Newark local office transfer: tracker

Thanks to U: Romano

Congratilations for your GC and especially thanks for sharing your interview experince. A lot of people will be benefited.
Any way, I am confused the " arrest disposition letter" U mentioned. I also unfortunately had an arrest record altohough the case was unconditionally discharged. I have a kind of case discharged letter from court and really don't know how to name it. But it looks like different from what you discribed. There is a short discription of the reason for arrest at middlie-upper part of the letter.The low part of letter are listed some court codes: such as "NG". Would U please tell me if your letter is deffirent or same? My case is at NJ court. Actually I am worrying about the short discripition of arrest reason in this letter. I really appreciated your help.

romano said:
Greetings to all the forum members,
below is the concise description of the interview of July 22, 2005, EB3 category, PD Apr 2001.

Came with attorney to the Peter J. Rodino buidling at 10:40 AM,
passed the security check 10:50 AM after the short wait in the queue, entered the 13th floor AOS (Adjustment of Status) waiting room.
We have been waiting for around 2 hours before we were called up, which I think is very fast, I have been waiting longer for INFOPASS appointment.
The officer who conducted the interview was very professional, courteous, organized and friendly,
after he called us, he took the fingerprint of my index finger and my signature, both went on the front and back of a form (two index fingerprints and two signatures in total for the front and the back of the form), don't know what the form was for.
Called us in the cubicle, I swore the oath, he asked the I-485 questions, checked my Tax Returns and W-2s, checked the Employment Verification Letter, took my "previous arrest" original disposition letter from court (a page with short description (just the court code of violation, no verbal description) of my violation and the court verdict on case), asked if I had had more arrests or DWI/DUI, I replied negatively, the officer advised me on the situation with the EB3 category (he just repeated that my lawyer told me), said that the Greencard will probably be sent to me directly after the start of new fiscal year in October, said won't be no more interviews, asked me if I have new photos or whether I wish to use the old "old-type" photos I submitted previously (I said that old ones are fine), we had shaken hands, and that was it. The whole interview took no more then 15 mins, and left good feelings about the interview experience, even though I felt kind of empty-handed, because the fact of waiting another 4-6 months for the process to finish is disappointing, whatever the reasons for that might be ...

The officer didn't take old EADs, APs, and I-94 (White Card). He stamped the passport with Alien Number and the date. Officer advised to take appointment for new EAD, as my old one is expiring soon.

Also, I had submitted my medicals, which I have never submitted initially. Officer had opened the sealed envelope in front of me, and carefully checked the envelope enclosed paperwork.

Best regards to the forum members expecting the interview, and I'm sure everything will go fine with your interview, just prepare all the papers properly.

Specially grateful to UnitedNations and his friend(s) for the support, and to everybody who contributed to the forum and helped us the forum members and guests to be more confident during this long and hard process, and the interview.

Separate thanks to Mr. Rajiv S. Khanna for creating the ImmigrationPortal forum.


P.S. If your papers are in the Newark waiting for the interview, DO NOT initiate status inquiry, reportedly as by qyang0828, the documents will be sent back to Vermont Consular Center and then back to Newark, and you will waste another year. Once the papers in Newark - just wait for your interview letter.
mka2005 said:

My 485 case also transfered to Newark, NJ on 07/11/05.(same day as yours).
I got appointment on 08/11/05, to make sure that they received my papers.

Want GC Soon,
Thanks very much for info.
mka :(
Hi mka,

What option did you choose while making appointment in infopass system?
Is it to see immigration officer?

I am little confused.


