New Thread for March, 2001 485 filers (RD & ND)

I don\'t believe any approval until I see chapdin gets approved.

It seems chapdin has no intention of kidding. :)
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then, that makes the two of us :)

I guess all of us are trying to get through this trying times jovially. but kidding, nah can\'t do that on this matter ...

good luck waitnwait
You shoot @ too many people here...

waitNwait, are you meaning that you don\'t even trust the approval of your own case before that of chapdin? :-{................:-}
My application is approved on 12/5/01

Details are:

PD: 4/28/1997
RD: 2/22/2001
ND: 3/2/2001
Approved: 12/5/2001
EB3 (India)
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My Message still sys Case not found ..
RD 3/7/01
ND 3/14/01
EAC 01-125-XXXX
EB2, India

What do you think about that ..
I don\'t expect mine would come before Xmas

if so, I\'m gonna pinch myself and find out that\'s only a dream. But I think chapdin and t_t_t will get theirs before mine. Do you think so, guys? :)))
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I am flattered Waitnwait :--))

Did not realize you were so devoted to my cause, and wanted to impress us with your - is it humour?

So, my devotee, we expect you abstain from accepting your approval before I get mine. Can you please inform INS to defer your approval to, say, late next year ... (ouch, hope that isn\'t too bad)?

Anyways, carry on and have fun. Be prepared to ride with Chapdin now ...
RD: 3/7/01 approved

My friends 485 with RD: 3/7 and ND: 3/14 was approved from VSC/NJ. Hope this helps.
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it is a funny coincident and sad that the friend\'s of everyone on this board are getting approved and not us!!

Good for them anyway.
Are there anyone who had AVM remained the same all the while

My AVM Message never changed it remained the same all the while.

MY ND is 03/12/01 and EAC is 01-123-XXXXX

Anybody in the same situation ? Cause I have seen that the folks who had seen their AVM messages changed from not recieved to recieved are getting their approvals.
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I have a question that may be helpful to all of us March filers waiting for approval.

Does anyone know that if on a given day, we get the approval or the RFE, is the AVM updated, most of the times, that day itself to reflect that or does it take the AVM a few days to update?

THis is because I have been able to check my AVM message till last night and got the same "Case was received ..." message. Since there is movement going on with Mar filers, I was thinking that may be some of us in the board have had some developments, but we would not know that if the AVM did not get updated and till we actually spoke to an IIO.

Any information or thoughts on this?
Question on stamping

Last night heard from AVM that my 485 has been approved.
RD 03/16/01
ND 03/26/01
FP 08/16/01
AD 12/10/01 VSC
What are the documents required for getting the passport stamped? Are any questions asked during stamping. How long does it take to get the plastic card?
A second one from our group.....GC_2002

Well ominous sign..Hopefully all in this bus will get there.
Received Apporoval Notice

For the benefit of those who believe in my approval case,I received the approval notice today.

My EAC# was 01-116-xxxxx.