left out
Wake up, my fellow November waiters. Your case may have a chance to be processed in 2-3 months(otherwise, or more likely, you will complain like those August waiters 3 months later). It\'s like you key. If it\'s in your pocket in a normal way, you can reach it when you need it. If it\'s been lost for 1 day, it may take about 1-2 hrs to locate it. If it\'s gone for 5 days, you still have chance to find it. If you lost it 5 months ago, forget it, you have faintest chance to get it next few days. Admit it or not, there is a reason why you can\'t find your key in such a long time. eg, it was flushed down the toilet, or was placed in the wrong place nobody would reach, or just as simple as forgotten in nowhere in the world.
Don\'t envy others who has his key in place. You cannot find your key just because you lost it 3 months ago while others just lost it 2 minutes ago. I assure you that they will get their keys much sooner than you. Enjoy your weekend and forget your "key".