"arrest disposition letter" mentioned below by Romano i believe is a court disposition document given out on request by the county court clerk of the county where the offense is registered. You might want to request this on top of the letter you say you have. Basically, this is an official snapshot of what is recorded that the immigration officer can believe as to what happenned & what is the final outcome (disposition). For example, My reason for arrest is stated as "Alcohol" & the disposition is "dismissed".

bpx said:
Congratilations for your GC and especially thanks for sharing your interview experince. A lot of people will be benefited.
Any way, I am confused the " arrest disposition letter" U mentioned. I also unfortunately had an arrest record altohough the case was unconditionally discharged. I have a kind of case discharged letter from court and really don't know how to name it. But it looks like different from what you discribed. There is a short discription of the reason for arrest at middlie-upper part of the letter.The low part of letter are listed some court codes: such as "NG". Would U please tell me if your letter is deffirent or same? My case is at NJ court. Actually I am worrying about the short discripition of arrest reason in this letter. I really appreciated your help.
Received Welcome letters

Received welcome letters today. Strange thing is this seems to be an entirely a new case - I181 and has a new EAC number. Does everyone has the same experience?
RD 3/18/02
ND 4/6/02
TD- 7/13/04
ID - 6/30/05
WL - 7/28/05

Yes that is because they have created your permenant residence file. If you check online status with those #'s it will tell you when your cards will be ready
TO : bpx

Dear BPX

I totally agree with " InUS&Frustrated" and can add from my point of view, that you usually only need to give the Court Disposition Letter to the Interview Officer, it's should have all the information the officer need.

As I understand, there are INS internal guidelines, as to what extent the arrest outcome can be without affecting your GC process.
Reportedly from different sources, if arrest final outcome (court decision or disposition) is the 12 months of any kind of jail time (actual jail time, suspended sentence or probation time - all counts), then you are in troubles. Again, those are "reportedly", those are unofficial and unconfirmed by me rumours.

The unconditionally discharged arrest you have will in no way be a problem for your interview. But bring the Court Disposition Letter to the Interview Officer to prove arrest was unconditionally discharged.

platic card received

Received the plastic card on Friday.

I believe the journey is over. I once again thank everyone on this forum who lent their shoulders to weep on and provided great human support. I thank Mr.Khanna who provided this space for all of us get together and share our griefs, apprehensions and joys.

Way to go !!!

ataknev said:
Received the plastic card on Friday.

I believe the journey is over. I once again thank everyone on this forum who lent their shoulders to weep on and provided great human support. I thank Mr.Khanna who provided this space for all of us get together and share our griefs, apprehensions and joys.


Congratulations, and enjoy the freedom. Get all you can get out of it.

Finally approved


Today I attended interview and got my 485 approved. My appointment was at 11.00 PM and went to Federal bulding (13th floor) @ Newrak @ 10.15 PM. They asked me come back @ 10.45 AM. They asked me to wait in the cafeteria (2nd floor). My spouse case also transferred to Newark but we didn't receive interview letter. We went back @ 10.45 AM and gave the appoinment letter at counter and were asked to wait till someone will come and call us. we waited for 1 hr. then one lady called my name. I went and asked about my spouse and she said if my spouse's file is at Newark office then she can process. She took oath and asked few questions regarding my job, salary , about future employment (mine is future employment case) and pay stubs. Then she verifed my spouse's case said they not yet received. She stamped my passport and said I will receive card in one or two months.

TD: 06/03/2005
ID: 08/03/2005

Wish you all good Luck
I-485s approved:

Our case approved yesterday. Our appointment was 10AM. we arrived fideral building at 8:55Am, took about 30 min for secruity check before enter the building. 9:30Am we arrived at 13th floor. The front desk didn't take our appointment notice because our lawyer didn't come yet. 10:10 AM our lawyer gave the letters to front desk and then wiaiting until 12:15 PM we were called.
An middle age lay interviewed us and she was really nice. She took our finger prints and signatures, led us to her office, tried to get a chair for my little son and then took oath, Checked our lawyer's licence. The first question was directly for my spourse about my spourse's arrest even I am the main applicant. She asked why the arrest was not marked at original application,our lawyer told her that the arrest was after application, gave her the arrest disposition letter and explained the code "N.G" means No Guilty, and she wanted my spourse to filled another form to clear the arrest.
After that she took our birth certificates, my employment letter, EADs, APs, I-94s, passports and our new Photos(Any way, she asked if we have new photos).She checked everything including passport expire dates. (At this moment we knew she would give our GC approved even she didn't told us yet). she was busy filling forms , finding documents' copies and put things into different files. She had trouble to find my birthcertificate's copy from my big original file, asked if we have a copy and I gave it to her for saving time.
To our surprise, at this moment, she wanted to ask 3 questions for secruity reason. If we are terorests, or want to help them or if we helped other people to enter us illegelly? We answer no. then she said we are US PR now , congratulated us, stamped our passports and said goodbye. The whole process was finished by 12:30PM and was not bad at all. We had some jokes such as I told the lady that my little kid wanted his turn for finger print, she said he is US citizen and he doesn't need. When she had difficulty to find my BC copy and I said should not have submmited such a big file.

