Need Help: where should I file I-485 , while I-140 pending at NSC


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My employer filed I-140 at NSC using substitute LC. I am planing to file 485, once I get 140 receipt notice, my question is , where should I file 485. I am currently living in New Jersey since last 6 years which comes under VSC. Can I file at VSC using 140 receipt from NSC.

NOTE: I had I-140 approved once from VSC in year 2000 filed by my previous employer and it has been revoked later in year 2001 after I have resigned my job( few months after 140 approved , dates were not current that time). Does the revoked 140 at VSC is going to have any effect on my current 140.

Please help .

My employer filed I-140 at NSC using substitute LC. I am planning to file 485, once I get 140 receipt notice, my question is , where should I file 485. I am currently living in New Jersey since last 6 years, which comes under VSC. Can I file at VSC using 140 receipts from NSC?
----- you can file with VSC as your residence is under VSC and I-485 belongs to you not to employer
NOTE: I had I-140 approved once from VSC in year 2000 filed by my previous employer and it has been revoked later in year 2001 after I have resigned my job (few months after 140 approved , dates were not current that time). Does the revoked 140 at VSC is going to have any effect on my current 140.
------ No problem because it is different petition and lawyer should write in the cover letter once I-140 is approved the case should be approved with I-140 that is pending with NSC.
*** If I am in your position I will file the I-485 with NSC as your I-140 is still not approved and pending with NSC it will be much better to attach your I-485 with the pending I-140 file in the NSC and will have earlier PD for I-485, if I-140 would have been approved I would have filed I-485 with VSC with copy of approved I-140, talk to your lawyer because your case is substitute LC and you don’t have I-140 approved till date

Hi Ginnu,

I am having similar kind of situation.
My labor cleared from IL state 2 weeks back, I am preparing to file my I-140 and 485 cuncurrently through NSC..

But, am not sure, what I am doing is correct or not? because I am hearing lot of things like...

1> I can file through VSC instead NSC.
2> Some people says, do cuncurrent filing, some people dont..
3> Some people says, why dont you filie through MSC.

Please let me know what is best way, I should follow by seeing the current situation...

I am having similar kind of situation.
My labor cleared from IL state 2 weeks back, I am preparing to file my I-140 and 485 concurrently through NSC..
----- File I-140, I-485, EAD AP with NSC
But, am not sure, what I am doing is correct or not? Because I am hearing lot of things like...

1> I can file through VSC instead NSC.
---- if I-140 approved then you can file I-485 with VSC if your residence is under VSC
2> Some people says, do cuncurrent filing, some people dont..
------ Do concurrent filing you will have early PD for I-485
3> Some people says, why dont you filie through MSC.
----I don’t know about MSC, if your employer head office is under NSC your I-140 has to be filed with NSC once I-140 gets approved and you don’t file I-485 at this time you can file I-485 with VSC if you are residing under VSC. If you don’t file concurrently I-140 and I-485 you loose the PD for I-485, EAD, AP, because your I-140 is not approved it is better to file both in same service center concurrently so that you have earlier PD for I-485 and may be able to use AC21 because I-485 will be pending
For concurrent and AC21 Read:
Hi Ginnu,

Thanks for your valuable information which helped me to understand the issues. I have one more simple questions, hope you will answer that.

1. How important the Address in 485/140 is? As I am not going to stay in the current address for a long time (u know consulting business), want to give my friends address (Same city, state as my current addr), who is having his own howse, Can I give his address? IS INS is going to check the address?

INS may have the details about my current address, as I have sent filled AR -11 form, when I moved to the current address.

Can I send another AR11 with my friends address and put my friends address in 140 and 485. Do you think I should do that?

Please let me know.

