Naturalization process question


New Member
I am getting ready to put in the my application for citizenship through naturalization using the N-400. i had a couple of questions maybe someone can help me with:

1. Do I need a lawyer to file?How exactly would a lawyer help, do they make the process go faster?

2. I will be filling in Dallas, TX in October, how long should I expect the process to take - I hear everything from 1 to 2 years?

3. Once I put the application in October, can I travel outside the country or do I have to wait for the process to be completed?
1. Do I need a lawyer to file?How exactly would a lawyer help, do they make the process go faster?

If your case is straight forward you don't need a lawyer.

2. I will be filling in Dallas, TX in October, how long should I expect the process to take - I hear everything from 1 to 2 years?

Typically it seems that the process these days is taking between 4-6 months.

3. Once I put the application in October, can I travel outside the country or do I have to wait for the process to be completed?

You can travel after submitting the application, just be prepared to explain it during your interview and make sure you don't violate the residency requirement.
1) No lawyer required unless you have a complicated case.
2) Expect 4-6 months for the entire process. 1-2 years was processing time back in 2008 during backlog.
3)You can still travel after submitting application provided it's not for too long (ie not to break continuous residency)