New York SESA Tracker

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I though some one contact Mr.. Khanna for a online sign petition about the NY DOL delays, did he /she heard from him back ?

Contractors - some good news

I had heard rumors that contractors would be hired to help out with the backlog based on an assessment PWC had done.

I found the RFP that DOL sent out on September 5th for such contractors. The due date for submission is October 27th.

I was not able to find the date on which contracts will be awarded. Based on some notes I read on the RFP I assume it will be sometime later this year. DOL also expects the entity that is awarded to be operational within 30-60 days (at least that is what I understood).

It also says that two processing centers will be setup with approximately 100 staff each to help process cases.

Other important facts I was able to get from the document:

- Approx 300,000 case backlog in the entire country.
- A couple notes stating that PERM is expected to be implemented in early 2004.

The RFP can be found at:
This is good, first good news since long time , hopefully by Jan 2004 these contractors will be working on
Re: Re: Rally last weekend

Originally posted by kohls
Why not ! For God's sake this one is the election year, and Mr. W needs something to show off as an achievement.

G.W. Bush and the whole illegal immigrants processing causing undue delay in legal immigrant processing reminds me of Moghul King Muhammad Bin Tuklaq:)
non-RIR processing times

this website states that NY DOL is working on 3/2001 cases for non-RIR, does anyone know where they are, and if/when they will move to 4/2001?


Did you see the Maryland thread. After the folks there started kicking the A** of their DOL, they started moving with rocket speed.

It needs the same here with NY DOL.....

Lets Rock... guys !!!!

Originally posted by sankat_mochan

Did you see the Maryland thread. After the folks there started kicking the A** of their DOL, they started moving with rocket speed.

It needs the same here with NY DOL.....

Lets Rock... guys !!!!

I think a link to that thread (and the page # that you intend) would be great help.
sankat_mochan, would you please give more detail ? I see nothing in Maryland thread ?

Please read the thread starting from page 35 onards !!
sankat_mochan, Wouldn't be easy to give us more detail instead of us looking in 35 pages of messages , I went through few of these pages , its mostly about individual cases , I would not waste more time on that..:mad:
Folks , has anyone recently talked to Labor Dept? They have not updated the phone message for last three months. Let us hope and pray for updating the message for this month.
Yups, I didn't think it would require so many clicks to reach page 35 ... Sankat, do give a 'brief' outline if you can ... otherwise, we get the gist. I totally agree that the only way to get things going in NY DOL is to 'politely demand' an explanation! We need to start a group, or if somebody can request (and keep requesting) Mr. Khanna (or any other lawyer) to take up our cause. Problem is that most people fear 'reprisal', but hey, this is America, nobody will get 'punished' for using the first amendment. There can be only be so much delay that can be explained by 'illegal immigrant applications' or any other reason.

I toally empathize with the NY DOL's predicament of being inundated with applications but THAT IS NO EXCUSE for 2.5 years of delay for RIR applcaitions! It also happens to be the case that every application comes with a 'siginifcant' fee, so the more the applications the more the fees you get and hence THE MORE THE PEOPLE YOU CAN HIRE and get the job done!

If the management over there was dumb enough to think that the same number of employees would handle 300,000 more applications than usual, then I'm afraid the NY DOL MANAGEMENT MUST OWN UP RESPONSIBILITY FOR CAUSING UNTOLD SUFFERING TO HARD WORKING IMMIGRANTS AND MUST RESIGN.

Let's try to 'brainstorm' in this forum as to how we can communicate with NY DOL and get things moving.
RE: DOL Delay

I think one good way would be if we can get the facts out in any kind of published media. Something like NY POST or DAILY NEWS.
Something to make more people aware of the problems people are facing due to the delay .
I don't know how to go about it but if anyone in the news group has any journalist contacts it could help us to pass our message to a higher audiance
Re: DOL Delay

This is another suggestion might work in parallel with yours :

The INS implemented a Premium program to speed up many processes by adding a premium fee , so for example: the H1B visa extension went from 3 months to 1 week using this program, assuming processing single case in the DOL will required 8 hours man power and lets say a man hour costs $100 , so in total $800, No lets make it $1000 donation to the Labor department to be used ONLY on hiring more stuff and accelerating this process, I do not think any one in the government will reject that. ( that can be optional for any applicable )

Also about the media, its great idea to show the importance of us :) ( kidding) to the American society and show our issue, that will help, but it will need to draft very comprehensive letter to the media, who can work in that ?
Re: DOL Delay
This is another suggestion might work in parallel with yours :

The INS implemented a Premium program to speed up many processes by adding a premium fee , so for example: the H1B visa extension went from 3 months to 1 week using this program, assuming processing single case in the DOL will required 8 hours man power and lets say a man hour costs $100 , so in total $800, No lets make it $1000 donation to the Labor department to be used ONLY on hiring more stuff and accelerating this process, I do not think any one in the government will reject that. ( that can be optional for any applicable )

Also about the media, its great idea to show the importance of us ( kidding) to the American society and show our issue, that will help, but it will need to draft very comprehensive letter to the media, who can work in that ?


I would give just a penny to these Morons...
I second the idea for raising funds for " Labor certification Premieum Processing". Since the complaint seems to be that the DOL is sinificantly understaffed .. I think we should take an initiative to provide the DOL with some funds to do thier job.
Sankat Mochan, can you please tell what you exactly read in Maryland thread ? It's still not clear to me.
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