Newark, NJ - N-400 Timeline

bunny007 said:
Hi Deer/NJGoose/others,

How effective is congressman / Senator's inquiry to USCIS on my behalf ?

Did this route work for any one, on issues like, dual A file, pending relating files..could gather from this forum does not work so good on issues like name check but not sure on other issues.

I haven't contacted the senator/congressman yet. I thought I will give INS sometime and hoping to hear something back from INS in next few weeks or so.

They have 120 days since interview to make a decision on your case. From what I have seen from other's experience that dual "A" file is not a big deal. it can can take anywhere from 2-4 months for them to respond back to you.

I think even if you contact senator, it will probably take more than a month to get a response from INS and I figured by the time the senator will contact them and I will get a response hopefully, I should get the oath letter by then.

I'd say, hang in there and wait for another month or so, if you don't hear from INS, then try infopass and contact your senator.

I will keep you posted when I hear something from INS.
lt1GM , i thought Newark administers Oath on the same day of interview. Has anything changed recently ? Is this specific to your case. If you could can you give us your timeline.

I have my interview at the end of June and have to travel immediately . This would help me plan better.

bunny007 said:
Hi Deer/NJGoose/others,

How effective is congressman / Senator's inquiry to USCIS on my behalf ?

Did this route work for any one, on issues like, dual A file, pending relating files..could gather from this forum does not work so good on issues like name check but not sure on other issues.


In my name check delay case, the only info I got out of my congressman was the date that my name check request was submitted from USCIS to FBI. Other than that, nothing. I really don't think senators/congressmen are good for anything besides making you feel like you're doing something.
scitizen said:
lt1GM , i thought Newark administers Oath on the same day of interview. Has anything changed recently ? Is this specific to your case. If you could can you give us your timeline.

I have my interview at the end of June and have to travel immediately . This would help me plan better.


I was stuck in name check after interview for 18+ months. I sued them in April and received an oath letter in May. Hope this helps!
bunny007 said:
How effective is congressman / Senator's inquiry to USCIS on my behalf ?

Did this route work for any one, on issues like, dual A file, pending relating files..could gather from this forum does not work so good on issues like name check but not sure on other issues.
I contacted the congressman in my district for my wife's name check case on the same day after the interview. I sent him an e-mail but he didn't respond. The only thing I received was an automatic acknowledgement. Based on the posts on this forum, congressmen and senators are not capable of helping name check cases. So I don't pursue that route any more. I hope that 1447(b) will still be available after 120 days so that we can file a lawsuit.
2nd A#

My wife and I had the interview yesterday. Both of us told that we have 2nd A#. We did file twice during Green Card process. To those who have same problem, keep us updated if any news.

scitizen said:
lt1GM , i thought Newark administers Oath on the same day of interview. Has anything changed recently ? Is this specific to your case. If you could can you give us your timeline.

I have my interview at the end of June and have to travel immediately . This would help me plan better.


Newark does schedule oaths on the same day for regular cases. However, if there's any issue like a pending name check or duplicate A# then you won't be scheduled for an oath until that's resolved.

But remember that you are not a citizen until you've taken the oath and therefore you can still travel using your green card.

skijef said:
My wife and I had the interview yesterday. Both of us told that we have 2nd A#. We did file twice during Green Card process. To those who have same problem, keep us updated if any news.


Who was your interviewing officer ? Black lady with golden hair ?
Most of the cases going to her some how seems to have pending status.

what exactly did they tell you ? Did they actually mention 2nd A# ?

I was told of a pending relating file and assuming in my case is 2nd A number for lack of more information.

I gather for 2nd A file it should be straightforward in 2-4 months should get the oath letter.
bunny007 said:
Who was your interviewing officer ? Black lady with golden hair ?
Most of the cases going to her some how seems to have pending status.

what exactly did they tell you ? Did they actually mention 2nd A# ?

I was told of a pending relating file and assuming in my case is 2nd A number for lack of more information.

I gather for 2nd A file it should be straightforward in 2-4 months should get the oath letter.

My wife and I have different IO. Mine is Jose who didn't say much just mentioned he has to get the 2nd file. There's an A# on the form I got same as my wifes. My wife's IO, also a man, is a lot nicer and friendly. He told her is a file regarding H1B and he has to request from New Hampshire. He also mentioned it's about 30 days.

