New Timeline thread for San Antonio & Austin area

Congratulations Mario

First of all a heartiest Congratulations..... we all know how relieved you must be now and I am really very happy for you. Yes, we did read a lot of your recent posts with all the analysis/paralysis about USCIS conspiracy, and know how tensed up you were.

Really glad that you got what you both were waiting for, but hope you will stay engaged in this forum the way you have been recently. Good luck with the Oath and keep us posted....:D
Thanks man

KoolVik7 - Thanks a lot! Yes, I have poured A LOT into this process and have been fixated on this board for months now, mostly as a source of info but also to help others in the process. I hope you get your case adjudicated soon too!

austin183 - dude - Thanks! and CONGRATULATIONS to you too!

Hope you'll sleep well tonight - I know I will :p
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Oath Letter

My wife and I have received Oath letters.

Here are the timelines:

N-400 Mailed: December 1, 2006
Fingerprint 1: Dec 27, 2006
Fingerprint 2: Feb 7, 2007
Police certificate collected: March 7, 2007
Interview: April 9, 2007
Oath: May 11, 2007

N-400 Mailed: Dec 1, 2006
Fingerprint: Dec 27, 2006
Interview: March 12, 2007
Oath: May 11, 2007
Interview Date

Hello Guys,

I have been reading this thread from a short time. I do not see any new members in the thread. I had applied for my N-400 around feb 20th, and completed my fingerprinting around march 15th. No news of any interview. My friends who applied 3 weeks before me, have already finished their interviews last week. I was wondering, if anyone has applied around the same time and me.


Hello Guys,

I have been reading this thread from a short time. I do not see any new members in the thread. I had applied for my N-400 around feb 20th, and completed my fingerprinting around march 15th. No news of any interview. My friends who applied 3 weeks before me, have already finished their interviews last week. I was wondering, if anyone has applied around the same time and me.


There are a gizillion factors that could be involved in how they schedule interviews, but some of the major ones are:

1) File location: Does your file need to be moved from one loc. to another?

2) Security Clearances & backgrond investgation: Name checks, FP, etc: If you have a Muslim, Chinese, African or east European name/nationality, it takes A LOT longer. Best case scenario - a month, worst case - infinity.

3) Volume within the SC and DO: TSC/San Antonio is fairly overloaded - it covers a huge area.... also they are not good at communicating oath dates (see my earlier posts in this thread)

As a reference, my wife's and my appl. took 6 months from FP to Int. We got our GC in Boston and did our N400 in Texas/Austin (San Antonio DO) nearly 10 yrs. later - so, I guess that involved a file transfer from the VSC to the TSC. On the other hand, there are guys who got their apps. processed in 5-6 months (appl. to oath).

Your best bet is to stay proactive and get people to post their timelines and updates - it sure helped me a lot, at least on the older SA thread, unlike this one that seems to be dead for the most part. Also, make a sig. w/your timeline - you might get more/better responses

Good luck.
Timeline and interview in Dallas area

Hi everyone.I just wanted to share my experience with this forum with regard to my case.
Filed N-400 08-14-06
Received confirmation letter 09-07-06:)
Received interview letter 02-16-07:)
Interview date 04-16-07:D
Oath date 05-22-07:D

My interview was scheduled for 04-16-07 @ 1 p.m.
The letter stated not arrive less than 30 minutes before interview.
I arrived @ 3010 N Stemmons Frwy @ 12:25p.m.,left everything tha was not needed or that was made out of metal,including my cellphone in the car.Proceded to the entrance,handed my interview letter to the IO.He stamped the letter,asked me to empty everything from my pockets,put it in a container sent it thru a metal detector,asked me to walk thru a metal detector,returned everything that I had removed.IO handed me back my interview letter and ask me to place in a slot in door number 2.I did what IO asked me to do and waited and waited and waited.I noticed that a lot of people bring what seemed to me their whole family,even when in the letter they ask you not to_Oh my people!I'm hispanic and most of them where too!
At around 2 p.m.,a nice afro-american lady my interviewing IO, called my name,my interview at last!IO asked me into her office,introduced herself and ask me to raise my right hand and ask me to promise to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me god,and I responded,yes I do.She ask me if everything in the application was correct.I responded that I had made a couple of mistakes,one with the travel dates outside the country and the other with the month on the birthdate of one of my sons.She was very polite and made the changes without any questions.She asked me for my GC and DL and proof of Selective Service registration which a provided to her.She proceeded asked questions about belonging or being a member of clubs,organizations.I answer no to all the questions and she asked me if I was willing to bear arms and defend the constitution of the United States of America,to which I replied yes I do.History questions were as follows:
Who was the first president of the United States of America A.George Washington.
What country did we fight during the revolutionary war A.Great Britain
What was the name of the ship that brought the pilgrims to America A.The Mayflower.
The IO handed me a piece of paper and asked me to write the following sentence.I want to become a United States citizen,at this time my anxiety had set in and I wrote,I want to became a US citizen.Like I said the IO lady was very sweet and polite and she laughed and said to me smiling and reading my grammatical mistake.She said,not became and not US.Listen again.I want to become a United States citizen.I started laughing realizing my mistake and wrote the sentence correctly this time.She asked if I had my passport photos with me to which I reply yes and handed the photos to her.
She complemented on how good I look for my age(45) and also at the same time asked me,you have seven children and the oldest one is 29! !I explained to her that I was a father at 16@17@18 and that I had 2 kids out of wedlock when I was between marriages(married twice)and 2 stepsons.I also mentioned to the IO lady that my two oldest sons served in the military.My oldest in the navy and my third son in the marines.To this she replied ,you should be very proud of your sons!To that I replied,I am proud,very proud.After this she said to me congratulations I'm going to recomend that your application be aproved.She handed me a document with the date of the naturalization ceremony and other information.We shook hands,I thanked her for being so kind and polite,to which she replied,it was my pleasure,you should have done this a long time ago!
The naturalization ceremony will be @ The Plano Civic Center May 22 @9 am.
Thank's to everybody that has contributed to this forum,reading some of the posts helped me a great deal!See you at the ceremony...bye.
Thankyou mario123.

