New TSC discussion - December 3

Did we have two approvals for July NDs??!!

I see these details on tracker. As per these, SKD and Ken with ND of 7/24 and 7/10 had ther cases approved on 11/4 and 12/5 respectively. Am I reading it correct?

Hidden Dragon

1 Name Category PD RD ND AD SRC
164 SKD EB2(RIR) 2/19/2001 6/25/2001 7/24/2001 11/14/2001 01 226
144 Ken EB2(RIR) 6/26/2001 7/10/2001 12/5/2001 01 216
Yes and No!

Yes u r right both have been approved
But SKD\'s was a special case while Ken\'s is genuine.

Hope this helps

Rashiditis is a great disease to have. Look how my case went through and i am sure they new i was calling so often. When it went to NVC i called the same way. it didnt stay there more than 3 weeks. when they sent it to the consulate i called. and the consulate verified it was there. Now i am sending pkt 3 and u bet ya i will call to find out my date. So follow my example. it works. No one will do it for u
My Mistake!!

Ken received an RFE but his case is not yet approved. I corrected the tracker. Sorry about it.


I think KGH case was processed randomly!!! I dont think TSC is processing some July cases.This is my

Rashid Trumann, does your case go through NVC or directly go to consulate?

I have read your messages, I know you are doing cp. ALso you filed I-824 before your I-140 gets approved, and you got the I-824 reciept notice and the I-140 approval notice at the same time. Please let us know the consequence of such a synchorous filing. Thanks

In what I have seen of TSC in the past 6-8 months. What they try doing is start processing cases 2-3 months ahead form where theyare andthen start coming backwards. I am sure we will see a lot more July cases in teh coming week. This is NOT a random case I think..I am pretty sure if not the whole of July ND cases we will see cases approved AT LEAST till July 12th ND
But then that is my opinion
TexasLucky,How can u say only till 12 th july ND ,I dont know on what basis u are telling that.Could

Good one KP!! But no...

Dude..I am ND July 26th so considering my hypothesis I along with coolcat would be the unlucky...I have seen this happen at the INS over the last 6 months. Let me give you an example:

Some time back, The INS were processing Nov and Dec cases diligently and regularly when one fine day they raced thru Jan and Feb and reached Feb 15th cases. I donno who amonst our current groups was there since I was new here.
All of us were happy assuming that probably there were very few Jan cases and hoped that next the INS would go faster than expected. Then lo behold...Slowly INS approvals became few and far and the pattern was approvals were around Feb15th for the longest time. KP knows about this I am sure..Also a lot of March cases were touched even b4 the INS was sure than Feb was done.
Hence my guess
This is my opinion not a surety!!
On the dot GKing..

I think GKing\'s analysis is perfect..The July 12th date makes perefct sense since EB3 cases b4 that got transferred
I will agree with GKing and TexasLucky

I will agree with GKing and TexasLucky. Because mine is a borderline case EB3 ND July 13th. Mine was not transferred to NSC.

It is obvious that TSC would have selected a cut-off to transfer the EB3 cases and that date unfortunately looks like July 13 (poor me).

Now I would think they would concentrate on all the cases from April - July 12. I hope they finish fast and start cases beyond July 12. I am hopeful that they will finish April - July 12 fast because they have very few cases for May and June (due to the mailroom problem).
FYI ..... Any one is having ND or RD between APRIL - June (TSC EB2)

Couple of my friends filed ( i.e attorney sent ) their I-140 s in April 2001, May 2001, &
June 2001. But all of them received 19th July 2001 ND. I guess may be that time period
TSC didn\'t open their mails. Any comments will be appreciated.
Thanks! Raj
Mail rrom probs

At that time TSC was exp heavy mailroom probs..So all mail was opened only in July...TSC fired its previous mail room contractors and no training was given by departing contractors to the new company that was hired..Henc the delay
we are seeing some july case approved ..

i.e TSC is processing july cases also. Hope we will see good news.

My RD is MAR-28 ND is APR-05. AVM is not updated with transfer message. Do you think this case will be apporved in December?. I sick of waiting. The reason I am asking I want to move to India instead of waiting here.
140 -EB3,RIR, filed in mid March approved!!!

Thank god it approved.
Just receieved email from My company lawyer. The case filed in mid March (They wouldn\'t tell me case # and ND...). The case probably approved 1 week ago.
Good luck to all you guys