My N400 Processing time for Atlanta

i think you are a little bit overestimated. october processing date just came out. it is 10-1-04. there is no logic for this date. and it can't accelerate all the time. we probably will see ups and downs. wish us luck. :)
Well I Had Faith In The Atlanta District And Hopefully Everything Goes Ok In A Total Of 10 Months From Start To Finish I Will Be A Us Citizen Thats Cool Good Luck To Everyone Out There Still Waiting
My interview

Had my interview yesterday. It went very smoothly. The guy who interviewed me was very nice and easy going. I had everything with me, all the copies, organized. As soon as we came in into his office, I laid out my greencard, travel document, driver license and other things in front of him. I got married after applying for citizenship so I mentioned that, showed him marriage certificate (he took a copy of that). I wrote down the trips I made after applying for naturalization, were, date , how long lasted, info about my husband. He was very pleased because it makes his job easier when everything is in front of him and organized.

We went through my application, put down information about my husband. Asked questions if I belong to any party, if I ever declared to be a citizen, etc. - all the questions that you have to answer "no" to at the end of application. Then he asked me gov't/ history questions. computer generates them automatically and you have to have 6 out of 10 correct to pass. I got all of them right. Then he asked to read sentence "the family went to the grocery store" and write "the teacher was proud of her class". He asked if I pay taxes and didn't want to see anything at all. That was it!

Then he gave me a paper saying that I passed and my application has been recommended for approval. He asked if I want to take the Oath at 2pm same day and asked to wait in the room. About 20 mins later, another man came in and called people's names and gave them their Oath appoitment letters for the same day. The ceremony was very nice and touching, there were 58 people of 30 nationalities, was very moving. Went pretty fast, lasted about 1,5hrs. After I went to get my expedided passport done and, hopefully, will have it Friday (tomorrow) morning!

Good luck to all of you! Thanks to everybody for their valuable advises! Will keep you posted on my passport status!


thank you ila for your interview details. it is very helpful to all of us still waiting. wish you and your family get united very soon. good luck tina21 for your up-coming interview.
Thank you!

Thank you guys for your warm wishes. Tina21, I hope your interview goes well and you would be a citizen in one day!

As for my passport, I called the passport service and they told me that the passport has been issued (!!!) and will be in Atlanta today in the morning for me to pick it up.

This is how my 8-year immigration saga ends. Still cannot believe I am a citizen. Took so much effort and patience and in the end - it's all worth it.

Good luck to all of you!


Ila & Oct2005
Thank You Ila I Wish You A Good Trip And Thank You For The Updates
Oct2005 Thank You And I Will Keep You Updated On How Everything Will Go .
july2006 said:
ID&OD:??????(Approximately 2/8/06)
I hope some new people come in here to communicate because all of y'all will be citizen next month. i'm grouchy now :mad: :mad: :p

Hello July2006, my PD is also 7/21/05 :) but my FP date is one day later than yours. Let's keep each other posted for the latested infos and hope we can get it EARLY!!!!! :D
july2006 said:
ID&OD:??????(Approximately 2/8/06)
I hope some new people come in here to communicate because all of y'all will be citizen next month. i'm grouchy now :mad: :mad: :p

Hey JUly2006, by the way, how did you calculate your ID would be Feb 06??? :confused: That sounds too good to be true :rolleyes: .
How to calculate

Hello July2006, I am really confused about how to calculate the date. It seems to me that it takes 12 months for us to get the Citizen paper because Atlanta is currently processing October 2004 files, which means 12 months total. :confused: :confused: :confused:
are you serious? :p every one has his/her own algorithm to calculate the processing date. my understanding is that the published atlanta oct processing date is the worst case. my guess for the average time would be 9~10 months according to the previous posts here. please give us some hope. :)
Okay you guys are new here so let me explain how I calculate it. First of all forget about how long it took for people who applied last year. As of July of 2005, Atlanta Do hired more people to process naturalization applications. On july1, they were processing files of August 2004. As of today they are processing files march 30 2005. That is 7 month progree in less than 4 months. In other words, they are processing 4 days in 1 day.
i believe you that atlanta do is speeding up. i was told that nowadays some people did their finger prints at atlanta asc located at 1255 collier road, atlanta 30318, instead of the asc at buford hwy. i don’t know if it is a new asc, at least new to me. however, if both ascs are in full operation, we have a hope of our processing date moving up. anyway, good luck to your calculation. :)
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