I am from india. My PR files must be at VSC. But then again, my friend had her PR from California. She finished her interview last week.

Anyway, I think the lucky ones get the interview sooner.

Thing is, I am planning to go to India in June and would not be back until mid Aug. With the way, the interviews were being scheduled exactly in about 3 months, i had applied for this, assuming that i would have my interview somewhere in May and then by the time i come back, the oath would also be scheduled. I am only hopping that the interview happens before i leave to India.

Also, I wanted to know, will they be giving our PR card after the interview. Since this will be required for travelling.

Thanks for your reply.
CTZN - Congratulation with your interview.

Memo - its fun reading your experience. Congratulations as well.
Good job!

I'm just waiting till the 18 of May for my interview!!!!

Congratulations to all of you that are taking Oath this coming May 07.
You guys should all celebrate & keep us posted.......

For all the people still waiting for there interviews just be patient. Waiting is very stressful thing. But next thing you know your interview letter will be in your mailbox in no time :) :) :) . Take Care Everyone.
Updates on my timeline

Here's my timeline:

3/23 - Express mailed N-400 application along with cover letter, marriage cert., joint bank account verification from the bank, joint health insurance, joint car insurance, joint car loan, copy of husband's naturalization cert, front and back copy of my greencard, check for $400, 2 passport photos

3/27 - Check was cashed

4/07 - Received receipt of application and case number. Went on to check my case status online and signed up to get email notification whenever case is updated

4/08 - Received finger-print notice letter. Finger-print is scheduled in San Antonio on 4/25.

4/25 - Fingerprint at 11AM. I was sure it's a Thursday. I woke up on Wednesday and getting ready to go to work at 10:30AM. Then for some weird reason, I was asking myself, what's today's date? I looked at my cellphone and started to panick. 4/25 is a Wednesday, not a Thursday. And I only have 30 min. to get to SA from Austin. Well, I drove like a maniac (not really... I mostly kept it at 80-85) and got there at 11:20. It's not too bad. I got in, waited in line, got a form, filled out the form, waited in line again, got a number. Then I sat down for about 20 min and my number was called. Then I was seated in a different area with about 5 or 6 more people, and after 10-15 min, a lady called my name. She scanned my fingers (full hand and each finger). The whole process took about 5-10 min (pretty fast) and I was done. She said I should get an interview notice in 3 months. I told her my friend got his in 3 weeks and she was VERY surprised. Anyway... now i'm just waiting and waiting....
hello inphan, looks like we are in the same boat. my details are as follows

application recd date is 26th feb
fingerprinting date was 27th mar
waiting for my interview date. my friends too received their interview letter within 3 - 4 weeks, but i have so far received nothing.

will keep posted.
Austin/San Antonio Timeline...with glitches

Greetings, all…
Joining here because of the Austin connection. Only found this site/thread when I learned last weekend about my “unclassifiable fingerprints”.

Back to that in a minute; first some background:
Country of origin: England
Location since 1988: Austin, TX
Permanent Residency since 1984.

I (age 59) and daughter (age 25) are both applying for naturalization.
Here’s our timeline for the general benefit of all looking for hopeful signs. (I’ll try to keep it updated with my signature). I'm grateful to those who have contributed so far and I'll be happy to share experiences as we go along: looks like it's gonna be a bumpy ride!

02/02/2007 N400 mailed to TSC Mesquite
02/13/2007 I797C advising receipt, with standard 90-day timeline, but marked as “Missing Evidence” (This to be specified later and brought to interview)
02/20/2007 I797C advising Fingerprint appt. at San Antonio for 03/02/2007
On that date we were verbally advised to expect to hear about interview date “in 2-3 months’ time”
04/26/2007 I797C advises me my fingerprints are “unclassifiable” and to return to San Antonio on 05/12/2007 for 2nd attempt. (The problem was observed and predicted at the first appointment, but were forwarded to the FBI anyway – was there any alternative?)

