Newark, NJ - N-400 Timeline

Should see sometime soon and would be around my interview date...did you check online status? - Did it changed to CASE NOT COMPLETE from CASE NOT FOUND? - if it is you should receive the Interview Letter in a day or two

Don't worry about it, you will get that letter for your wifey. Sometimes our dear USPS also drops one letter one day and another next week.
Is this a standard message in case status ? National Benefits Center ?


Current Status: Case received and pending.

On April 29, 2009, we received this N400 APPLICATION FOR NATURALIZATION, and mailed you a notice describing how we will process your case. Please follow any instructions on this notice. We will notify you by mail when we make a decision or if we need something from you. If you move while this case is pending, call customer service. We process cases in the order we receive them. You can use our processing dates to estimate when yours will be done. This case is at our NATIONAL BENEFITS CENTER location. Follow the link below to check processing dates. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.
My Interview Experience

Hello Everybody!
Sorry I'm a lil bit late with posting my experience! Its cause I had a lot of errants to run and didn't get the time to sit in front of the comp. So here is my experience in detail.

My Appointment was schedule for 1:20 P.M on May 11th (Monday). Woke up around 8 A.M, showered...and got ready and left & got to my workplace by 9 A.M. Here, I got together my checklist of documents and everything else to make sure I was ready for the worst! I made photocopies of the front and back of my Indian passport, green card and driver's license as well. I also prepared an additional sheet for travel i made since filing my application (I've attached it here to show you guys what it looks like!). So i left work around 12:00, and picked up my girlfriend on the way cause she wanted to accompany me.We got to Newark at 1:00 P.M and parked on Greene street where they had parking available for $11 for the whole day. I wasn't really worried about security as there were plenty of cops around! I saw no real point of going in earlier than my scheduled appointment time. Was really cool about it. I wasn't nervous or tensed for some reason (thanks to this forum! ;)) We even got shish-kababs from a street vendor on Greene street. It wasn't as good as the ones you get in NYC! anyways! I got to the Fed building at 1:18 P.M. Passed security, and took the elevators up to the 15th floor. Showed the guard my I.L and he let me in (he had no problems with me bringing in my GF to the waiting room). The place was about 80% full. But about half of them had already finished their interviews and were just waiting to be called for the oath. I handed in my I.L at window 2 and took a seat in the last row in the back of the room near Door 1. I learned something that i didn't know earlier while i was waiting......since there are only 3 doors.......i previously figured that there were only 3 I.O giving interviews at one time! but i was each door led you to several offices in that area! a total of 15 interviews can happen at the same time (i found out!). I was finally called in at 2:45. And I was asked to enter thru door 1. The I.O met me there and guided me to her cubical. I must say that she was SUPER nice from the start! she greeted me at the door. She was like young and maybe in her late 30's early 40's. Reminded me of one of my friend's mom. Super Nice! I was dreading that i didn't get one of those older men I.Os as they seemed extremely up-tight and rude when calling people's names for their Interview. Anyways back to me! before she let me sit down, she made me swear to tell the truth.........shook my hand, wished me goodluck and I sat down. Right of the bat she asked me to give her my PP, GC and DL. She ran thru the basics in my applications checking to see if my information was accurate. She asked if i still worked for the same company. She then went to the travel part.....and asked if i had any additions......i handed in my sheet and she said "thats beautiful"....:)......and then she said that everything looks perfect........she commented that she was happy that i didn't seem nervous......cause she said that a lot of people are scared of the I.Os........anyways, she went thru the yes/no questions......she actually skipped alot and went thru it mad quick. was very cool and calm about everything.....then she went on to the testing part........first asked me to read a sentence......and asked me to write now (Lincoln was the president during the civil war)......then went on to the questions........she said she would ask 10.....and i needed 6 right to pass........and i got the first 6 right so she they are...
1. How long is the presidential term?
2. Name one of the 2 longest rivers
3. What are the first 10 amendments called
4. Who is the speaker of the house?
5. What stops one branch of govt becoming too powerful?
6. how many justices on the supreme court?

after that she said "Great! congratulations! everything looks good!"....and then she made me sign at a lot of place......instead of printing my name in block.........anyways after that we small talked a lil bit.......about my family.......and my intentions to go back to india and be there for a year........and she seemed really cool with everything.........i was really comfortable!.....and then i got up and left with my oath sheet....the whole interview was done in 14 minutes.

So went back and sat at the same gf gave me a big hug when i told her that i passed! i waited for about another 30 mins......before my name was called at window 1 to sign my name on the Naty certificate.......i actually handed in my GC at the window as well at this point.......they gave me a little white book and asked me to sit down and wait to be called for the ceremony.........and 3:45.......they called us and moved us to the room down the hall for the some general instructions from a lady with a wisp in her voice..........and then we were finally greeted by this overly enthusiastic/patriotic lady who swore us in!...she like sang all the songs in the videos........and was waving her little american flag the whole time.........after that we all were handed our certificates.........took some pictures with the "christmas tree" and the flag......and went home!

