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Considering I am leaving for the US in Feb on J-1, would it be a good time now to apply in the DV Lottery? What happens if I or my husband are selected? Do we have to get the waiver prior to apply?
Thank you!
Do we have to get the waiver prior to apply?

????? prior to applying to what?

if you win, then you'll have to worry about the waiver.
The question was if I need the waiver prior to applying to the lottery. Meanwhile, I saw that diversity visas are to be issued by September 30, 2006, so I think if one of us wins, there would be time to get the waiver until then.
Thank you very much,
You can't apply for a waiver of HRR before you even leave for the States on J-1 visa. Lottery ends Jan 7th.

Once again, when you win, then you should apply for a waiver. Waiver is not guaranteed, however, I hope you realize it. 5% success chance. Good luck!