need to know if i can apply for H1b visa


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Hi! I have a 3 year Bachelor degree from India. I came to USA on a student visa this year. I am pursuing a 2 year AS degree. Can i apply for H1 visa after completing the first year of my study here. Because i did not have a 4 year degree from India i could not apply for H1 before. Is it possible that after finishing 1 year of study here i could apply for H1 visa?
I dont have any work experience here or in india. all i did was a 3 year Bachelor degree and came here as a student. What i want to know is that can i apply for H1b after finishing 1 year of my AS degree here. Will that additional 1 year of college level education add to my 3 year degree and make it equivalent to a 4 year US bachelor degree(which is the requirement for h1b)? :confused:
spidey_spins_u said:
Hi! I have a 3 year Bachelor degree from India.

Is it Botony or Zoology??

I came to USA on a student visa this year. I am pursuing a 2 year AS degree.
Again is it Biology??

Can i apply for H1 visa after completing the first year of my study here. Because i did not have a 4 year degree from India i could not apply for H1 before. Is it possible that after finishing 1 year of study here i could apply for H1 visa?
With Botony or Zoology you can not apply for a computer programmer job even if you have 4 yrs Bachelor degree.
I dont have any work experience here or in india. all i did was a 3 year Bachelor degree and came here as a student. What i want to know is that can i apply for H1b after finishing 1 year of my AS degree here. Will that additional 1 year of college level education add to my 3 year degree and make it equivalent to a 4 year US bachelor degree(which is the requirement for h1b)? :confused: Instead of posting question in all thread ???? give right information. We know you are confused????
Apologies for posting the message in all forums.

hi all,

im new a new user to forums and hence i dont know the rules for posting messages.

my sincere apology to all users if my messages caused any trouble.

Thank you great_guru, for letting me know how to use the forum.

I have a 3 year Bachelor in Computer applications degre from India and i am pursuing a 2 year As degree in computer networks and systems administration in california.

If you could reply back to my question with this information, i would be very thankful to you.

Once again i apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you.
spidey_spins_u said:
hi all,

im new a new user to forums and hence i dont know the rules for posting messages.

my sincere apology to all users if my messages caused any trouble.

Thank you great_guru, for letting me know how to use the forum.

I have a 3 year Bachelor in Computer applications degre from India and i am pursuing a 2 year As degree in computer networks and systems administration in california.

If you could reply back to my question with this information, i would be very thankful to you.

Once again i apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you.

yes, you are eligible for H1.
Thank you, is there anything else i need to know about forums?

Hi great_guru!

Thank you very much for the information.

Now that i have got my information, could you please let me know any other things that i have to keep in mind while using this forum.

I had read the Forum FAQ's on using the forum. Apart from that is there anything else i need to keep in mind?

I really would like to help others with any information i have.

Thank you. :)