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Need advice for a friend: It's an emergency


New Member
Wife, Husband and Son.

Wife was the primary applicant (The actual Lottery Winner).
Their Visas have been approved and stamped. Their six-month deadline is approaching fast.

Wife has second thougths about her husband(Only wants to take her son with her). Now DOES NOT WANT THE HUSBAND TO GET a GC THROUGH HER.

Now, how can she screw him and make sure that he does not get a GC?

Need some evil advice. FAST.
The only chance for her not let him get a GC is to void her own GC. However, I dont like those threads.
Sorry my friend, I reported this thread to be closed, because I dont think this is a plattfrom to discuss illegal practises :(
Before you jump to conclusions, it's a abusive relationship. She is being tortured by the husband both mentally and physically.

I don't see why this thread should not be there. I'm just asking for an opinion on a serious case.
Mr. Khanna, if you are seeing this, is there anyway out for her?

It is really an abusive relationship, and she will really be happy not being in it.

Forget the "Screw Him" part. What should she do?
If it's an abusive relationship she should look into getting a divorce from her husband and notify USCIS about it so that her husband does not benefit of derivative GC.
If it's an abusive relationship she should look into getting a divorce from her husband and notify USCIS about it so that her husband does not benefit of derivative GC.

I don't know what country this person is from, but I do know that getting a divorce in some countries is not easy at all, so she may not be able to do it.

I think she should seriously talk to an immigration lawyer or advisor and see what her options are. Since she's the primary applicant, there may be a way out, but an immigration lawyer would be the best person to ask.