New York City - N-400 Timeline - Naturalization Experiences


Hi guys,
I took the oath yesterday in white plains. The event was well organized and took maybe 2 hours in total. Brought my whole family. My 2 year old clapped and cheered for everything :eek:
The longest part for us was applying for the passport. You could do it right there in a room next door. they took your picture, checked the form and took cash only. That all seems easy except my daughter would not stand for the pic. but we finally got it done in the office upstairs.
One thing strange that happened was one lady that was there to take the oath but lived in CT. They told her she couldn't. this was not her " district, or county".
That was all.
thank you all for your help. thank you very much.
Listen, my friend and you will grow older in wisdom. One of the questions the IO will ask of you is: Are you still married ? YES or NO. And you will have to answer YES but my wife filed for DIVORCE. If you play around with this, it will be construed as LYING, because you MUST disclose, this is the main pilar of your application for citizenship. There is no way around this one.-

Better a withdrawal than a denial.- Be smart.- Don't play around this one.- Maybe this is what your wife wants you to do, so she can get you later on if she wishes to do so.-

Your chances of approval are 0%.- :D

I got the idea and I agree: better a withdrawal than a denial;

Will CIS REFUND my application fees if I withdraw? I GUESS not
I got the idea and I agree: better a withdrawal than a denial;

Will CIS REFUND my application fees if I withdraw? I GUESS not

No. You will not get any money back. But you will get some peace of mind by withdrawing your application. Besides, there is nothing else your wife will be able to take from you as far as USCIS is concerned.-
I got the idea and I agree: better a withdrawal than a denial;

Will CIS REFUND my application fees if I withdraw? I GUESS not
Please consult a lawyer. Firstly filing for a divorce does not mean that your wife will get a divorce easily. You are still married.
Here is the NY law (wikipedia):-
The cause of action for divorce in New York state (accusations against the defendant by the plaintiff that are grounds for divorce) are limited to:

* Cruel and inhuman treatment (Domestic Relations Law §170.1)
* Abandonment for a continuous period of one year or more (DRL §170.2)
* Imprisonment for more than three years subsequent to the marriage (DRL §170.3)
* Adultery (DRL §170.4)
* Conversion of a separation judgment (DRL §170.5)
* Conversion of a written and acknowledged separation agreement after living separate and apart for more than one year (DRL §170.6)

One or more of these grounds for divorce must be used if one party to the marriage wants a divorce.
Your wife has to prove the charges against you or wait for a period of separation. Technically you are married, hence please consult a lawyer before withdrawing.
Please consult a lawyer. Firstly filing for a divorce does not mean that your wife will get a divorce easily. You are still married.
Here is the NY law (wikipedia):-
The cause of action for divorce in New York state (accusations against the defendant by the plaintiff that are grounds for divorce) are limited to:

* Cruel and inhuman treatment (Domestic Relations Law §170.1)
* Abandonment for a continuous period of one year or more (DRL §170.2)
* Imprisonment for more than three years subsequent to the marriage (DRL §170.3)
* Adultery (DRL §170.4)
* Conversion of a separation judgment (DRL §170.5)
* Conversion of a written and acknowledged separation agreement after living separate and apart for more than one year (DRL §170.6)

One or more of these grounds for divorce must be used if one party to the marriage wants a divorce.
Your wife has to prove the charges against you or wait for a period of separation. Technically you are married, hence please consult a lawyer before withdrawing.

Thank you for your advice, but consulting a lawyer will not help my case;

The comments made by other posters made clear the fact that
this represents a breake in the marital union anyway; there are no chances
to show up at the interview and hope to pass the interview while
there is a divorce/separation in process;
Listen, my friend and you will grow older in wisdom. One of the questions the IO will ask of you is: Are you still married ? YES or NO. And you will have to answer YES but my wife filed for DIVORCE. If you play around with this, it will be construed as LYING, because you MUST disclose, this is the main pilar of your application for citizenship. There is no way around this one.-

Better a withdrawal than a denial.- Be smart.- Don't play around this one.- Maybe this is what your wife wants you to do, so she can get you later on if she wishes to do so.-

Your chances of approval are 0%.- :D

Rick 92,

Can you please explain why is "better a withdraw or a denial on a Citizenship perspective"?

