Name check stuck after first lady's help


Registered Users (C)
How many people are still stuck in name check after receiving a letter from FBI quoting "your letter to the first lady..."? Please comment.

I have been stuck in the name check since 2004. I sent a letter to the first lady in early June 2007. I received a letter from FBI in early August 2007 quoting that letter . As of today (september 27 2007) my name check is still pending. I know this from Infopass.

How soon will my name check be done? :confused: In the letter from FBI they said my name check is "in process". I thought within a month or two from the FBI letter my name check would be finished. Anyone beyond the two month-frame is still waiting ?

I am.
Send letter to FL in April.
Got reply from FBI in Jul.
As of 2 weeks back, when last I enquired, still stuck in NC (Since 04/2006).
me too

I am with you, I am stuck too, I got that letter last week, still pending.....

How many people are still stuck in name check after receiving a letter from FBI quoting "your letter to the first lady..."? Please comment.

I have been stuck in the name check since 2004. I sent a letter to the first lady in early June 2007. I received a letter from FBI in early August 2007 quoting that letter . As of today (september 27 2007) my name check is still pending. I know this from Infopass.

How soon will my name check be done? :confused: In the letter from FBI they said my name check is "in process". I thought within a month or two from the FBI letter my name check would be finished. Anyone beyond the two month-frame is still waiting ?

Add me response from FBI on 9/1/07. still waiting , I called NSC last week and still they say NC pending.
may be first gentleman can help?

Well.. if Ms. Clinton becomes president, all this job will go to First Gentleman!
Is Mr. Bill aware of what he's getting into?:D
All these name-check requests will be too much to handle for him :D
And then may be he'll order all of them to be cleared at once and we'll
get lucky!
(By the way, if ur name resembles Monica L.. then your namecheck will be cleared instantly :D )
Just trying to lighten up the tension..
I am fed-up of the wait and this stupid government process.


I got the FBI letter 4 month ago and still pending the congressman office has sent 3 requests to the FBI and they have not responded to any of them I did fingerprint for 2nd time last month and FBI send results back same day still nothing
I have looked through this site and there is a common thing that most of people pending have filed in 2004
I have got 4 EAD so far and my lawyer says : " Do the WOM"
I am convinced to do that I have a clean history like most of people here

I got the FBI letter 4 month ago and still pending the congressman office has sent 3 requests to the FBI and they have not responded to any of them I did fingerprint for 2nd time last month and FBI send results back same day still nothing
I have looked through this site and there is a common thing that most of people pending have filed in 2004
I have got 4 EAD so far and my lawyer says : " Do the WOM"
I am convinced to do that I have a clean history like most of people here

Wow, you are exactly like me. My congressman sent a request to FBI in March 2007 and has not heard back from FBI. I did the second fingerprint two weeks ago (code 3). I thought "why sent me the fingerprint notice if NC is not clear". So today I checked with Infopass, NC still stuck.

I am on the 4th EAD too. In a few weeks I have to apply for a new one -- 5th EAD! :eek:

If you are in MA, we should do the WOM together. :D
I am.
Send letter to FL in April.
Got reply from FBI in Jul.
As of 2 weeks back, when last I enquired, still stuck in NC (Since 04/2006).

Thank you! How come the first lady's help did not always work? :confused: I know it worked for a lot of people.
Funny thing is that the day before my 2nd FP my lawyer said they told her my NC was clear, I asked them they day I did the 2nd FP and IO said NC pending!!! (who to believe here!!)
I asked the IO so why I have to do the FP for 2nd time she said "I dont not know!!!"
I am in Louisiana not MA.
WOM is the only way out boys!!!
A couple of questions:
- Do you know what the success rate of WOM has been lately?

- Where would you normally file the WoM? The city/state you currently live in? or at the service center? (Texas, Nebraska etc.) The reason I ask is, I live in Illinois but my case is pending at TX (was originally filed at VSC and later transferred to TX). So I am not sure which court I should file my WoM at?

- are you filing by yourself or do you have a lawyer?

Thanks in advance.

Funny thing is that the day before my 2nd FP my lawyer said they told her my NC was clear, I asked them they day I did the 2nd FP and IO said NC pending!!! (who to believe here!!)
I asked the IO so why I have to do the FP for 2nd time she said "I dont not know!!!"
I am in Louisiana not MA.
WOM is the only way out boys!!!
does anyone know monica's address.

I'd like to write a letter to her for expeditious resolution of my problems with USCIS, in case clintons take over

I have a feeling that might work
My lawyer says I have a good chance, specially because I have been waiting 3 years but there no 100% chance!
I also have been hearing alot of success and some failures (mostly seccess)
I am in louisiana and the case is in TSC I am getting a lawyer in louisiana to file it for me because I am travelling all the time and honestly I do not wanna mess that up I have had enough of waiting!
I am gonna pay $3500 flat rate (includes: court fees, copy, mail cost,...) which is not that bad I have seen people being charged more than that (I hate to pay for this just because this system is messed up) but this way I am not wasting time and I do not have to wait longer for citizenshp and pay for EAD and be worried for delays (last year I was off pay for 2 weeks becuase of delay in EAD)
But there are alot of info on WOM in this forum if you wanna file it yourself

Take it easy
Do you know if your lawyer will be filing it in a Lousiana court or Texas court?

My lawyer says I have a good chance, specially because I have been waiting 3 years but there no 100% chance!
I also have been hearing alot of success and some failures (mostly seccess)
I am in louisiana and the case is in TSC I am getting a lawyer in louisiana to file it for me because I am travelling all the time and honestly I do not wanna mess that up I have had enough of waiting!
I am gonna pay $3500 flat rate (includes: court fees, copy, mail cost,...) which is not that bad I have seen people being charged more than that (I hate to pay for this just because this system is messed up) but this way I am not wasting time and I do not have to wait longer for citizenshp and pay for EAD and be worried for delays (last year I was off pay for 2 weeks becuase of delay in EAD)
But there are alot of info on WOM in this forum if you wanna file it yourself

Take it easy