N400 Timelines, San francisco - Sept 08 thread

mpark64 - where did you get your FP done ? I had mine done at oakland,CA. I have no notification yet - positive or negative.

How we check where we are stuck in process ? When I check uscis.gov, all it says that case is pending.
How can one identify at which Distric Office their application will be processed? I live in Pleasanton, CA and filed in CSC. My application has been sent to NBC. Its going to be a month and no FP notice yet, getting worried.
09/27/2008: N400 mailed
09/29/2008: N400 received
09/30/2008: check cashed
10/11/2008: NOA received(dated 10/07/08)
How can one identify at which Distric Office their application will be processed? I live in Pleasanton, CA and filed in CSC. My application has been sent to NBC. Its going to be a month and no FP notice yet, getting worried.
09/27/2008: N400 mailed
09/29/2008: N400 received
09/30/2008: check cashed
10/11/2008: NOA received(dated 10/07/08)

Check your DO location by zip code on the USCIS website locator:

RSRK and MPARK .. I just got my NOA on a sept 08 08 application .. says 460 days! Did you guys get something similar and that's just an opening offer? I saw PKHONA got that so I guess it's pretty standard.
I also got the transfer statement on it.

I thought it was a lot faster than that these days?

I guess from the previous post I can now figure if I'm SF not SJ from the zip lookup! Thanks Bobsmyth.
Though it's by Zip it looks like they do it by county. San Mateo is SF, Santa Clara goes to SJ.

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Received interview letters for both my husband and myself. The interview is scheduled at 8:00am on 12/2 in Denver.
CA San Francisco center
08/27/08: Application sent
09/3/08: NOA , dated
09/13/08: FP Notice, dated 9/13/08
09/23/08 FP done
1103/08 IL received
12/3/08 ID
1/13/09 New ID
1/28/09 oath letter received
2/18/09 oath ceremony

oath ceremony take place at Oakland, Paramount Theater.
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Bobsmyth, thanks for the link I could find my DO- it is San Francisco.
phil94028, Yes I too have the 460 days time limit and it has been sent to NBC. I guess that is the standard for such type of applications. However sending to NBC is a recent entry and as per their website NBC just assists the USCIS.
My FP notice has not yet come . I had an earlier FP done for my Green Card renewal in Jan 2008, could that be in anyway the reason? Very concerned....
FP Letter ..

Bobsmyth, thanks for the link I could find my DO- it is San Francisco.
phil94028, Yes I too have the 460 days time limit and it has been sent to NBC. I guess that is the standard for such type of applications. However sending to NBC is a recent entry and as per their website NBC just assists the USCIS.
My FP notice has not yet come . I had an earlier FP done for my Green Card renewal in Jan 2008, could that be in anyway the reason? Very concerned....

From what I've read I wouldn't worry. I think they are in transition to the NBC.

In the rush before the fees went up it was taking months from NOA to FP.
Now it seems to be a month or less.
The real problem that seems to hose people is the name check thing.
Sounds like Federal IT systems are not really interoperable.
The variable seems to be the time from FP to IL.

Look on the bright side ... this is less critical than the H1 or whatever and than the whole green card thing! They don't have that much discretion as long as you are qualified!
Please keep me updated about your case as your application is behind me. I think you should be in SanFrancisco DO. It is 26th Oct, so far no notice for my finger printing. Will call USCIS tomorrow...
here is my timeline below... the gap between N-400 ND and FP date is because I had been deployed for 5 months and I mentioned that on my application so I won't miss anything...
RSRK ... Did you get your FP Date yet?

Please keep me updated about your case as your application is behind me. I think you should be in SanFrancisco DO. It is 26th Oct, so far no notice for my finger printing. Will call USCIS tomorrow...

Nothing showed up for me. Did you get anything yet?

I guess the real important delay is from FP notice to Interview Letter though!
No luck so far! I know there is more wait bet FP and IL. However with so many people around in this forum who filed at CSC have received FP notice by 20th day of applying and finshed FP done withing next 10-15 days of that, so I am concerned if my notice is not lost in mail and hence may miss its schedule. BTW I called USCIS but she told me to wait for 30 days which are over anyway now.
Did you check your DO at: https://egov.uscis.gov/crisgwi/go?ac...office_type=LO
No luck so far! I know there is more wait bet FP and IL. However with so many people around in this forum who filed at CSC have received FP notice by 20th day of applying and finshed FP done withing next 10-15 days of that, so I am concerned if my notice is not lost in mail and hence may miss its schedule. BTW I called USCIS but she told me to wait for 30 days which are over anyway now.
Did you check your DO at: https://egov.uscis.gov/crisgwi/go?ac...office_type=LO

RSRK .. looks like they are awake. Suspect you got yours too .. hopefully!

PD 10/15/08
FP notice date 10/28/08
FP Date 11/15/08 ... a saturday so easy to get to the city.
No, not till today!. So I am mailing an enquiry letter to both CSC and NBC. I am also wondering if my earlier FP taken in Jan 2008 for renewal of my GC is being used for investigation and hence no notice to me so far! Everybody around me are getting it except me? I will also try and speak to USCIS tomorrow. Am getting anxious now...
Tracker update :

08/30/08 : Mailed application
09/02/08 : Application received
09/04/08 : Check cashed
09/08/08 : Receipt date [date 09/02/08]
09/12/08 : Received FP notice [date 09/09/08] :
10/01/08 : FP
10/31/08 : IL Notice received
12/4/08 : IL Date

Awaiting Interview,OD,PP