Re: Funds Issue

Originally posted by Edison
Reasons for Delays in Service Center Processing Times
In that article posted on 4/18/2003,
Some Good News!
Though much of the situation appears bleak, there may be help with staffing in the near future. The Vermont Service Center has reported that they will have an additional 100 adjudicators onboard in the next few months. These examiners will replace those who have been lost to security functions. Most other Service Centers are also expected to obtain additional examiners to help process petitions and applications.

This must be the reason why we have seen more approvals recently at the VSC than other service centers.
LPR and Citizens

Originally posted by dsatish
This Petition is already sent to Rajiv and Rajiv has already taken a look at it. Ofcourse, this does not prevent us from making improvements this petition.
Hi, dsatish,
Thanks for your hard working for this petition and other activities.

For this petition, I think we should collect signatures also from permanent residents and citizens.
Changes to Petition

1) Please take a look at the Letter Head that Rajiv has suggested for our group ( copied from the petition draft) :

5225 N. Wilson Blvd, Arlington VA 22205
United for Equity, Dignity and Acceptance

My comments: I think we should try to improvize the slogan. Also i think that it would be more appropriate if the slogan comes immediately after the Group name, instead of after the address.

How about changing it to:

(torch symbol) United for Fair Treatment
5225 N. Wilson Blvd, Arlington VA 22205

2) I think we better make some changes to the Appendix. We better delete the last item (Frustration of contacting NCSC) and try to add one or two good points from the comments people wrote while signing the petition. The objective is to bring the appendix under 2 pages and present only strong points.

Please let me know.
Also, Illegal Immigrants - Re: LPR and Citizens

Originally posted by kashmir
For this petition, I think we should collect signatures also from permanent residents and citizens.
I think we need to cooperate with illegal immigrants, too
1) the number of legal workers' is too small, almost nothing
2) for American citizens, it doesn't matter whether an immigrant is legal or illegal, "Immigrant" is just Immigrant for them.
They don't care about the fact we are paying TAX at all.
I accept that most of the Americans don't differentiate illegal immigrants or legal immigrants, there are some who realize that they don't pay any taxes and also they are aware that those illegals have lot of kids, so they won'y any tax even when they are legalized.
But you see all these politicians are talking about legalizing the illegals but no talk or law for taking care of the interests of Legal Immigrants.
But How can we cooperate with illegal immigrants????? I don't think any of those illegal immigrant visit this forum!!!!!

Could you please elaborate any strategy to cooperate with illegal immigrants?????
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Originally posted by Edison
I accept that most of the Americans don't differentiate illegal immigrants or legal immigrants, there are some who realize that they don't pay any taxes and also they are aware that those illegals have lot of kids, so they won'y any tax even when they are legalized.
But you see all these politicians are talking about legalizing the illegals but no talk or law for taking care of the interests of Legal Immigrants.
But How can we cooperate with illegal immigrants????? I don't think any of those illegal immigrant visit this forum!!!!!

Could you please elaborate any strategy to cooperate with illegal immigrants?????
Hi, Edison,
Most of items in our petition are common to both legal and illegal immigrants.
We don't need to emphasize EB nor paying tax.
We may change wording a little bit.

Also, we may not expect illegal immigrants to visit this website to sign the petition,
but their communities have already pushed politicians.

The next step is to go to politician's office to discuss about our petition.
As you mentioned, many politicians have already introduced bills especially for illegal immigrants.
It might be difficult to introduce a new bill for legal workers, but it should be possible to incorporate our items into bills for illegal ones because our requesting items are common to illegal ones.
I think we can get benefits through this process.


I regard highly your opinions throughout the forums. Wrt the "illegals" we can cooperate with them and their organisations up to a point; in other words we ask endorsment from theirs amd so on. It would not help us if we join forces for any common goal. The goal is different as we are very different from them, We CAN SUPPORT each other, that is just about it. Our cause is transparent to the pro and anti immigration fever also. We are fighting for JUSTICE and RECOGNITION. In many cases, ILLEGALS have more rights than we do, depending on where they live. In a lot of states they have Driver Licences, they even can vote in local and state elections (as the DL is proof of identity), they get free Health care, they can go back and forth via Rio Grande without any checks and I-94 expiries and THEY acrue time towards legalisation! Also the TPS/refugees/asylees have more legal rights than we do as EAD because they are included in the USC government code definition; same as green card. EAD holders are not. Something else also: if anyone that is rejected on his/her I-485 application, he/she would not be able to take any advantage of any pendind/approved or upcoming "illegal" legislation since he/she CAME HERE LEGALLY.
Hope I pointed out some points for distinction.
We have seen this in 1986, and 1996 when thousands of illegals got legalised..
we are not the the same.

I agree that some (but not most of) items in our petition are common to both legal and illegal immigrants.

However, we ARE NOT enjoying the same priority/privilege/rights as illegal migrants in our GC process. That's why we are petitioning.

Yes, we do need to emphasize EB, because EB has always bee on the back burner of BCIS.

I suggest we don't change any part of the petition right now. Once we agree that signature is enough we should send it out.
I agree with you.
We are different from illegal immigrants.
We are fighting for JUSTICE and RECOGNITION.
I don't think we need to modify the petitions for illegal immigrants, neither.

On the other hand, we should get actual benefits as the result of our actions.
The Congress must pass some bills and assign funds to the USCIS for that.
Each of us should go to the office of Congressperson or Senator to discuss about the items in the petition specifically.
Otherwise, nothing would happen even if we would scceed to get lots of signatures in the petitions.
Originally posted by kashmir
I agree with you.
We are different from illegal immigrants.
We are fighting for JUSTICE and RECOGNITION.
I don't think we need to modify the petitions for illegal immigrants, neither.

On the other hand, we should get actual benefits as the result of our actions.
The Congress must pass some bills and assign funds to the USCIS for that.
Each of us should go to the office of Congressperson or Senator to discuss about the items in the petition specifically.
Otherwise, nothing would happen even if we would scceed to get lots of signatures in the petitions.


You are right. Everyone should either VISIT, WRITE or the least visit AILA's facility, write something and automatically send it to the two Senators in his/her state and also his/her congressperson. If this person has anything to do with ALL the Immigration Bills pending (author or etc) maybe a note like "your bill even though .. does not address a major problem...which is the EB I-485 backlog). I think it is better if one does this AFTER we send it to Congress.

What is the most important is for people to STUDY these bills and write the names down so whatever they write MAKES SENSE, otherwise there is always danger. This off course in addition to the Petition to the Congress.

Wrt the Press again we are better off with a spokesperson unless the communication with the Media is somewhat BASIC. Otherwise, better be prepared with References and data to back up things. making the petition available is a BASIC thing.
Re: merged ?

Originally posted by kashmir
In my understanding, this peition is merged into another one for Press, Tv, Radio
and the final one is:
Am I correct ?

Yes and No.

The one for Media has everything, we have here for Congress. I f everyone agree, I prefer to send COngress also the same one we planned to send to Media. If not please substantiate your view.