Will a denial (like me showing up at the interview and tell the IO my wife filed for divorce) considered as a NEGATIVE record in my file?

If that is the case I better withdraw;

Please advice,
Thank you for your advice, but consulting a lawyer will not help my case;

The comments made by other posters made clear the fact that
this represents a breake in the marital union anyway; there are no chances
to show up at the interview and hope to pass the interview while
there is a divorce/separation in process;
That is your decision. I respect it.
However this could be construed as a gray area, hence a lawyer can help you. Check this:-
Under Title 8 of the Code of Federal Regulations Section 319.1 if the LPR is married to a U.S. citizen then continuous residency in the U.S. is required for three years if the U.S. citizen spouse has been a U.S. citizen for, at minimum, three years, they are still married at the time of the application and adjudication of the naturalization application (Form N-400), and, they are living/residing together at the time of the application.
You were married at the time of applying, weren't u ? I would go the the IO and tell him the way it is. At the most he will reject your application, but you will have at-least tried. It is not like you are getting your money back anyway. You can then reapply after 2 years.
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Please consult a lawyer. Firstly filing for a divorce does not mean that your wife will get a divorce easily. You are still married.
Here is the NY law (wikipedia):-
The cause of action for divorce in New York state (accusations against the defendant by the plaintiff that are grounds for divorce) are limited to:

* Cruel and inhuman treatment (Domestic Relations Law §170.1)
* Abandonment for a continuous period of one year or more (DRL §170.2)
* Imprisonment for more than three years subsequent to the marriage (DRL §170.3)
* Adultery (DRL §170.4)
* Conversion of a separation judgment (DRL §170.5)
* Conversion of a written and acknowledged separation agreement after living separate and apart for more than one year (DRL §170.6)

One or more of these grounds for divorce must be used if one party to the marriage wants a divorce.
Your wife has to prove the charges against you or wait for a period of separation. Technically you are married, hence please consult a lawyer before withdrawing.

THe divorce papers that has been delivered to me shows "ABANDONEMENT" as
But we are still living together!.........

So I guess this divorce will not meet the GROUND for apply for a divorce;

Will the IO Ask me if we still live together?? will he inquire re our this divorce?

Now im getting worried on what can happen at the interview

"Abandonment for a continuous period of one year or more (DRL §170
Well, abandonment doesn't necessarily have to mean that you have left. She can argue that you're not fulfilling your marital duties or some such.
Look at my signature. They are the worst. And by the way, you said your wife got the OL in 1/30 and OD in 2/11.

Let me ask you: Is the oath outside NYC ? Is it in Long Island? And, was your wife's interview in Garden City? ;)

My wife was interviewed in Garden City
Yes the Oath is in Islip ,Long Island , 100 miles from where we lived
I got my OL yesterday to Brooklyn,
I got on official web site and I read that even you have passesd your interview IO can hold it for 120 days ,but since you got Congratulation letter
and you singned photos you sholud be approved.Sometimes interview is conducted by trainee officer and the final call is made by Supervisor.
THe divorce papers that has been delivered to me shows "ABANDONEMENT" as
But we are still living together!.........

So I guess this divorce will not meet the GROUND for apply for a divorce;

Will the IO Ask me if we still live together?? will he inquire re our this divorce?

Now im getting worried on what can happen at the interview

"Abandonment for a continuous period of one year or more (DRL §170
Abandonment for One or more Years:
Abandonment is a serious fault divorce ground in New York. Actual abandonment occurs only in case if one of the spouses leaves home without consent of the other spouse. Another form of abandonment is constructive abandonment, which is the unjustified refusal to engage in sexual relations with the other spouse. If both spouses consent not to engage in sexual relations, there is no constructive abandonment by either spouse. At the time of the petition for divorce, the abandonment must be of one full year.
Check your papers !
FP date?

Hi, I am new here.
It has been almost 60 days since my Notice date but haven't received my FP notice yet. :( It seems to be too long comparing to other people's timeline.
It is shown that my case is at National Benefit Center. Is there anybody taking so long?

