need your opinion


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I submitted I-485 and still waiting for the approval. Meantimes, can I say in job application that I am PR? Technically it is wrong, but I am becoming PR anyway. What is your thoughts?

One concern is when they are asking for PR card, I have no green card to submit. Can I argue that having non-restricted social security card means I am a kinda PR?
Asylee and Permanent Resident are two different status. If you don't have a green card you are not a permanent resident. There is no way you can prove you are a PR without a Green Card.
I submitted I-485 and still waiting for the approval. Meantimes, can I say in job application that I am PR? Technically it is wrong, but I am becoming PR anyway. What is your thoughts?

One concern is when they are asking for PR card, I have no green card to submit. Can I argue that having non-restricted social security card means I am a kinda PR?

I have always noted as permanent resident, and put my A#. As asylees are considered permanent residents, I do not think that would be problem. If they want a proof, you can show unrestrcited SSN, licence and EAD or travel document, but its upto you. This is just my opinion and experience!
I have always noted as permanent resident, and put my A#. As asylees are considered permanent residents, I do not think that would be problem. If they want a proof, you can show unrestrcited SSN, licence and EAD or travel document, but its upto you. This is just my opinion and experience!

Saying that you are a PR when you are not can be considered fraud.
Asylees receive most of the benefits LPRs get (and often more). However until you are a LPR you are not a LPR. I would be wary of making a claim is that at best debatable.