N-400 San Francisco timeline

Got my receipt in the mail today:
RD 12/10/07
PD 12/10/07
ND 12/18/07 ( different from my wife 12/14/07 inspite of same RD , PD, and the applications being put into the same envelope)
Waiting for FP notice -- going to India in the 2nd week of Jan for 2 weeks -- dont want to reschedule it at all.
I keep trying to enter my 13 char case status WSC*-------- in the INS website: https://egov.uscis.gov/cris/caseStatusSearch.do but I always keep getting the message application not found.

The page says that enter WAC/LIN etc numbers -- but I have a WSC number -- is that true for all ?

are you using the number fro check, i had asked a question long back
If the number is from receipt notice, maybe it is taking a little more to appear in system ?

Happy and Immigrateful new year to all fellow members!
Did anyones interviewed on Dec received Oath letter?
My timeline as follow:
PD: 6/26/07
FP: 8/02/07
ID:12/05/07 (Passed test, N14)
Docs replied 12/06/07. Received by DO SF 12/07/07
OL: Waiting
What is the interview scene? Has anybody taken infant/child with them for the interview?

I plan on taking my kids as my wife and I have been given the same time for the interview.

6/30/2007 : Mailed N400 by regular mail from Fremont, CA
7/03/2007 : Priority Date on receipt
7/12/2007 : Check cashed
7/25/2007 : Received notice of application
7/30/2007 : Received FP notice
8/09/2007 : FP appointment (missed it)
8/24/2007 : Walk in FP completed
11/21/2007 : rcvd IL in mail
01/04/2008 : Interview date
SF office kids are allowed; though it maybe a little difficult to take kids to actual interview. Can they stay by themselves in lobby area? Since the interviews are on same date, there is a chance both may be called at same time. Likely scenario is you guys will be called in sequence by same officer. Anyway SF office in Samsome St is kid friendly, we took our stroller and the airport style security check was also nice to kids. We have to remove jackets/belts/shoes/backpacks/keys etc. Once you reach upstais, you can relax with kids. We took some reading books to keep the little one engaged. Some single people who come with small kids even took the kid to interview room
Thanks desihai. Appreciate the response. I will post my interview experience once its done.
Got interview 1/24 at Masonic

My wife and I applied for citizenship in July and had our interview on November 2nd in San Francisco. We both passed the test and got a Congratulations note from the officer, who said he would be recommending us for citizenship.

Wife is pregnant and the officer said he would get both of us an oath date in December. Wife received her Oath letter - its on Dec 18th. However, I am yet to receive my oath letter.

I notice that people who had interview after me have already got their oath letters.
I called the customer service number and was told that they cant find my case - it must be at the local DO and they dont maintain N400 oath cases. I should essentially wait for 120 days and ask again. Other than Infopass, is there any way to find out why this delay just for me?

Was wondering if anyone else has gone through this or faced a similar situation and can provide some insight on whether there is anything we can do.

Interview Date: Nov/2/2007
(Dont remember other dates - will post when I dig in and find out)
Oath Date: Jan/24/2008
Had successful interview on Friday. The toughest part was driving to SF in the stormy weather.
Interview was at 2.20, I reached around 2.30. Submitted letters for my wife and myself. Took my 2 kids with me.
Before I could get comfortable in the interview area, my name was called. Looked like the officer was in a hurry, as he started asking me civics questions as soon as I sat down. questions: Who is the vice president, what is the constitution, can the constitution be changed, and a couple more.
The photos I submitted are small, so I need to mail larger sized photos. He gave me a letter saying that I have passed the interview. Kid was with me during the interview.

As I came out, my wife was still waiting. 10 mins later she was called. She had to convince the officer that she has changed her name after marriage..
All done.
We asked for a late oath ceremony (in April) and she was told that she can request but not guarantee.

I had parked on a side street just outside 630 Sansome street. These are 1 hour parking meters.
Did anyones interviewed on Dec received Oath letter?
My timeline as follow:
PD: 6/26/07
FP: 8/02/07
ID:12/05/07 (Passed test, N14)
Docs replied 12/06/07. Received by DO SF 12/07/07
OL: Waiting

Yes, I interviewed on Dec. 13th and received my oath letter on Dec. 28th. My oath ceremony is scheduled for January 24th. You may want to schedule an info pass appointment. See my time-line below.