1. How important the Address in 485/140 is?

---- On I-140 the address is Employer address or the Lawyer address, it is petition from Employer and the address onI-140 does not matter to you

On I-485 filing it has to be your home address, even if the lawyer files the papers then the receipt of I-485 will come to his address then lawyer sends you the receipt, EAD is sent to your home address, AP can be mailed to your address (if you file directly) or at lawyer address.
2 As I am not going to stay in the current address for a long time (u know consulting business), want to give my friends address (Same city, state as my current adders), which is having his own house, Can I give his address? IS INS is going to check the address?
--------- I don’t think BCIS is going to check the address but one should write his/her apartment address, you should take the advice of your lawyer as I am not expert in address matters
INS may have the details about my current address, as I have sent filled AR -11 form, when I moved to the current address.
Can I send another AR11 with my friends address and put my friends address in 140 and 485. Do you think I should do that?
----------- You are supposed to send new address change and Form AR 11 whenever you change the address not sending AR11 is deportable offence. You are not residing with your friend. Better seek the legal advice.I am sorry I can’t provide you the help for address change matter
Mr.Ginnu, Please help


I am currently working for a consulting firm based in chicago but living in NJ since my client in NJ based. My employer has filed my LC from chicago. I am planning to join my client after I485 + 180 days.
the question is:
1. Should my I-485 be filed in NSC or VSC (Will be filed by my current employer)
2. If it is filed in NSC, what happens if i decide to join my client who is in NJ. Should the 485 be moved to VSC after 485 + 180 + days or can continue in NSc?/

I appreciate any help..

I am currently working for a consulting firm based in Chicago but living in NJ since my client in NJ based.
My employer has filed my LC from Chicago.
I am planning to join my client after I485 + 180 days.
The question is:
1. Should my I-485 be filed in NSC or VSC (Will be filed by my current employer)
---- Your employer who is in Chicago filed your LC in Chicago; once it is cleared from federal Chicago then you can file I-140 and I-485 concurrently with NSC

2. If it is filed in NSC, what happens if I decide to join my client who is in NJ. Should the 485 be moved to VSC after 485 + 180 + days or can continue in NSc?/
---- I hope you want to change your employer and want to join your current client in NJ and want to use AC21. If that is correct then you should file I-140 and I-485 with NSC when LC is approved because if you file concurrently then your I-485 will be hitting the 180 days from the date it is filed with I-140 in NSC. Don’t ever mention to your Chicago employer that you have plan to change employer, just wait for the I-140 approval and I-485 hitting 180 days. if possible try to have the copy of approved LC before you leave and I-140 filing receipt or approval copy and I-485 receipt.
If the I-140 and I-485 is filed in NSC and you join the new employer in NJ (after I140 approval and I-485 pending more than 180 days)and use AC21 sent new job offer letter to NSC. It is not necessary that they will transfer your file to VSC they can approve the case in NSC.
Thanks !

Hi Ginnu,

It was so nice and kind of you to have given your valuable time and suggestion. I was only worried that when i send the AC21 (after 140 approval and post 180 days of 485) to NSC, they might transfer my case to a local INS office under Vermont region (i saw few messages in a different thread).

If that was the case, then it might start allover again in the new local/regioanal office in VSC. What are your thoughts?

Also i have another question regarding the address which i have to give in 485. Can i give my friends address in chicago, because i understand that i cannot give my NJ address in 485 since it is being filed in VSC?

I appreciate your reply.

Also i have another question regarding the address which i have to give in 485.
---- You have to provide your home address where you are living at the time of I-485 filing on I-485.

If I provide my current address ( I live in NJ), Can I apply 485 in NSC.?? I thought If I show my current address in Nj then I will have to apply 485 only in VSC which will defeat my whole purpose.

Please clarify

you can file either in NSC (company location) or VSC (your location). you wont have any problem giving your current NJ address while filing i485 with NSC.

Under the current circumstances, which is better NSC or VSC for I-485. Are there any hopes of speeding up 485 process in any of the regional centers.
Also how can we apply in missori because i see there they are processing 2003 cases?
I am in a similar situation:
I work for a company that has offices all over the country and my job involves working at different offices.

My company has a substitute labor from VSC and i live in the same area, however starting from next year I would be working in NSC. Can i apply i-140 from NSC?

Please help.