Dreading the delays this will create, I’m trying to be proactive. I read ctzn's post of 10 Apr. I’ve scheduled an appointment with a dermatologist, in unlikely case there's any treatment/prepping lotion. Could a statement from a doctor be used to support the futility of further fingerprinting efforts?

Regarding my background, I’ve ordered a record of traffic violations (2 ancient speeding tickets and a parking violation already offered in my N400) from the DPS, but the Texas Criminal Records Department in Austin needs to take my fingerprints to raise any kind of Police Record on me (I have none).

Does anyone know how I can escape from this Catch 22?

PS “Missing Evidence” will be required to support attachment questions relating to some absences exceeding six months. I’m gathering years of tax returns, property tax receipts etc.and (for my daughter) educational records to be prepared for the interview. An Immigration Attorney confirmed my eligibilty.

I’m still hoping we’ll get “processed” in a few months (I have elderly parents in the UK in declining health, so my fingers are crossed against any emergency).

When it was still INS, my son (with no complications) breezed through in 2004
N-400 filed Jan 15th '04
Interview: San Antonio April 16th '04
Oath: May 13th '04

Please wish us luck!
Waiting for Interview & oath

I appled for my parents,

For my father:
Got interview in April 6th, passed the test but was asked to provide evidence of resedency. two weeks later we submitted a affidavate, waiting for an oath letter. If anyone is in thisscnario can they tell me how long it took after someone had submitted more evidence ?

For my Mother
Second FP on March 2nd, waiting for interview letter

Should I wait or should i schedule Infopass, what is required for infopass and is it helpfull ?



They will try to get readable fingerprints 3 times. If all of them are returned by the FBI, you will be required to get a statement from your local police department for every city you've lived in during the last 5 years stating that you have a clean record. You have to take that with you to your interview.
Failing fingerprints


They will try to get readable fingerprints 3 times. If all of them are returned by the FBI, you will be required to get a statement from your local police department for every city you've lived in during the last 5 years stating that you have a clean record. You have to take that with you to your interview.

Thank you for this information! I really hope I won't get bogged down by this.

For anyone likely to find themselves in the same boat, the dermatologist was most sympathetic and supplied copious samples of prescription creams for frequent use, recommended keeping hands out of water (gloves) and nightly intensive applications of vaseline and gloves to sleep in, all in hopes of presenting less cracked-looking fingerprints. I have until Saturday-week for the treatment to work.

Can't help mulling this over, though.

If I get the same pessimistic feedback during the session as I did the first time, perhaps I should take the initiative and go and get my background check done locally and take it to an info-pass meeting? Would they forward it to be associated with my N400? It seems ridiculous to keep waiting the extra month after the second and then maybe the third try, just to find out I could have failed again.

Surely there must be people who have suffered injury and can't get their prints done in the first place. What procedures do they have to follow? Experience, anybody?? :confused:

I'm from Austin.
* Application Receipt Date - 03/29/07
* Finger Printing completed - 05/02/07

And now I'm waiting.
Austin San Antonio timeline

Application 01-18-07
Received by USCIS on 01-23-07
Return Receipt Letter from immigration dated 01-30-07
Letter for Fingerprinting 01-31-07
Fingerprinting Appointment 02-16-07
Interview Appointment Letter, received 04-25-07
Interview: 05-02-07

I arrived at the USCIS center about 20 minutes early, gave my letter to the security officer at the entrance, signed in, and got seated in the waiting room. After less than 7 minutes, my interviewing officer came down to call me, greeted me, exchanged some talk on the weather and such, and then went upstairs.

The interview took all of 15 minutes, and was very easy.
All I was asked was to confirm all the information in the N400, one question at the time.
Then was asked if I had ever had any traffic tickets ( yes, two) and it seemed to make no difference.

The "test" part was so easy it was laughable, I got 10 out of 10... ( I took the "old" test, they did not ask me if I wanted to take the "new pilot test" although I was ready for that one too...

I had with me two "three-rings" binders chocked full with documentation, marriage certificate, kids birth certificates, 5 years of income tax papers, bank statements, car insurance with my wife and my names on it. ... the works. All in original, copies, sorted, color coded, organized, all that was missing was a big red bow on it.
Well, guess what, I didn't even get to pull the binders out of my briefcase. Not even opened it.
It was all over in 15 minutes. Passed the test, passed the interview, "go home and wait for the ceremony letter"

I was stunned by their efficiency, friendliness, and professionalism. I went there "ready for a fight" and instead I got a smile, a handshake and a "Congratulations, well done, have a nice day"..
Next Step ... Oath ceremony !