My View on the "Timeframe"

One of the reasons I'm going a bit crazy is because I too would like to be able to travel. I would like to go to Italy to visit family members for an important occasion that is coming up in the next couple of months. I completely understand why people are feeling edgy due to the fact that their time lines aren't matching up with the time lines of others, and I'm aware that each case is different, but if not for the experiences of others that I read about and the reassurances of members here, I'd feel as though I had dropped off the face of the earth as far as USCIS goes, and I'd be clueless as how to remedy the situation.
Just out of sheer curiosity, I just called the NCSC. A service rep answered the phone, and I asked him to check on the status of my application. He gave me the usual spiel (your application was received blah blah blah), so I told him that I'm planning an extended trip away from home and asked if it's possible for me to find out whether or not I've been scheduled for an interview. He said that I can schedule an InfoPass, but I asked if it's possible for me to speak to an IO over the phone instead. Just like that, the rep says "Since you asked for your call to be transferred, I will transfer you to an immigration officer. Please hold on". I was shocked that I didn't have to make up a bogus story to get transferred. The IO who answered the phone told me that all my background checks were completed (I knew this already), and also told me that my file is still at VSC and that my application was placed in queue for interview on January 30. He then gave me the "60 days to IL" timeframe again. The waiting game continues...
Oh Boy,

you need some cold wraps or tea or something? Some Schnaps maybe?
Must be a slow queue....Jan 30th has passed. Sure he ment this year?
Oh Boy,

you need some cold wraps or tea or something? Some Schnaps maybe?
Must be a slow queue....Jan 30th has passed. Sure he ment this year?

Read again! :)

On Jan 30, I was placed in queue for interview, not scheduled an interview for Jan 30. I guess the thing to do now is try to find out how soon an interview is scheduled after an application is placed in queue.

so, the process of scheduling takes more then a month?

Now I want the Schnaps.

That's another thing that I really don't understand. If it so happens that there are no available interviews for the next 4 or 5 months (just an arbitrary figure), why not schedule an applicant for the first available interview, even if it's almost a half a year away? If all available interviews in May have been assigned, why wait another month to begin assigning June interviews?
The IO who answered the phone told me that all my background checks were completed (I knew this already), and also told me that my file is still at VSC and that my application was placed in queue for interview on January 30. He then gave me the "60 days to IL" timeframe again. The waiting game continues...

Vorpal, did he specify 60 days from the time of your conversation, or 60 days from January 30? If the former, then it's BS because you were told the same thing at your infopass. If the latter, it might actually mean something (like a standard estimate of length from queue placement to IL - probably unreliable, but at least meaningful).

I guess the thing to do now is try to find out how soon an interview is scheduled after an application is placed in queue.

Well, as above, possibly 60 days? But you'd think that this depends on the size of the queue, which is significant with the backlog. At least they HAVE a queue.
That's another thing that I really don't understand. If it so happens that there are no available interviews for the next 4 or 5 months (just an arbitrary figure), why not schedule an applicant for the first available interview, even if it's almost a half a year away? If all available interviews in May have been assigned, why wait another month to begin assigning June interviews?

There are a couple possible reasons for this:

1. Even scheduling interviews requires staff, and VSC may simply not be able to get to your position in the queue any quicker than that.

2. NYC DO may not be able to provide accurate scheduling availability to VSC beyond a certain number of months, in order to allow for things that inevitably arise like missed interviews, rescheduled interviews, backlog at the local level, and staff changes/hiring.
Vorpal, did he specify 60 days from the time of your conversation, or 60 days from January 30? If the former, then it's BS because you were told the same thing at your infopass. If the latter, it might actually mean something (like a standard estimate of length from queue placement to IL - probably unreliable, but at least meaningful).

He said 60 days from our conversation. Then again, we already knew that this estimate is a steaming pile of BS, due to the fact that everyone has been getting that estimate lately.

Well, as above, possibly 60 days? But you'd think that this depends on the size of the queue, which is significant with the backlog. At least they HAVE a queue.

This is true. I'm still curious to see how far along NYC manages to move with the next update.
There are a couple possible reasons for this:

1. Even scheduling interviews requires staff, and VSC may simply not be able to get to your position in the queue any quicker than that.

2. NYC DO may not be able to provide accurate scheduling availability to VSC beyond a certain number of months, in order to allow for things that inevitably arise like missed interviews, rescheduled interviews, backlog at the local level, and staff changes/hiring.

I agree. From my participation on this forum the last couple of years and from outside personal knowledge, the most I have seen is a 3 month advance in sending ILs. I don't think DOs can schedule shifts or work duties beyond the 90 days or so - which makes sense. Even in my corporate job, we may 'ear mark' projects 6 months in advance, but nothing is really solid beyond 6-8 weeks - and that is less than the 3 months!
and also told me that my file is still at VSC and that my application was placed in queue for interview on January 30

Since when does the Service Center schedule or place you in the queue for an Interview. I always thought that as soon as it hits the DO THEN you can be placed in the queue or be scheduled for one ... am I wrong ?
Since when does the Service Center schedule or place you in the queue for an Interview. I always thought that as soon as it hits the DO THEN you can be placed in the queue or be scheduled for one ... am I wrong ?

The service center looks at the available interview slots at your local DO, schedules your interview, and THEN forwards your file to the DO.