My IO had me signed couple papers even indicate the name will show on the certificate. My wife IO said they are required to have all the files together before applicant takes oath. My feeling is it's about filing and paperwork, why couldn't they get that done then call for interview? It's a hardship for us, I had to take a day off and dragged our 1 year old there. It just doesn't make sense. Well, it's government!

How common is this problem? Anyone can share same experience (solved)?

skijef said:
My feeling is it's about filing and paperwork, why couldn't they get that done then call for interview? It's a hardship for us, I had to take a day off and dragged our 1 year old there. It just doesn't make sense. Well, it's government!

How common is this problem? Anyone can share same experience (solved)?

You better have an interview first before they get all the paper work together so that you have an option of filing a 1447(b) after 120 days.

I had my interview two weeks ago. My case has my H1B file missing and my wife has name check pending.
sam_c said:
Newark does schedule oaths on the same day for regular cases. However, if there's any issue like a pending name check or duplicate A# then you won't be scheduled for an oath until that's resolved.

But remember that you are not a citizen until you've taken the oath and therefore you can still travel using your green card.


On that same note, stay away from trouble with the law until you have taken your oath and even if you passed the civic test. After your dup A# has been resolved, you will be given a sheet of paper prior to the oath to verify your compliance (travel outside the country, recent violation, etc.). It is very important to keep this in mind.

Pd: 12/15/2005
Fp: 01/19/2006
Id Noa: 03/22/2006
Id: 05/16/2006 - Oath taken
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Those of you who are eligible and thinking....

Get the ball moving on citizenship as soon as possible and do everyhting it take to get yours....

I am saying this because there are approx 12 Million immigrants(Not really that many but closse to half) waiting to become legit so once that hits the queues GOD knows what will happen to wait times... we may be back to pre-historic wait times.
Documents for Interview

Hi all, I have my interview coming up later this week.

Among the list of documents to be brought to the interview, the notice lists "Your passport and/or any other documents you used in connection with any entries into the United States".

With regards to that, I was wondering what documents did you take along and whether the IO asked for or looked at any of them? For example if you were on F1 did you take your I-20, and if on H1 did you take the work petition filed by your employer? (I'm not even sure I still have all the documents!). Or did you just show your F1/H1/B2 visa stamp?

Thanks a lot in advance.

sam_c said:
Hi all, I have my interview coming up later this week.

Among the list of documents to be brought to the interview, the notice lists "Your passport and/or any other documents you used in connection with any entries into the United States".

With regards to that, I was wondering what documents did you take along and whether the IO asked for or looked at any of them? For example if you were on F1 did you take your I-20, and if on H1 did you take the work petition filed by your employer? (I'm not even sure I still have all the documents!). Or did you just show your F1/H1/B2 visa stamp?

Thanks a lot in advance.


The IO will look at your passport, page by page, in order to see any departure/arrival stamps inside and verify the dates. You also need to bring your green card. That's about it as far as I know.

The IO will not require you to show any work petition from any employer (they should have them on their file).

PS. I had 2 H1B employers before my GC.


Pd: 12/15/2005
Fp: 01/19/2006
Id Noa: 03/22/2006
Id: 05/16/2006 - Oath taken


thanks a lot for your response. What you said sounds a lot more reasonable than going to the interview with a bunch of papers that are redundant anyway because the visa stamps in my passport are an end result of all those documents.

I have my interview on Thursday after which I'll post my experience.

sam_c said:

thanks a lot for your response. What you said sounds a lot more reasonable than going to the interview with a bunch of papers that are redundant anyway because the visa stamps in my passport are an end result of all those documents.

I have my interview on Thursday after which I'll post my experience.


You're welcome, Sam. Stay positive. Good luck on your upcoming interview.


Pd: 12/15/2005
Fp: 01/19/2006
Id Noa: 03/22/2006
Id: 05/16/2006 - Oath taken
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Experience at EWR


Had my interview this AM. Here's the complete story.
1. Reached at 9AM for a 10:13 appointment.
2. Took a good 45 mins to get in. Lots of people in line.
3. Dropped letter at drop box just before 10AM.
4. Called by officer at 11AM. Cool old guy
5. Asked to take oath before sitting down and asked for GC and passport,
6. Started asking a few standard questions and then started talking about Indian movies and specially Bride and Prejudice. Indian food.
7. Jumped back to questions again in between.
8. Conducted Civis test
- How many stripes on the flag?
- Who was the President during the Emancipation proclamation?
- What is the president's house called?
- some more simple ones...
9. Asked to write " I like to drive my car".
10. Said passed to everything and stamped "Approved on N400.
11. Just at the end he said, "looks like there is a second A-file, Thanks to the computer it is alerting me to it".
12. Cancelled the approved stamp on N400. Changed the letter given to me to say "A decision cannot be made at this time" from the tick "Congratulations" and wrote - 2nd A File.

