• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

My story


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I am here to share my story. My parents brought me to this country when I was 5 years old on a visitor visa and overstayed. For 21 years I have lived in this country as an undocumented immigrant. In those 21 years some would say fate have been cruel to me, countless times I was on verge of getting permanent residence. When I was 16 my father was about to get his labor certification and I was to follow as a derivative beneficiary but the company went out of business. Then I was set to marry the love of my life who I met in College, but she left me to Europe with another man, guess I wasn't the love of her life. The DREAM Act, a congressional bill that would've given people like me a pathway to citizenship was voted on by Congress failed to pass- TWICE, and again I was left without a chance to become an American, and just now after applying for the lottery every year since my high school graduation, I finally won and just like that it was taken away from me.

I am not writing this to get sympathy, I am not here to yell or scream about what happened, I am here to show the ones who has their feeling of victory snatched away to remain calm, it is not the end of the world. Granted I'm already in America, but being in America without status is nothing more than being a nobody, I can't drive, I can't join the military, I can't get a decent paying job, living day to day without knowing what tomorrow will bring.

But there is one light at the end of the tunnel: there is another drawing on July 15th, and granted how minuscule my chances are there is another opportunity to dream and win or lose: life goes on. As for those signing petitions and thinking about suing the government, there is one thing that is true of America along with the rest of the world, unless it gets politicians money or votes, don't bother.
I hope I'm wrong but undocumented alien are inneligible, so you being an undocumented won't have the visa even if your CN is 000000001
I'll just say, LOL. The only thing you can get from this lottery is deportation, its really weird how people are uninformed.
You are one of the illegal immigrants then. Your parents are awful to have put you in this position however. But I don't think it's fair to adjust an illegal immigrant's status to a legal one because there are laws saying if you are caught overstaying, you will be deported is all and not given the chance to come back again. You should consult a lawyer in this matter, considering you did grow up in this country since 5 years old, I know this means a lot to you that you have established connections, friends, and life style here.. But reality is that your parents have put you in an extremely bad situation.. Sorry to hear that.

But everyone have their own story. If people press this further, I am sure, not trying to scare everyone but thinking it logically, they can EASILY shut down the lottery. It's causing them so much trouble and it's not worth it for them to keep doing it in the future with people being so persistent about it.

It's a lottery, and as they said, even if you got selected to go into the further processing, it doesn't guarantee you a GC yet. Winners would obviously go all out on defending their win, but forget that this, is a lottery and that the chances of losing it is higher than anything else. It's even worst than trying to get a job offer in USA.

I wish you best of luck though. :(
If you win again, pls before sending the form, read the instructions carefully, because a blessing could turn up to be a nightmare for you, imagine going to the interview hoping to get the visa & end up in a plane...
Thank you. You don't know how much your kind words mean to me.
France & canada are not realy third world countries
Canadians are ineligible for lottery. And frenchman represent the tiniest portion among nigerians and russkies with their fraudulent applications. In these countries you can buy any document for $100. $200 with overnight delivery.
it is not because you were born in a country that you actualy do live there... I was selected, was born in angola but live in france since i was 2...
Canadians are ineligible for lottery. And frenchman represent the tiniest portion among nigerians and russkies with their fraudulent applications. In these countries you can buy any document for $100. $200 with overnight delivery.