ND NOV\'00 post here..//

Update and Suggestion

I spoke to an IIO today, she said: we are processing January cases, please check your status in 2-3 months. That\'s cool, huh? I told her mine is November case, and some of my friends with later ND got approved before me. She said that\'s true, but my case was not picked up by any officer.
From the conversation, I got the feeling that one officer took our cases and didn\'t process it. My suggestion is that we all call in to voice our concern. That may help to move our document to other officers\' desk and streamline the procedure. Please do something for yourself.
Did you see my posting from Jan 15, 2002

Jan 15, 2002
This morning I spoke to a lady IIO. She said that our (mine and my wife) cases are still pending. She said that they she is "fairly confident" that the cases will be assigned to an IIO in the next four weeks. She said that they are processing cases that have been received during the time my case was received. When I asked that some Feb 2001 cases are done she did not have an answer but only said that they are processing cases around Nov \'00 time frame. So not a whole lot of new info from the IIO. Just have to keep the fingers crossed for more time ...........
PD 6/1/99 EB2 RIR Chicago RD(485) 10/25/00 ND(485) 11/22/00 FP Date 3/27/01 FP Approval 4/11/01
LIN: 01-039-*******

Keep this thread moving with the status of your cases, IIO discussions etc.

Question for Nayblahscar

Hi Nayblahscar,

From the info that you have gotten from the IIO .. " you case was not picked up by any officer"

This did not agree with what you have predicted, that is some officers took our cases and didn\'t process it.

Can you comments more aboout about it since you have a good chat with the II0.

Re: Question for Nayblahscar

She didn\'t tell it explicitly. I guess what she means is that a batch of files were assigned to an officer. And this officer didn\'t process them due to some reasons. And unfortunately, yours and mine, and some others\', might happen to be in this unlucky group. We can\'t even get an RFE. That\'s sad.
If they understand our concerns, and some faster processing officers pick up our cases in stead of going ahead with their own january cases, that will help us september-november waiters.
2-3 months

Also it\'s very sad she asked me to check back after 2-3 months even though she admitted they are processing January cases. Does that mean she has no confidence that my case will be processed in the near future, or she knows that guy/lady is on vacation or something?
nsc processing

I think it was clear enough to conclude that were few lazy animals in NSC.
No Title

What was the RFE about? I checked the AVM yesterday and it said RFE mailed January 14, 2002 for me and my wife. Not received them yet.
RD 1/16/01
ND 2/1/01
RFE 1/14/02
left out

Wake up, my fellow November waiters. Your case may have a chance to be processed in 2-3 months(otherwise, or more likely, you will complain like those August waiters 3 months later). It\'s like you key. If it\'s in your pocket in a normal way, you can reach it when you need it. If it\'s been lost for 1 day, it may take about 1-2 hrs to locate it. If it\'s gone for 5 days, you still have chance to find it. If you lost it 5 months ago, forget it, you have faintest chance to get it next few days. Admit it or not, there is a reason why you can\'t find your key in such a long time. eg, it was flushed down the toilet, or was placed in the wrong place nobody would reach, or just as simple as forgotten in nowhere in the world.
Don\'t envy others who has his key in place. You cannot find your key just because you lost it 3 months ago while others just lost it 2 minutes ago. I assure you that they will get their keys much sooner than you. Enjoy your weekend and forget your "key".
Go Head and Try To Talk to IIO everyday..//

Everybody who are on same boat..We can put the pressure this way
- try to make a call to iio and remind them we are also human .......and waiting for GC... and post here the discussion
Any Non-RFE Nov cases got approved?

Any Non-RFE case got approved? Please give me some good news to keep my confidence up. I beg you, please.
Still Waiting

RD: 8/00
ND: 9/27/00
FP : 3/01

When ever I talk with IIO, they tell me my case is mobilized, and will be assign to an officer very soon.
I\'m waiting too.

RD: 10/17/2000
ND: 11/21/2000
PF: 3/2001

I checked AVM this morning, it\'s not approved yet.