Any way, we like to thank all of you who helped us, provided information and answered question.

Finally, Be patient to wait and May God bless all of you.
bpx said:
I-485s approved:

Our case approved yesterday. Our appointment was 10AM. we arrived fideral building at 8:55Am, took about 30 min for secruity check before enter the building. 9:30Am we arrived at 13th floor. The front desk didn't take our appointment notice because our lawyer didn't come yet. 10:10 AM our lawyer gave the letters to front desk and then wiaiting until 12:15 PM we were called.
An middle age lay interviewed us and she was really nice. She took our finger prints and signatures, led us to her office, tried to get a chair for my little son and then took oath, Checked our lawyer's licence. The first question was directly for my spourse about my spourse's arrest even I am the main applicant. She asked why the arrest was not marked at original application,our lawyer told her that the arrest was after application, gave her the arrest disposition letter and explained the code "N.G" means No Guilty, and she wanted my spourse to filled another form to clear the arrest.
After that she took our birth certificates, my employment letter, EADs, APs, I-94s, passports and our new Photos(Any way, she asked if we have new photos).She checked everything including passport expire dates. (At this moment we knew she would give our GC approved even she didn't told us yet). she was busy filling forms , finding documents' copies and put things into different files. She had trouble to find my birthcertificate's copy from my big original file, asked if we have a copy and I gave it to her for saving time.
To our surprise, at this moment, she wanted to ask 3 questions for secruity reason. If we are terorests, or want to help them or if we helped other people to enter us illegelly? We answer no. then she said we are US PR now , congratulated us, stamped our passports and said goodbye. The whole process was finished by 12:30PM and was not bad at all. We had some jokes such as I told the lady that my little kid wanted his turn for finger print, she said he is US citizen and he doesn't need. When she had difficulty to find my BC copy and I said should not have submmited such a big file.

Any way, we like to thank all of you who helped us, provided information and answered question.

Finally, Be patient to wait and May God bless all of you.

WAS YOUR CASE EB3? 2 or 1?
BECAUSE FOR EB3 they are not doing stamping....
4852003 said:

Today I attended interview and got my 485 approved. My appointment was at 11.00 PM and went to Federal bulding (13th floor) @ Newrak @ 10.15 PM. They asked me come back @ 10.45 AM. They asked me to wait in the cafeteria (2nd floor). My spouse case also transferred to Newark but we didn't receive interview letter. We went back @ 10.45 AM and gave the appoinment letter at counter and were asked to wait till someone will come and call us. we waited for 1 hr. then one lady called my name. I went and asked about my spouse and she said if my spouse's file is at Newark office then she can process. She took oath and asked few questions regarding my job, salary , about future employment (mine is future employment case) and pay stubs. Then she verifed my spouse's case said they not yet received. She stamped my passport and said I will receive card in one or two months.

TD: 06/03/2005
ID: 08/03/2005

Wish you all good Luck

Congatulations! What question did she ask about future employment? Is your case EB2 or EB3?

