Name missing on the mailbox? Issue?


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So, I just came back from overseas after couple months. And I just found out that somebody removed my name tag/sticker from my mailbox while I was gone.

Could it cause some mail not being delivered? If so, how do I know if I missed something important? What-if IRS or USCIS wanted something from me and I don't know now?

Any ideas how to regain peace in mind?
If your mailbox has your house or flat number on it, there shouldn't have been a problem. Of course, it's entirely possible the postman read the number wrong and, without a name to double check, put some post in the wrong box. What are you expecting from CIS?
If your mailbox has your house or flat number on it, there shouldn't have been a problem. Of course, it's entirely possible the postman read the number wrong and, without a name to double check, put some post in the wrong box. What are you expecting from CIS?

Yes, it is house and the mailbox has our house number on it.

I am not expecting anything. But I am maybe a little paranoid, because I have heard that USCIS can just check on permanent residents?

In case of IRS, even though one files taxes religiously, he can be audited at any time, right?
Come on man, relax. You really are paranoid. Now, if anyone wants to get you because you did something wrong, trust me, they will get you. Forget about letters, the cops will come get you with their guns out. Even if you missed an important piece of mail, some times they send letters again, particularly if a letter was undelivered. Typically USPS is more careful delivering official mail (esp. from the Feds) and it will be returned with a note. No wait, you did miss the thousand dollar check that I sent to you.
i hav a problem....during my second letter form i wrote the adderss of californina now i'm staying here in texas now where is my green card available....i've submit the pacakge given by embassy here in dallus airport...and what might be it's solution guys....?