ND 9/2000 - No RFE - Not approved yet. Are there any more september people like me still waiting?

Still waiting !!!

RD : 08/16/2000; ND : 09/14/2000.
Today I am completing one year from the Notice date.
No RFE. Still the same AVM Message !!!
RD:8 sep 2000; ND: 5 Oct 2000; EB2; India; No RFE!! STILL WAITING.

Most of October cases are approved. I am not sure what to do.
talk with IIO

Just spoke with an IIO this morning after holding for 20 minutes. After talked with here supervisor, she said they are waiting some administration clearance ( I don\'t know what does it mean).

pd 10/98, rd 09/05/00, nd 10/02/00, no rfe, still waiting.
ND-9/14, eb2, india. still waiting.

Spoke to IIO on 9/10. Case assigned to officer on 9/6. Let\'s see if there is any effect on processing time because of recent events.
Long Waiting is over....ND Sept 12th 2000 approved today

VSC ND Sept 12th 2000
Approval Date: Sept 14th 2001
Just checked VSC Just heard approval message :)
My wife\'s case also approved.

Gurus, I am on business assignment in California. Can I visit San Jose ( or San Francisco ) INS instead Newark INS for PP stamping? Any experiences??? Pl share.

Question for the gurus

Spoke to an IIO for the first time since applying for 485. The officer who answered asked for my EAC number and told me that my case is "Still Pending". I asked him if my 140 was assigned for CP and he said he has no idea. He also said he has "no idea why the case is pending...please call back in 60 days".

 I forgot to ask him if my FP was OK and if there was any problem with my case. Does the IIO automatically tell you if there is a problem with the case or an RFE was issued without asking specifically about it? He did say that he has no idea why the case is pending. Does this mean that no RFE was issued so far and no problems have been found in my application so far?
No Title

The IIO told me that mine is still pending (ND 9/00) and it will take 60 more days. I guess they will finish the Oct/Nov/Dec approvals first and then get back to september. I wonder what\'s the logic behind that....I keep seeing month after month beyond september getting approved but ours is still pending...very frustrating.