06/29/07 N-400 Mailed (based on marriage)
07/2/07 Priority Date
07/24/07 Received FP notice
08/7/07 FP Done at Oakland [Appointment was 08/7]
10/18/07 Interview Notice sent
10/20/07 Received IL in mail
12/13/07 Interview day
12/28/07 Received Oath letter
01/24/08 Oath ceremony
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Oath Taken. I took BART and reached SF at 8.00 AM. I got down at Embarcadero and walked to the Masonic Auditorium. If it was raining, I was planning to take a cab. But it was a nice cold morning and walked to Front Street and took a left at California Street. The steep uphills was really great. Great exercise. On return also I walked, though downhill roads were slippery due to some rain in between. When I reached Masonic, Republican and Democratic party workers were giving out handouts. They were all urging people to register and get out and vote in Primary and elections.

There were huge crowd as expected inside and I entered the auditorium at 8.35 AM. The agent in front of Section 3 collected my form and greencard and I was told to sit at a location. The function started at 9.15 AM. There were several speakers, 3 videos and last thing was handing out certificates. They handed out a small flag, a american booklet, letter from GWB, etc. Lot of people brought very small infants and they were crying most of programs. I wish they left the kids at home with daycare or the family just stayed in cars or outside. Most of the people who talked was USCIS officers. The officer in fact apologized if we encountered delays in the whole immigration process and (who have not) and remarked we do not have to encounter USCIS from now on. The keynote speaker, a immigration judge backed out due to scheduling conflicts and someone from SF office talked. I felt she was boring and kept talking of her family immigration experiences from China to Fiji etc. Most was out of context. The election officer came and talked about needing to register and vote. There was also spanish and chinese translation and I felt this was unwarranted to translate. Now starts pandering! Come on, this is USA ceremony, we speak English, and this no Mexican or Chinese citizenship. May this happens only in San Francisco. The part where they were talking in Spanish and chinese really turned me off (offended me?). It would have offended me even if they talked a Indian language at the USA CITIZENSHIP oath ceremony. But this was not USCIS, it was San Francisco Election officials. That gave me a clue whom to vote, maybe. There were 1446 citizens from 100 countries all melting into one after the ceremony. They read all countries alphabetically and people get up. Starting from Afghanistan, .... belgium, ... china ... india ... italy .. russia .. ussr .. zambia. I noticed no one from Japan and also from Germany, I think. That was interesting and I think expected.

After the ceremony, I registered to vote. The passport area people were just giving the completed forms and the Passport agency guy was collecting and putting in a basket. He does not check anything. I did not use the orange form, rather filled online and it generated a PDF file from state dept website. Just to clarify, I asked him is that ok. He mentioned that is not ok. I have to handwrite on the orange form. I argued the state dept website recommended filling online as it generates a special barcode for less error. He told no and I should submit elsewhere. Looked very rude fellow. Anyway, I got out of that place. Some Obama supporters were handing out stickers, and she told me he is a agent of change. I just nodded and walked away. I did not see any other camps there.

I will submit passport at my local post office who told me in phone they gladly accept online filled forms.
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Applied for Passport at Fremont Post Office. I did expedited processing.
Fees at PO: $143.25 (US Dept of state), $30 and $16.25 payable to Postmaster
For minors, $128.25, $30 and $16.25

I had three checks, 2 photos, original Natz certificate, online filled application. They gave me a express shipment addressed to PP office in Los Angeles and I filled my From address. They require fee for express mail both ways. I asked them priority mail, they do not have that option. She told in around 3 weeks I should get passport, and certificate i n a separate mail.


I got my FP back in august 21. I've been waiting for my IL since then and hopefully I will get it within next two months to stay within the 7 month processing time.

Anyone still waiting beyond 7-month processing time?

My PD is in May, FP in June, just wondering how many are in the same boat.

I got my FP back in august 21. I've been waiting for my IL since then and hopefully I will get it within next two months to stay within the 7 month processing time.

Sorry, Jedi.Knight. I paid attention to signatures before, for some reason, i thought the XX/XX next to your signature and got confused. Hope you get your IL letter soon..

I had my interview today at SFO and It went well overall 10 minutes. IO said, you might have your oath on Feb 12th.

Good luck all.