myladoor, tomhanx, Rapidact, ukt and others please help preparing the inreview


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Hi Folks,

My lawyer received the interview notice and interview date is 16th July. I came to know this only yesterday. Looks like Arlington office is moving faster!!

Please help me in preparing for the interview by providing useful info, links.

As most of you folks know I had to leave Sponsering employer (before 180 days) tempararily since they couldn\'t find me a project for long time. Responded to the RFE with Sponsering employment letter, Current employment verification letter and current paystubs, W2.
Got transferred to Arlington VA on June 1st and interview is on July 16th.

I wanted to use, 180 day rule as the new memo doesn\'t specify to produce paystubs during the 180 day time. But my lawyer is Sponsering employer\'s lawyer. She says, I\'m still fine off using Sponsering employment letter saying GC job is for future job. I don\'t have time to change laywers and lawyers I talked to didn\'t show any interest in taking up my case as they will not make much money in my case.

So, experienced people, myladoor, tomhanx, Rapidact, ukt and others please help me in preparing this interview especially how to handle questions asking the reason of leaving sponserer and joining them back. (Logically it may not make any sense, as there is $40K salary difference between current employment and the figure shown on the Sponsering employer\'s Labor certification.)

Waiting for your kind response,

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hi shrini
Did they ask for any specific documents in your interview letter ?
please update us with all your experience after the interview.
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Hi, Shrini100,

Can you share what information Arlington office asked you to provide for your interview? My case was transferred on June 12, but neither I nor my attorney received any transfer notice. Did you go to Arlington office to enquire or write to some congressman for help? I am glad and surprised to see Arlington is moving this fast. Thanks and good luck to you.
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Hi iexp,

They have not asked much. Current Employment letter showing salary, duities, last 3 years tax returns, birth ceritificate and marriage certificate. I surely will update after my interview.

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Can you tell if they ask for original copies, certified copies or just copies of the documents? As for tax, is it just federal tax return, or state tax returns as well? Thanks a lot.
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Hi Vawaiting,

I went once to Arlington office only to know that I have to go at 6AM in the morning and stand in the lines. Before my going to Arlington office at 6AM, I have got this interview notice.
And again, they have not aksed much except employment letter, 3 year tax returns, Birth ceritificate, passport etc.

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They have asked for both Original and a clear copy of all the documents. They have asked only Federal tax returns not state.

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Hi Shrini100,

Can u tell when your file got transferred to Arlington, VA., and your PD, RD & ND. Also good luck on your interview.

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My opinion:

Take all your papers and sing one song.

If you do not want to go the S2045 route, then get a letter that you working for the second employer with the permission of the first one and that once GC is approved you will join back.

Wish you good luck.
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Did you use afidavit or Original Birth certifate?. Do you know whether INS will ask for non-avaliability certificate if I give affidavit instead of Original Birth certificate ?