Name check pending since October


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Hi Guys,
I faxed the fbi on May 19 requesting the status of my name check and I just got a response back (email) that it's pending since October 2003. I was already interviewed back in April. That really sucks. I fee bad and I want to vent my anger. Anybody else in the same situation with a long pending name check? Any light at the end of the tunned? Should I expect things to happen soon? I'd appreciate your comments.
My check is pending since Oct 03 also. I have no record whatsoever except for a speeding ticket but have a common name as u can see. Any interesting facts about your case?
Very common first and middle muslim names. My wife had no trouble whatsoever (using my last name). Did you too get a response of a pending name check? I am wondering what's taking these guys so long and they claim 98-99% resolution rates in the first 120 days!
I read that FBI congressional testimony too. I think its inaccurate "souped up". It claims 80%+ names are cleare in 72 hrs and 98% in 120 days or less. Ours has taken much longer. I am seeking my congressmans help for this, dunno if there will be much use, I keep following up the FBI, they just say "pending". This NNCP department is not very efficient. They say 8 months is not that long and they have cases pending for well over a year :mad:

I am curious if there are other factors in our names or something else that may be causing such delays. Private Msg me if u want to discuss your case and exchange more information that my benefit us both
I have been waiting for my oath since July 2003 in Detroit. My problem is that my fingerprints have been deemed "unclassifiable." I also have a common Muslim name. However, I was asked to furnish police reports but still no indication when oath may be scheduled. Contacted my congressman, and the INS responded by making me take fingerprints yet another time and told me to wait. It has been more than 2 years since I applied so you would think that they would have done all the necessary checks by now.

rick1, can you clarify who the name check is pending with? FBI or USCIS? I thought the FBI was very quick in doing the name checks and the problem was that USCIS would just sit on it. I sent a fax to find out about my name check 2 weeks ago and have not gotten a response.
Fingerprints and name checks are different things. However, since you already sent a fax, I assume you sent it to the right place. They are fast for some people but for some unlucky ones, they are not. When I spoke to the lady in the name check department, she said they have a huge backlog for people checking the status of their name check!!! Go figure. So many lines and backlogs. She said that it takes 4 to 6 weeks to get a response. I got mine in 32 days (including weekends). I guess we are succumbing to paranoia counting days including or excluding weekends and using so many other statistical methods. But hey we can't help it. I guess this is why we chat on this board. For me, this gives strength to keep waiting. Thank you all.
My fingerprints were "unclassifiable" for a third time (I called the FBI fingerprint dept)

I am still waiting for a response to my fax for a name check (its *only* been 2 weeks since I sent the fax)

If it is any consolation, the following class action lawsuit has examples of people in worse situations than ours. One guy got denied because he collected too many oysters and another has been waiting since Feb 1999!!! complaint.pdf
Really Frustrated !!


Any idea how many background/name checks are required for the N400..
It`s been now six months since the interview and no response ...


philadelphian said:

Any idea how many background/name checks are required for the N400..
It`s been now six months since the interview and no response ...



Did you contact your congressman?
Name check

Yes, I contacted my congressman office but apperantly it is more than one check.. (this is what I was told by my congressman office)...

Any idea


They check 2 databases (dont remember the name) one for within US and another is an international database. If you have a common name they dig deep and that could delay.
phillydude said:
They check 2 databases (dont remember the name) one for within US and another is an international database. If you have a common name they dig deep and that could delay.


Can you elaborate on the international database if you know?
name check

Hi all,

My name check was requested around Sept.2003. It was cleared on April 1,2004. Since name check was the only hurdle on my road to GC, I got my AP
two weeks after the name check was done. The card was here three weeks later. Hope the timeline helps. By the way, I did an namecheck inquiry by phone to FBI and got an answer back one week later.

rick1 said:
Very common first and middle muslim names. My wife had no trouble whatsoever (using my last name). Did you too get a response of a pending name check? I am wondering what's taking these guys so long and they claim 98-99% resolution rates in the first 120 days!

Hey guys:
can anyone compete with me????

My details as follows:
PD., Jan.,2003
FP Feb., 2003
Interview: July, 2003
FBI name chk record clear: feb., 2004

oath God knows when???/?/

Yes, muslim name....

Send letters to congressmen Pete Stark. (local in California)...

Yesterday recd their response after 2 months that my case is pending as the BCIS needs additional info from FBI so my case in pending (sine die) and they cannot help me further.

On making enquiry to FBI(twice) they said my recod check is clear. Now what can be done. Me to do international adoption..cannot proceed.

Sick n tired for of this wait... Have been in US for 15 years now...all through legal and have always paid taxes...

I am now going to court enuff is enuff :mad: :(
ibm101 and others who are waiting for interview:

I understand your frustrations ibm101. I also don't know if you can expedite your Oath through court. Recently I had a chance to visit uscis office in reference to my firend's oath letter. They advised us to keep writing letters because this make the officer to respond and activate your file. So you never know one day you recieve a letter. USCIS office also said that they have cases pending for oath since 2000. So you can imagin the agonizing wait for those applicants.
I suggest that USCIS should create an online status check system for those people waiting for OATH. They should also be able to send STATUS CHECK INQUIRY online.
Best wishes to all of you. Good luck.
ibm101 said:
Hey guys:

On making enquiry to FBI(twice) they said my recod check is clear. Now what can be done. Me to do international adoption..cannot proceed.

Sick n tired for of this wait... Have been in US for 15 years now...all through legal and have always paid taxes...

I am now going to court enuff is enuff :mad: :(

IBM101 - Just a recommendation....why don't you write a letter to the CIS officer that interviewed you (name should be on the Interview Results sheet given to you after the interview). Try and explain your situation, and see if you get a response. Best Regards.