N400- NYC
12/10:Notice Date
12/23:NOA received
xx/xx:FP notice
Interview Experience - good news & bad news

I had my interview earlier this week in Garden City. My application is based on 3 year/marriage to a USC. The interview was pretty simple and straight forward. It took about 30 minutes.

The officer asked me to read a 3 line sentence(s) and then write 3 sentences that were dictated. Then, I was asked all 10 questions (even though I got the first 6 correct).

She reviewed my application, going over current address, phone number, employment, children, travels abroad, the questions at the end of the application, etc.

She asked me if I had joint federal tax returns (yes), joint bank accounts (5 accounts, 3 statments per year for past 3 years), joint lease/mortgage (mortages on 2 properties), and health/life insurance (yes).

Throughout the interview I was asked to sign various papers and photos.

She said that everything looked good and that she had to confirm something. She stepped out for a second and when she returned she printed out the Interview Results page and checked "You have passed the tests..." and "Congratulations! Your application has been recommended...". She then told me that they started giving out same day oath letters and that I can wait for it downstairs after the final supervisor's approval.

After waiting for about 1 1/2 hours, I was called to go see the the officer who interviewed me. She told me that since I live in Manhattan which is outside of their jurisdiction/area/district, they won't be able to give me an oath letter and that I have to wait for it in the mail. She said that my application was approved by a supervisor and, hopefully, I should get the letter shortly.

I don't know why I was sent to Garden City if they don't really serve Manhattan!

But the good news is that for all those who are scheduled for interviews at Garden City, you'll most likely get an oath letter the same day as your interview if you're approved (unless you live in Manhattan).
What do you do if you don't have health insurance? Many people don't, and it disingenuous to expect immigrants to have it as "proof" of their marriage. Congrats, btw!
I had my interview earlier this week in Garden City.

She said that everything looked good and that she had to confirm something. She stepped out for a second and when she returned she printed out the Interview Results page and checked "You have passed the tests..." and "Congratulations! Your application has been recommended...". She then told me that they started giving out same day oath letters and that I can wait for it downstairs after the final supervisor's approval.

That's good news (for us non-Manhattanites)!
Hi, I am new here.
It has been almost 60 days since my Notice date but haven't received my FP notice yet. :( It seems to be too long comparing to other people's timeline.
It is shown that my case is at National Benefit Center. Is there anybody taking so long?

Did you get fingerprinted by USCIS in the last 15 months for something else? (For example, greencard renewal.) If so, they're probably running those. Call the customer service number. Tell the first person you get that you haven't gotten your fingerprint notice yet and ask to be transferred to an immigration officer at the second level. They have more information and will be able to tell you if they're using older fingerprints or if a notice has been sent (and you haven't gotten it yet).
I had my interview earlier this week in Garden City. My application is based on 3 year/marriage to a USC. The interview was pretty simple and straight forward. It took about 30 minutes.

The officer asked me to read a 3 line sentence(s) and then write 3 sentences that were dictated. Then, I was asked all 10 questions (even though I got the first 6 correct).

She reviewed my application, going over current address, phone number, employment, children, travels abroad, the questions at the end of the application, etc.

She asked me if I had joint federal tax returns (yes), joint bank accounts (5 accounts, 3 statments per year for past 3 years), joint lease/mortgage (mortages on 2 properties), and health/life insurance (yes).

Throughout the interview I was asked to sign various papers and photos.

She said that everything looked good and that she had to confirm something. She stepped out for a second and when she returned she printed out the Interview Results page and checked "You have passed the tests..." and "Congratulations! Your application has been recommended...". She then told me that they started giving out same day oath letters and that I can wait for it downstairs after the final supervisor's approval.

After waiting for about 1 1/2 hours, I was called to go see the the officer who interviewed me. She told me that since I live in Manhattan which is outside of their jurisdiction/area/district, they won't be able to give me an oath letter and that I have to wait for it in the mail. She said that my application was approved by a supervisor and, hopefully, I should get the letter shortly.

I don't know why I was sent to Garden City if they don't really serve Manhattan!

But the good news is that for all those who are scheduled for interviews at Garden City, you'll most likely get an oath letter the same day as your interview if you're approved (unless you live in Manhattan).


Hope that I will be interviewed there.

Thank you.