I would especially like to thank my good friend Bobsmyth who helped me alot in my short journey.........and thanks to everybody else as well!......i have scheduled an appointment with the NY embassy to get my passport the same day on may 18th....and will get my indian visa the next day!.....i'm going back home on the 25th!.........but i will continue to be an active member in this forum and give back to everybody who helped me and the ones who will need help in the future! thank you all once again!
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Congratulations Thomas5 :) Glad it really went well with those many days outside!!!

Did you get your US passport already? and please share that experience/details with us and also the process you were doing for Indian Visa on the same/next day - as I have my interview at Newark just 7 days before my planned trip....I may have to follow your steps :cool:

Hello Everybody......i have scheduled an appointment with the NY embassy to get my passport the same day on may 18th....and will get my indian visa the next day!.....i'm going back home on the 25th!............thank you all once again!
Congratulations Thomas5.
Thanks for sharing your experience. When did you call the passport office to get the appointment?
hey Caprisun, I called them yesterday, May 12th. I got the appointment for May 18th at 2:30. Thanks a lot everybody! :)
vow!.... way to go thomas5.. congrats!!!!

your experience makes me feel I am unnecessarily worried having a 173 days trip.
.......and my intentions to go back to india and be there for a year........and she seemed really cool with everything.........

Congrats Thomas5!

A quick question. Did you actually venture to give the IO the information about your intentions to be in India for a year? Was that not a bit risky? Or did she ask you specifically about future travel plans, in which case you were obligated to tell her the truth?
Should see sometime soon and would be around my interview date...did you check online status? - Did it changed to CASE NOT COMPLETE from CASE NOT FOUND? - if it is you should receive the Interview Letter in a day or two

Yes I checked my status but it is still the same case recieved and pending no change . Nothing in today's mail also????:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
Same here with wife's case...haven't changed to not complete (may be it will change to this only when your case not found) - also looked at other 10 cases around wife's case number and all of them are incomplete...which means they got interview's scheduled...may be little bad luck :mad:

Anyway, we called USCIS y'day and no update than she is in queue for interview and should receive soon. And, he also said she might get earlier interview date too...don't see any logic but do see that possibility based on some other's time line's...may be your's too will be like that!!! receive late and done early :) how lucky that would be ... anyway, hang in there... finger's crossed :) :D

Yes I checked my status but it is still the same case recieved and pending no change . Nothing in today's mail also????:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
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hey prithis,
After i passed the interview, we were just casually talking about my future plans and i brought it up myself. I told her that i'm going back to india in a couple of weeks and will be there for about a year before i come back in September of next year to do my MBA. She sounded pretty excited about it actually. I didn't feel like it was risky because the interview went very very smooth and I felt very comfortable opening up to her. She noticed my confidence, I think that's why she didn't really care about it. She really was a Super cool I.O.
hey prithis,
After i passed the interview, we were just casually talking about my future plans and i brought it up myself. I told her that i'm going back to india in a couple of weeks and will be there for about a year before i come back in September of next year to do my MBA. She sounded pretty excited about it actually. I didn't feel like it was risky because the interview went very very smooth and I felt very comfortable opening up to her. She noticed my confidence, I think that's why she didn't really care about it. She really was a Super cool I.O.

Once you become a US citizen, why do they care where you travel or live? I think overseas travel and stay maybe an issue only when you are a Green Card holder and time outside the country can affect your residency.
Same here with wife's case...haven't changed to not complete (may be it will change to this only when your case not found) - also looked at other 10 cases around wife's case number and all of them are incomplete...which means they got interview's scheduled...may be little bad luck :mad:

Anyway, we called USCIS y'day and no update than she is in queue for interview and should receive soon. And, he also said she might get earlier interview date too...don't see any logic but do see that possibility based on some other's time line's...may be your's too will be like that!!! receive late and done early :) how lucky that would be ... anyway, hang in there... finger's crossed :) :D

How to reach the customer service person who can answer the question. We tried but both times hey just read out what is given online. THey say hey do not have any other info
hey prithis,
After i passed the interview, we were just casually talking about my future plans and i brought it up myself. I told her that i'm going back to india in a couple of weeks and will be there for about a year before i come back in September of next year to do my MBA. She sounded pretty excited about it actually. I didn't feel like it was risky because the interview went very very smooth and I felt very comfortable opening up to her. She noticed my confidence, I think that's why she didn't really care about it. She really was a Super cool I.O.
thomas5, Glad it went very smooth for you. is your GC employment based ? I am wondering how you were able to make that many trips/days out of the US and still managed to have a job in US (just curious, I want a job like that)
Hello Everybody!
Sorry I'm a lil bit late with posting my experience! Its cause I had a lot of errants to run and didn't get the time to sit in front of the comp. So here is my experience in detail.

