Lots of querries after waiting over 2 years
i have major trouble on hand, serious RFE, pls advise if someone has xperience with these:
1.It suggests to submit statement to withdraw request for RIR waiver. Reasons cited there is availability for this occupation(Network engineer). Region 2 will only approve RIR with accurate advt, posting and reporting.
2. Employer has listed hardare and software skills as business necessity.employer is asked to document each skill is part of employers min reqmt for hiring.
3.Query has asked to define each term like Unix, Novel etc and also asked to provide names of company that provides these programs and whether they are " propreitary to your company" what does propretory mean here and its context
4. Min qual in my Form 750 said bachelors deg and 5 yrs exp seems unrealistic. Bachelors deg and 3 yrs exp or masters with one year exp is more appr.-
5."The employer has failed to post the position as required, " My company had mentioned on form 750 posting as method of advertising also although.
6. The original ad run by my company was for 2-3 positions which included programmers, system analyst, dba, developers-
My attorney says we must modify the Job title since network engineers are abundant and also the original ads run did not mention of network admin- IS it ok to change title to system analyst while reposting the ad internally.
Yes i had a bunch of issues raised. Pls let me have feedback on these.