My friend was working illegaly


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On a fake ssn with only her name real fake address height weight age and dob... Now my question is can ice find out about that when she applies for a new visa ? IRS doesn't share individual info with ice and also her I-9 was never checked by ice!!! Can they find out only based on her name??? Please share useful info and opinions
i agree w/"Triple Citizen"...if it's reported, they will find out. whoever the "friend" is...will never be able to rest at nite(atleast I wouldn't)...even if i was ok in the USA for several yrs., got naturalized, etc....becuz i'd always be wondering for something or someone to know about it and all **** breaks lose. this fake ssn(card) is a felony. what don't people "get" about that part of it? and...if they DO "get" it..then it's their own gamble they took from the start, upon using and obtaining false govt. documentation from day one. the time to worry about it...isn't's already done/happened and there is always a paper-trail somewhere. an immigrant who i know, did this same thing and his quote to me ironically(about life, etc..) was this, :"It doesn't take a bad person, to do bad things." "I" don't wanna be a part of knowing any of it, personally. Be careful. If this "friend" isn't YOU...persay...then...the less u know about these illegal things they have done in order to survive in the USA, the better off you are.
Ok but i really dont know who could report it when not even person who owns ssn can get that info not even IRS or ssa can give those info to ice so idk how I knew someone who did the same and now he's a citizen and no one found out and didn't even ask him... I haven't heard of a such Case when they found out without ppl admitt ice that... When someone gives me a solid proof of legal way of them finding out besides raiding the place where she worked at and checking her fake I-9 she will be worried?
every situation is different. if it were ME...i would worry, becuz i wouldn't want to have to question it at all. some ppl can go on the assumption that there's not even a 1% chance of this ever being found out and live w/it just fine. bottom line: is illegal. it is, what it is... and no, a RAID doesn't have to happen. alot of times when a ring who makes these fake soc. sec. cards, etc...gets busted like the one in Louisiana this past month,then people start telling things and naming names, for example, or it can be someone who has knowledge of this and decides to report the individual. i operate on the assumption that u must leave no stone left unturned. and not underestimate the power of ONE person knowing these types of things. it's a worrisome life to lead, to me. i'd rather go back to whatever country i came from and use my positive attributes to try to make it a better place. just my personal opinion. i'm not a lawyer. i can't quite understand if ur making a statement or asking me if she should be worried. and to me, if one is to be worried or not....i presume, depends on THAT person's mind and how they think about things as this. about the "sharing of info." between SS Adm. and ICE, and all the other govt. entities: when this person i know of got reported, the person who reported him, went to each different place, individually and reported it, with the actual SSN, etc. they didn't want to report this person, but did it becuz they had this knowledge and felt they were "aiding" the crime, by having this info. and failing to report it. it bothered them and they thought about it and consulted lawyers, etc. so, basically, the person who reported it, went to ICE, USCIS, SS Adm, etc...individually. it opened up a can of worms on other ppl too, so sometimes these things take a while, and meanwhile the person has no idea of whats going on. but, this "reporter" had proof in their hands.