it. As far as impressing on the cases with finger print about to expire, I will call them today.

As many people already said clearing all the 01 cases looks like a pipe-dream to me. :mad:
i want to believe you

the latest "just in time" processing report is out and the I-485 adjustment of status employment based date has not moved again - for about the 3rd month running - still says 11/16/01

wac 02 067
Talke dto my lawyer today regarding clearing up of cases in their last laison meeting.

She also says CSC has mentioned that they would be clearing lot of back logs in coming few weeks. Though she was herself not very optimistic.

Also regarding Finger printing she told that INS is considering moving up the priority of cases with finger printing about to expire. Though she did mention that she doesn't know how they are going to do that esp. when with current backlogs there are lot of such cases which fall into this category ( of finger printing expiring)
INS is making april fool of us all?

But you never know, INS might say on march 28th, that we will not consider FP's as expired in 15 months .. (could happen).

Though, donot expect every case to get approved (or even assigned) before their FP expires in 15 months .. that is just unreal .. even with the best possible scenario/processing speed.
My friend did send a fax inquiry for finger print expiring soon, couple of times and then the final answer says there is a temporary hold on all NSEERs (national security entry exit registration or something like that).

Until this war is over and things strat improving, I personally have no hope. Let's expect the worst and hope for the best.