Need help asap What is the best compromise for this situation


New Member
Good day,

Thanks for this great forum, just getting started around. I am in real need of some advice.

I am a US citizen who has resided in the Philippines since I was a child, I fell in love with a Filipina who had an American Father of Hispanic Descent.

Thing is she had a child with a Chinese American who left her before. That's where I cam in to the scene since 2010. We had a good and loving relationship, and I accpeted her child, then in Decemeber of last year the guy from before offered her a K-1 visa so that she could see her dad, give a better future for her kid, and support her family (sh was only a high school graduate, so she coudn't get a decent job here). She asked me for advice, and under the impression that she would just be there for 3 months, yielded.

She has been in the states now for 3 months and we keep constant communication. she is currently in the process of applying for the 2-yr temporary green card. We still love each other and maintain contact daily through skype and facebook. I already told her to come back but she has refused, citing the future of the kid (I mentioned I was willing to support) and better opportunities

She does not love the man, and as far as I know he doesn't either - he's only doing it for the child, and an oral promise he gave to her so she could see her father in New York. but if found out she would be deported indefinitely from the US. and he might face criminal charges. I'm already willing to marry her and eventually bring her to the states. What the best case scenario for me? Allow her to get a greencard first and then enter the scene afterwards? Or report Marriage fraud and let them face the consequences? Is there another way? Thanks!
Your best bet is to move on with your life, and find someone else with better judgment. There are plenty of women in the world, and you don't need this kind of complicated drama. This won't be the end of it, I guarantee you.
She doesn't want you anymore. She could get a green card through you, or possibly claim US citizenship based on her father, but she's been living with this guy for a few months and is going to marry him. If she doesn't love him and is using him for a green card, she'll use you too and even if you marry her you'll be divorced before long and stuck with alimony payments. Forget her and move on with your life.
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