The he proceeded to show me on the top of my file that there was a paper attached that showed both A-numbers and had the 2nd one (non-GC) highlighted. And I am like "So you knew it from the start" in my mind.... He tried to comfort by saying that its no fault of yours... sometimes these files come back with not even a single sheet of paper from NRC [National Records Center]. Here at EWR these cases have to be resolved by an officer like me, whereas in the rest of the country it is done by the clerks in the department. As luck would have it there are not enough clerks at EWR.

Anyway I knew the whole story having read so much on this forum. I tried asking if I need to contact you is there a number/address that I can use and he plaining said no. Then showed me in the back of his office there were atleast 80-100 files that are pending 2nd-Afile checks and said this gets resolved without a problem 99.9% of the time.

He also said it could be anywhere between 2-6 months to get an oath letter.

Here's my timeline so far.
PD - Jan 23rd.
FP - Feb 21st
ID - June 1st
Oath -??

So we'll see. Hope this helps. Thanks
futcitizen said:
11. Just at the end he said, "looks like there is a second A-file, Thanks to the computer it is alerting me to it".
12. Cancelled the approved stamp on N400. Changed the letter given to me to say "A decision cannot be made at this time" from the tick "Congratulations" and wrote - 2nd A File.

He also said it could be anywhere between 2-6 months to get an oath letter.

Sorry to hear that you are stuck with 2 "A" files as well. for me it has been more than 3 months and I haven't heard a thing yet, but it is interesting to see that the officer told you 2-6 months.

Don't they have to make a decision within 120 days (6 months is more than 180 days)?
I too had my interview on June 1st and thankfully it went well and I got naturalized the same day. Here's my experience post:

I am very sorry to hear you had problems with having a duplicate A# file. I think it was grossly unfair of your IO to not mention it to you at the start and wait until the end to tell you. If there is any consolation to be extracted from this unfortunate situation it's that it's a duplicate A# issue which should hopefully be resolved in 3-4 months, and not name check hell.

Lots of luck to you, Deer, NJGoose and others waiting to complete the process. Keep us posted.

We got our Naturalization done in Newark DO


Just wanted to share with everyone our naturalization experience in Newark, NJ DO on 1st June 2006.

The interview was very smooth with very easy questions for both me and my wife. BTW, my wife and I had interviews scheduled on different time and on
differnt floors (15th for me and 14th floor for my wife).

The IOs were extremely polite for both me and my wife. They asked simple questions like who is the current President, terms for the members of the house, three branches of the government etc.
Don't know whether having very young babies helped or not (I have an one year old son who was there with me during my interview).

I even watched others appearing for interview on the same day. Most of them
came out with flying colors (can make out from their smile). So I believe others on this message board who are waiting for their turn need not worry.

Few things I would like to share:

1) I did bring IRS tax return statement for 2004 and backwards but I believe
taking the 2005 tax return (even though most probably it would be your
own copy and not the IRS certified statement) would be helpful
2) Asked about the selective service and based on the suggestion of
this message board, luckily I had it with me. It is the statement
which tells I was not 26 years old when I came for the first time
to this country.
3) They go through each and every page of the N-400 application so be
prepared to answer questions on that. Mostly these are simple questions
verifying that whatever you have written in the form is correct and up
to date.
4) I made foreign trips since I submitted the N-400 and so I created an
excel spreadsheet containing all my foreign trips since I got green card.
The IO liked it.
5) the IO asked and seen the US passport of my son and daughter. Luckily
I had it with me.

Only thing was that during that day everything got so delayed that my oath which was supposed to be on 4:30 pm (which is the last one of three oaths done everyday) was actually done on 5:45 pm.

We applied (actually receipt date) on 23rd Jan, 2006.
Fingerprint was done on 16th Feb 2006 in Newark.
Interview and oath was done on 1st June 2006 in Newark DO.

Now we are applying for US passport.

Thanks to everyone who shared their experiences in this message board since
those were very helpful.

And of course good luck to everyone else who are waiting for their turn of the Interview.

Avijit & Rupa