New revalidation times ( Jan 22, 2002 Onwards)

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Hey Man its very fast.

I sent on Jan 10 to st luis and they reci...on Jan 11 2002.
Still waiting for passport.
I know its preety early as comparision to you guys who r waiting from OCT.

All the people here have stated that the Passport comes back from Washington. I thought that they only had a PO box address in St Louis to collect mail All visa processing and mailing was done from D.C
I am waiting for my passport to show up. Sent Oct 30th , stamped on Jan 9th..waiting
Just Recd. My passport after revalidation in 1Month & 5 days

Hi Guys,

Good News to every one.
Sent on Jan 03 2002 at 1230 PM
Recd. at St. Louis on Jan 07 2002 at 0730 PM
Stamped at St. Louis on Feb 11 2002.
Recd. by me just now on Feb 13 2002 at 10:15 AM

It took 1 Month 5 days in processing at St. Louis

By the way I used FedEx 2 day (both for sending and receiving).

Good Luck to all
I am surprised


I am totally surprised.
Because the recording at Dept. of State
(phone # 202-663-1225) says they are considering
cases received till 4th Jan, 2002.

A bit surprising but not totally unexpected

It can be that even though they have moved on to dates beyond 4th Jan they have not updated their voice mail system. So it is actually good news and may mean we are looking at the revalidation process coming back to it normal times i.e. 30 - 35 days. What it used to take prior to 11 Sept.
I will be one of the happiest person if it happens


May god make your wish come true ane we all be very happy.
Well any thing can happen because people who sent their
passports in Oct - Nov are still waiting and people who
sent their passports in Dec-Jan got it done.

So it shows that they don\'t do it in sequential order and
hence I agree with you. It is not unexpected.

Still waiting.....

Posted by: Madhu
Sent to St. Louis: Nov 12th
Received by St. Louis: Nov 13th
Shipping Method Used: Fedex(Over night)
Status: Still Waiting....
Another thought on the processing times

There are multiple people handling the processing and hence if your application happens to go to some one who is more efficient then your application gets done faster than other peoples application.
But what do you think after Visa is approved and in print queue?


May be your point holds true when visa is being approved.
But what about the case when 2 people have same date of
visa approval but one get visa printed and passport returned
much earlier than other person?

Take my case. I got visa aproved on 01/29/2002 but I am still
waiting for its stamping and passport delivery.

Any body who had experience in getting a emergency travel document
and then applied for a new passport and applied for visa again at

Talking to the DOS representative

I called the DOS office today and wanted to check if my application had been transfered to Washington DC or not. Well after 20 min of wait I finally got to talk to a rep and when I asked her to check the status. She said it takes about 12 weeks and then when I asked her if she could check if my application had been transfered to DC she said there was no way of checking that.

I have earlier postings from people where in they have tracked when the application was transfered from St Louis to DC. Can you please fill me in on if there is another way of checking it than just calling 202 663 1225 number in DC.

muchos gracias
You need to catch proper lady...

I also called 202 663 1225 and some lady told me that she couldn\'t check status of my case "because it is impossible". Next day I catch another one and in 2 minutes she checked status without any problems. Try several times - that\'s all !
Money Order encashed

I tried the other approach to see if DOS was processing my application or not. And found out that my money order was encashed on Feb 12th 2002. So they are processing my application. Now all I need to find out if the application has reached DC by talking to the right lady.
it takes exactly around 12 weeks definetely before 12

a bunch of us send it around the first and second week of nov we have all got it back
Finally it pp arrived TODAY!

I received my PP stamped today. Here are my details
mailed on 11/30/01
stamped on 02/07/02(the stamped date on the visa)
recieved 02/13/02
I had done Fedex overnight for both ways.
Waiting since October 31...............

I sent mine on Oct 30th , reached St Louis on 31st. stamped in DC on Jan 14th. I still have not received it. I have taken up the issue with my Local Congressman which is proving more benefitial than me calling and getting disparate replies all the time.
Meanwhile, I have to travel to India and I had to make a new passport , filed a complaint that the old one is lost ( presumably ). Now I will get the stamp in India.
After this strenuos experience, I would urge people to call your Local Congressman and raise the issue ( Hey, we pay taxes too ). Also, get the stamp in Canada personally. These guys sitting in DC are dozing on their chairs............
ReValidation Done

Sent on 12/27/2001
Received at St.Louis on 12/28/2001
Received PP from washington on 02/13/2002
Along with visa revalidation will they be issuing the new I-94

Hi Guys,
My Visa is revalidated on Feb 11 2002 and recd. it today.
I-94 has expired on Feb 1 2002.

I did not receive a new I-94 along with the new Visa. Will this be a problem. In case if I have to get new I-94 what is that I need to do.

Thanks in advance