Name Change during Interview - Why???

interesting, how does changing ur name "disrespect" anyone?
its just a preference, right? no?

Anyways to each his/her own :)
desihai, do you have your full name on your driver license and other documents?
Does anybody here have a long last name? How do you manage?

Yes, I absolutely have full name on driving license, bank accounts, brokerage, SSN, electricity, phone, tax, water, internet, loans, credit cards all bills. What other form were you thinking? I never faced this issue. I try to avoid anything paper. Almost my entire transactions are online now. I have eliminated virtually all paper bills.

Moreover most of the customer service centers are in India, so I have no problem conveying my names in phone. This was different in 90's.
If I go to doctor/dentist and if they want my name I just give my driver license and dont even bother telling them. The thought of changing did not even occur to me. America is a free country. You can practice any faith you want. Use the freedom!

Ravi put it very well. if you really want to see such Indian names. I encourage you to visit one of my other favorite sites and look at Vidwan's forums where people discuss classical musicians by names.
I'll change my name once I got citizenship because I have a very common name and I be having collectors call my house thinking I'm whoever they're looking for and also they've gone so far as to put those account on my credit reports and usually those people are from other states and also I'd like to start fresh.New nationality new name
I actually did think about "changing" my Name. My things was basically adding a middle name since I don't have one but I decided against it because my parents gave me my name for a reason and yes becoming a citizen of the US doesn't change me as a person and change being their daughter but my PERSONAL thing was I didn't want to "disrespect them.
Exercising one's independence as an adult is not disrespect. Suppose your parents want you to become a doctor but you decide to become an engineer. Is that disrespect?

When you are young your parents make decisions for you because you're not mature enough to make those decisions yourself. But when you are an adult, you are free to make your own decisions, and then it's the parents' turn to respect the decisions of their grown-up children, whether that is who they marry, what they study, or what their name is.
When you are young your parents make decisions for you because you're not mature enough to make those decisions yourself. But when you are an adult, you are free to make your own decisions, and then it's the parents' turn to respect the decisions of their grown-up children, whether that is who they marry, what they study, or what their name is.

You are already a American citizen :)
On a similar topic, Canadian immigration requires that you change your name in India when you apply for Canadian citizenship if your last name is Singh or Kaur since it is such a common name.
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On a similar topic, Canadian immigration requires that you change your name in India before you immigrate to Canada if your last name is Singh or Kaur since it is such a common name.

You're just kidding right? Nobody can force you to change your name if you don't want to:mad:
You're just kidding right? Nobody can force you to change your name if you don't want to:mad:
They aren't forcing you to change your name, because they aren't forcing you to apply for citizenship. You can keep your same old name and remain a noncitizen.

I don't remember which country it is, but I think there are at least one or two in Europe that requires citizen (born or naturalized) to have names selected from a preapproved list.
I should have clarified that to say that Canadian immigration requires you to change your last name if it is Singh or Kaur when you apply for Canadian citizenship.It's been a rule in effect for over 10 years.