News for Rapidigm employees


New Member
One of my friend (He is working for Rapidigm on H1) got a letter from INS
asking for the following details:

1) Is Rapidigm paying u on bench?
2) Has Rapidigm forced u to take vacation
   when u came on to bench?
3) Are u facing any problems of any kind with your employer?
4) Is Rapidigm paying ur tickets to go back to ur native country if they
   laid-off you?

It has got some more questions too.

I think some one complained to INS about Rapidigm and they are picking
some Rapidigm employees randomly for this inquiry.

I don\'t know what my friend is planning to answer but it is a good chance
for him to bring out all the concerns of Rapidigm employees. But he is
worried about his GC processing and also about GC processing of other

Finally - I am not working for Rapidigm(used to work for them) but
I had thought of sharing with Rapidigm employees.
My friend also got query from Dept. of Labor

Asking about his Unpaid-leave, paid leave,etc.,

I am not sure its related to this, but something is going wrong
about rapidigm.
Why anybody will do that

Why would anybody will give negative information regarding the company and put his/her case and many others case hanging.

I hope nobody will do such thing. Why to punish everyone who have applied because of some wrong decesion taken by few people in the company.
Is this person on H1 or EAD(485 filed)

The person who recvd this letter from INS is on H1 or on EAD, does this mean ppl whose 485 has been filed thru RAPIIGM are in trouble, this is really scary for ppl who r still with rapidigm, i hope everything goes well as lot off lives are dependent on 485 approvals.
let us know what ur friend replied back.
I was asked by DOL

Two years back I got similar letter but not from INS. It was DOL asking same questions. By that time I had left consulting company. My consulting company gave me hard time when I was trying to join the client.
Did I reply to DOL? - NO. I can\'t answer why? I should have.
Name of the consulting company - Will be posted on request.
BTW - I do not work Rapidigm
HI stranger.. Be careful with ur words

Hi stranger.,

          DOnt get panic and send Panic waves across. Everything goes fine and GC processing going on as usual in RIS. WHy are u spreading this kind of confusing messages across.

BUddy. Be constuctive. THis forum should be informative.NOt for rumormongers.

Dont send panic waves across the forum...

Hi stranger.,
DOnt get panic and send Panic waves across. Everything goes fine and GC processing going on as usual in RIS. WHy are u spreading this kind of confusing messages across.

BUddy. Be constuctive. THis forum should be informative.NOt for rumormongers.

Take care of yourself first.

If INS and DOL is investigating, I want to take care of me first. The way Rapidigm has treated consultants, do you think they care if i get shipped back to Bangalore. I have a chance to clear my side of events with INS and save myself, that is what I will do.
Rapidigm is very very scared, guys..time for us to take action

this is an investigation on the company, not on us. My friend got a call from office telling him how to draft a good reply saving the company. Many other guys who also were put on unpaid leave did not receive this letter..the company must have hidden their names from labuor department.

nothing to fear for us, guys. anyone who has been put on unpaid leave by rapidigm in last few years should inform labour department immediately. This will help in getting justice (and also salry for unpaid days in the past)

US department of Labor
Federal Building, Room 313
1000 Liberty Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

phone- 412 395 4996 attention any of the Wage investiogators.

guys, this is our chance of getting justice and also money if we were victimsed in the past ever by these desi body shopping companies. If we do not do this, they will get away this time also.
do not be scared. it is the company who should be scared, not you.

this is not about you or me. this is about the company policies and ethic. many other desi body shopper companies also are being investigated. let us screw all these body shopping companies with their dirty tactics.