Enjoy the freedom and the weekend! Chillout with a beer buddy!
bpx said:
I-485s approved:

Our case approved yesterday. Our appointment was 10AM. we arrived fideral building at 8:55Am, took about 30 min for secruity check before enter the building. 9:30Am we arrived at 13th floor. The front desk didn't take our appointment notice because our lawyer didn't come yet. 10:10 AM our lawyer gave the letters to front desk and then wiaiting until 12:15 PM we were called.
An middle age lay interviewed us and she was really nice. She took our finger prints and signatures, led us to her office, tried to get a chair for my little son and then took oath, Checked our lawyer's licence. The first question was directly for my spourse about my spourse's arrest even I am the main applicant. She asked why the arrest was not marked at original application,our lawyer told her that the arrest was after application, gave her the arrest disposition letter and explained the code "N.G" means No Guilty, and she wanted my spourse to filled another form to clear the arrest.
After that she took our birth certificates, my employment letter, EADs, APs, I-94s, passports and our new Photos(Any way, she asked if we have new photos).She checked everything including passport expire dates. (At this moment we knew she would give our GC approved even she didn't told us yet). she was busy filling forms , finding documents' copies and put things into different files. She had trouble to find my birthcertificate's copy from my big original file, asked if we have a copy and I gave it to her for saving time.
To our surprise, at this moment, she wanted to ask 3 questions for secruity reason. If we are terorests, or want to help them or if we helped other people to enter us illegelly? We answer no. then she said we are US PR now , congratulated us, stamped our passports and said goodbye. The whole process was finished by 12:30PM and was not bad at all. We had some jokes such as I told the lady that my little kid wanted his turn for finger print, she said he is US citizen and he doesn't need. When she had difficulty to find my BC copy and I said should not have submmited such a big file.

Any way, we like to thank all of you who helped us, provided information and answered question.

Finally, Be patient to wait and May God bless all of you.

Congratulations BPX! Ensoy the freedom buddy!
Cong! and questions

hey 4852003,

which category is your application?
About your wife, she got a letter saying that her files are transferred, but the officer in newark checked, and said that they haven't received the files yet. so they didn't stamp your wife's passport. Am I understanding you correctly?

Thank you in advance for your prompt answers.

4852003 said:

Today I attended interview and got my 485 approved. My appointment was at 11.00 PM and went to Federal bulding (13th floor) @ Newrak @ 10.15 PM. They asked me come back @ 10.45 AM. They asked me to wait in the cafeteria (2nd floor). My spouse case also transferred to Newark but we didn't receive interview letter. We went back @ 10.45 AM and gave the appoinment letter at counter and were asked to wait till someone will come and call us. we waited for 1 hr. then one lady called my name. I went and asked about my spouse and she said if my spouse's file is at Newark office then she can process. She took oath and asked few questions regarding my job, salary , about future employment (mine is future employment case) and pay stubs. Then she verifed my spouse's case said they not yet received. She stamped my passport and said I will receive card in one or two months.

TD: 06/03/2005
ID: 08/03/2005

Wish you all good Luck
Want GC Soon said:
Congatulations! What question did she ask about future employment? Is your case EB2 or EB3?

Enjoy the freedom and the weekend! Chillout with a beer buddy!

My case is EB2. She asked me about the sponsor employer and I replied A company. Then she asked me what is your curent empoyer and I replied B company. Then she why did you quit A and joined B. My case was previously I worked for A and client is B. Then I joined in B as permanent employee but still A was processing my GC. I gave the same reason to the officer and the she smiled and said "they hooked you up. No problem your GC is approved".

Wish you all good luck
qyang0828 said:
hey 4852003,

which category is your application?
About your wife, she got a letter saying that her files are transferred, but the officer in newark checked, and said that they haven't received the files yet. so they didn't stamp your wife's passport. Am I understanding you correctly?

Thank you in advance for your prompt answers.



Officer said they will receive the file and will send interview letter soon. Had they received the file allready, my spouse would have got GC approved. Thats what the officer said.

Wish you all good luck.
Checking status of file transfer

Hi Everyone,

I have taken infopass appointment to check if Newark office received my file or not.

My Attorney is discouraging me from doing so. If anyone have experience of checking file transfer status earlier, please kindly share with us.

Also, is there a way to expedite or enquire to Service center for file transfer situations.
