?Name change (marriage) impact on entering US?


New Member
I'm planning to marry a permanent US resident but I have my own US J-1 visa. The marriage will take place in US. I will be changing my name to my husband's name and will need to change my home country's passport. What will the impact of this be on my J-1 visa? What documents do I need to re-enter US after a trip abroad? Will my old passport with the visa along with my new passport be sufficient? I was not able to find any information on that anywhere. Thanks in advance for any responses! -- Ag
do you absolutely need to change your passport?

if yes, you should carry a notarized (perhaps, with an apostille) certified copy of your marriage certificate with you. If you can, include your maiden name somewhere in your passport. Some counties allow an annotation like that on one of the passport pages.
Thanks a lot for you prompt answer! Am I then correct in assuming that the only implication of the name change is establishing my identity when I enter US? In other words, my J-1 visa will remain valid, even though it will be stamped in my old passport, which will be invalidated by my home country (they physically put a hole in it)? I should have added that I will not be seeking adjustment of status when on the J-1 visa. Thanks again! -- Ag
1- I have heard stories of entry being denied if the J-1 visa stamp is mutilated in any way (the corner cut off, of a hole going through it). This doesn't happen every time, but it has happened before. If they punch a hole though your passport, don't let them bunch it through the visa page. Your visa will remain valid in an expired passport even if the passport itself expires.

2- Yes, you should be okay as long as you can prove your identity at the border. Your marriage certificate and any other official document should suffice for this purpose.