must read - now Transit visa rqd. for altantic route flights


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If you are travelling to India and through atlantic route on your
AP then transit visa's are rqd. This is new headache.

I am travelling to india on my AP. My h1 has expired . My H1 extension and 485 have been on the INS shelf for hell lot
of time. Now I have to pay extra money for germany transit
visa since i am taking luftansa airlines. Can't take singapore
or cathay due to SARS !!! Another side affect of INS delays!!!
that does't make sense , unless u want to go out of immigration and then in to germany then only u will need a transit visa. IF u r switching flights at frankfurt and do't wanna go out u do't need any transit visa. and AP has nothing to do with it .
does not make senseb

it did not make sense to me either at first. But i just called
german consulate and that is what they said. Even if
i am just changing flights in germany i need transit visa.

This type of visas are reqd. in paris, amsterdam and frankfurt
as far as i know.
call up airlines and check with them , it is possible they might be changing ur airport , like if u land at gatvick and next flight is from hethrow u need that but from same airport and terminal i do't think so. May be something missing and noramly for short interval they give u transit visa on the spot free of charge. Call up ur airlines and travel agent and if possible do u hv any link or ulr post . I came back from hong kong few weeks back did't hv any problem and even got the transit visa on the spot since my connector was 13 hours later. so went out and satyed in hotel.

Post it on vermont board cause mostly ppl use atlantic route from east cost.
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maybe for Germany

My parents flew into Chicago (British Airways) from Madras via LHR (london heathrow) on 3/26 and they did not get any transit visa.
UK is not part of EU

I red the information clearly that whenever an Indian passport (not only india, but there are several other coutry nationals) holder going thru EU countries like germany, france, the nethersland and etc., the should obtain the transit visa at the originating airport. No matter, whether the passenger wants to go out of the airport or not, but he/she should have a transit visa. This rule came into affter after 9/11.

A friend of my wife had forced to cancel her trip after they learnt at the airport that they should have a transit visa and since they didn't have the transit visa, the airlines did not let them check-in their luggage.

So, One must be careful and should know all these latest rules and regulations before making anykind of travel plans via European nations, even though these rules DOESN"T MAKE ANY SENSE!!!
Interesting! I just came in on AP via Singapore last week, no problem anywhere. Haven't the airline companies like Luftansa and Air France been hit by this new requirement? And is it possible to get the transit visa at the airport? Sounds iffy to me that you have to apply in advance for a stupid visa that you will not even use. Just another way to make some money via the visa I guess!
my coworker came in from madras via frankfurt to boston on 26th Feb and nothing was required. i really have a doubt about this now.In this way i do't think any airlines will be able to oprate for connection flights. and Destination to India is one of the big revenues for all the Europian airlines and they all via for routes to indian cities.
Not really. None of my friends took transit visa when they flew Lufthansa via Frankfurt. Check with airline agent and airlines first.
I recently went to India via Amsterdam on Northwest-KLM. I missed my connecting flight to Mumbai in Amsterdam and had to obtain a visa at the airport to spend the night there in a hotel. I was able to get a one day visa at the airport itself. The airlines did not help me with that. The next day they flew me to London from Amsterdam, since they had put me on a British Airways flight to Mumbai. I didn't need any transit visa there also. But I should point out that I had a valid H1 at the time.

I know a couple of my friends who flew Newark-Paris-Bombay
did NOt take any transit visa in Jan/Feb 2003. How recent is
the news you have posted ?
Airport Transit Visa - Urgent


My wife is leaving for Bombay via Lufhtansa (via Frankfurt). Our H1/H4 visa has expired and our 485 process is currently underway.

Her Parole is expiring on April 9 and she is leaving for India on April 5, so technically the Advanced Parole is valid.

Does she still need an Airport Transit visa for Frankfurt? Looking at the post, it does look like.

We are planning to go to the German consulate tomorrow. Do you guys know if they will understand what an Advanced Parole is and give the Transit visa? Because as things stand -- we do not have a valid US visa -- we are under the 485 process.

Anyone having any info on this?

Re: Airport Transit Visa - Urgent

Originally posted by rirani

My wife is leaving for Bombay via Lufhtansa (via Frankfurt). Our H1/H4 visa has expired and our 485 process is currently underway.

Her Parole is expiring on April 9 and she is leaving for India on April 5, so technically the Advanced Parole is valid.

Does she still need an Airport Transit visa for Frankfurt? Looking at the post, it does look like.

We are planning to go to the German consulate tomorrow. Do you guys know if they will understand what an Advanced Parole is and give the Transit visa? Because as things stand -- we do not have a valid US visa -- we are under the 485 process.

Anyone having any info on this?


Advance Parole is only to return to US. If the parole expires on April 9th and your wife ls leaving for India on april 5, she cannot return to US unless she flies back to US on or before april 9th.

Please check this, since you also say that your H visas have expired.
THis is the response from French consulate in DC when I asked about it.


Your advance parole is equivalent to the "green card", so you do not need any airport transit visa to stay at Paris Roissy CDG airport while waiting for your connecting flights.

Visa section - Consulate of France
Thanks for the update.

However, do you think the same applies to Germany also. The flight is via Frankfurt.

Thanks very much.
My wife returned on Apr 1 via Frankfurt on Lufthansa with AP.Her H4 was no longer valid.She did not have a transit visa and there was no problem.
Please note that this "airport transit visa" shit applies to only passengers leaving from USA to other countries via germany, france and etc.,