New TSC Plastic Card Tracker (2/4/02)


STAMP: 5-18-02
Kan Hogan...please update

We (my wife, daughter and myself) received our plastic cards today (02/19/02). PP Stamped at San Antonio on 01/28/02.
Got Plastic Card

I have received my plastic card today (02/19/02). I went for the PP stamping on (02/04/02).
Received plastic card ...

PP stamp: 1/31/02
Received cards : 2/19/02

Q: can we make copies of the GC? will it damage the magnetic part at the back of the card? any comments?

thanks Kan Hogan for the tracking. GOod luck to all!
No change in AVM

Thanks, Kan.

As I mentioned earlier, I got my card on the 16th. Still waiting for my wife\'s card.

The AVM still says "This case has been approved ..."

approved: Jan23
Stamped: Feb 01
Got Card: Feb 19
I think we are all very happy to see what\'s going on recently at TSC. It is amazing, isn\'t it?
Thanks, ihdus and BePatient

Thanks for sharing your information. I guess TSC never bothers to enter the data into AVM. We will not be able to check the status unless we want to fight the busy line to get to an IIO.

As to BePatient\'s question, I don\'t think photo copy will damage your card. I believe most of the card holder made photocopy of the card in the past and did not remember anyone in this forum had the problem.
My wife got her card

Came in the mail yesterday. But both of us have the \'Resident Since date\' printed with our \'Priority date\', not the date of the approval of the I485. So, one more visit to the INS office is in order.
TSC Tracker

Received the plastic cards yesterday; passports stamped at Atlanta on 8 February, cards valid from 22 February and residents since 25 January 2002--the date of approval. EB-2 RIR category with PD of 02/19/2001.
Stamped on Feb12th in Charlotte NC

Approved on Feb 06 2002.. Heard message yesterday on TSC AVM that
approval has been recvd and cards have ordered for me and wife on March 1 2002.. It will take 200-360 days to get the cards..

Ideally how long it would take to get the cards once they have been ordered???

2 finger prints and 2 signatures

Does anybody know what happens if the local INS office took my finger print and signature once instead of twice for I589? I am afraid that the officer was inexperienced and made a mistake. Will I get my plastic card ?
According to other people\'s experience

According to other people\'s experience, this means that they mailed you the cards. Which service center are you with? TSC or VSC? Several guys in this discussion group said that TSC phone messages never get changed from I-485 approval to after the cards issued. If you are with TSC, your AVM is different from others.
Did any one got their GC cards, Stamping done in Houston


   Did any got their GC cards after Passport stamping done around last week of January 2002 in Houston. If yes Please post your details.

I got my passport stamped on 01/31/2002, still waiting for the cards.

I read in I-485 issues that It took 5 week for someone to recieve his card.

My Passport stamped in mid february and I am also in waiting list.

I was going through some old posts in I-485 issues and read that it took about 5 weeks for some one to recieve it.

A friend of mine is waiting for about 2 months now and he has not recieved his card.

Please inform when you recieve the card.
Plastic Card

I guess TSC is randomly processing everything. Both my husband and I did our PP stamping at the same time on 1/30. He received his card on 2/19, but I am still waiting on mine.