• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

need to travel back home soon after entry


New Member
pls i need help urgently
i won the DV lottery in 2008 and am yet to travel to the united states, but due to pressing business matters i'll have to go back after a few days.
can anyone pls share any information and how it may affect my process.
( i may be able to submit the package at the point of entry and start the process for my SSN but will have to leave after dat)
PLS Reply soon ma flight is t'morrow
Yes you can , but make sure you are back or get a re-entry permit if you going to be away for more than 2 years ,and make sure your green card is delivered to the correct address..............
The re-entry permit by the way i believe can take over a month to get and you have to be in the states for that time and cant leave. It has to be obtained before you leave.
I think, but maybe someone can clarify that.
The re-entry permit requires the applicant to be in the US for the application and the biometrics appointment, but after that, he/she is free to leave.
Thanks guys, for clarification, i can come into the country and stay for a week go home on my passport and come back again before 6 months without any problems ?
(what visa am i going to bring back on my return? Do i have to go to the embassy again or have my green card sent to me so i can come back on my green card?)
Thanks guys, for clarification, i can come into the country and stay for a week go home on my passport and come back again before 6 months without any problems ?
(what visa am i going to bring back on my return? Do i have to go to the embassy again or have my green card sent to me so i can come back on my green card?)

If u read ur current Visa well, it states dia that once stamped at the point of entry, it serves as TEMPORARY PERMANENT RESIDENT PERMIT for a period of one year, just make sure u get ur SSN b4 u leave the state.
Is that get the SSN or to just apply for it?
If have to have gotten it how long does this take?
Would be hard to take time off work for the vacation to activate with no definite date on being able to return.
You can leave before yopu receive your social security and re-entry permit, but make sure you apply for boht these before you leave.
Thanks - will have to look up the info about the biometrics and how long it takes to get that sorted.