My Appointment was schedule for 1:20 P.M on May 11th (Monday). Woke up around 8 A.M, showered...and got ready and left & got to my workplace by 9 A.M. Here, I got together my checklist of documents and everything else to make sure I was ready for the worst! I made photocopies of the front and back of my Indian passport, green card and driver's license as well. I also prepared an additional sheet for travel i made since filing my application (I've attached it here to show you guys what it looks like!). So i left work around 12:00, and picked up my girlfriend on the way cause she wanted to accompany me.We got to Newark at 1:00 P.M and parked on Greene street where they had parking available for $11 for the whole day. I wasn't really worried about security as there were plenty of cops around! I saw no real point of going in earlier than my scheduled appointment time. Was really cool about it. I wasn't nervous or tensed for some reason (thanks to this forum! ;)) We even got shish-kababs from a street vendor on Greene street. It wasn't as good as the ones you get in NYC! anyways! I got to the Fed building at 1:18 P.M. Passed security, and took the elevators up to the 15th floor. Showed the guard my I.L and he let me in (he had no problems with me bringing in my GF to the waiting room). The place was about 80% full. But about half of them had already finished their interviews and were just waiting to be called for the oath. I handed in my I.L at window 2 and took a seat in the last row in the back of the room near Door 1. I learned something that i didn't know earlier while i was waiting......since there are only 3 doors.......i previously figured that there were only 3 I.O giving interviews at one time! but i was each door led you to several offices in that area! a total of 15 interviews can happen at the same time (i found out!). I was finally called in at 2:45. And I was asked to enter thru door 1. The I.O met me there and guided me to her cubical. I must say that she was SUPER nice from the start! she greeted me at the door. She was like young and maybe in her late 30's early 40's. Reminded me of one of my friend's mom. Super Nice! I was dreading that i didn't get one of those older men I.Os as they seemed extremely up-tight and rude when calling people's names for their Interview. Anyways back to me! before she let me sit down, she made me swear to tell the truth.........shook my hand, wished me goodluck and I sat down. Right of the bat she asked me to give her my PP, GC and DL. She ran thru the basics in my applications checking to see if my information was accurate. She asked if i still worked for the same company. She then went to the travel part.....and asked if i had any additions......i handed in my sheet and she said "thats beautiful"....:)......and then she said that everything looks perfect........she commented that she was happy that i didn't seem nervous......cause she said that a lot of people are scared of the I.Os........anyways, she went thru the yes/no questions......she actually skipped alot and went thru it mad quick. was very cool and calm about everything.....then she went on to the testing part........first asked me to read a sentence......and asked me to write now (Lincoln was the president during the civil war)......then went on to the questions........she said she would ask 10.....and i needed 6 right to pass........and i got the first 6 right so she they are...
1. How long is the presidential term?
2. Name one of the 2 longest rivers
3. What are the first 10 amendments called
4. Who is the speaker of the house?
5. What stops one branch of govt becoming too powerful?
6. how many justices on the supreme court?

after that she said "Great! congratulations! everything looks good!"....and then she made me sign at a lot of place......instead of printing my name in block.........anyways after that we small talked a lil bit.......about my family.......and my intentions to go back to india and be there for a year........and she seemed really cool with everything.........i was really comfortable!.....and then i got up and left with my oath sheet....the whole interview was done in 14 minutes.

So went back and sat at the same gf gave me a big hug when i told her that i passed! i waited for about another 30 mins......before my name was called at window 1 to sign my name on the Naty certificate.......i actually handed in my GC at the window as well at this point.......they gave me a little white book and asked me to sit down and wait to be called for the ceremony.........and 3:45.......they called us and moved us to the room down the hall for the some general instructions from a lady with a wisp in her voice..........and then we were finally greeted by this overly enthusiastic/patriotic lady who swore us in!...she like sang all the songs in the videos........and was waving her little american flag the whole time.........after that we all were handed our certificates.........took some pictures with the "christmas tree" and the flag......and went home!

I would especially like to thank my good friend Bobsmyth who helped me alot in my short journey.........and thanks to everybody else as well!......i have scheduled an appointment with the NY embassy to get my passport the same day on may 18th....and will get my indian visa the next day!.....i'm going back home on the 25th!.........but i will continue to be an active member in this forum and give back to everybody who helped me and the ones who will need help in the future! thank you all once again!

congrats ! seems like we had the same IO :)