Mumbai Feb interview Dates are out

Just spoke to a lady in cgny

Seems my wifes case was faxed to them on Dec 19 th and sent by the diplomatic pouch on Dec 14th.
I explained to her , ( my complex situation ) .
she seemed to understand , and take pity on poor me.
She said come by on Jan 15th , and they will give me the PCC .
She asked me to bring the tickets along , as proof of departure.
I hope I get my ticktes by then !!

This damn PCC thing has made me loose so much sleep.
Was life really meant to be this stresful !!
Relax all...


For all Feb CPers, lets relax and think optimistically. wantAgc, focus on other documents and travel to India. you have done what you could\'ve done. don\'t worry.

don\'t stress out on things one shouldn\'t and this includes airfares as well. obviously, one should strive to get the cheapest airfare but again if you think otherwise: it is just a question of few hundred bucks. what is more important is to keep to your travel dates. i shouldn\'t speak as my travel will all be company paid.
Interview Dates by email or phone?


I got my interview dates by calling to the US consulate in Mumbai. Mumbai hasn\'t responded to my email query regarding the same. I am making my travel arrangements. Is there a chance of any sort of inaccuracy in what I was told on the phone. The lady on the other side did say correct names for me and my wife (that was my check that she had correct case info). I am just slightly worried that I make my travel arrangements and then the dates published on the website turns out to be different. Has everyone else gotten an email confirmation for the interview date?
I got Feb 15 date

I called on 7th and person on phone said you are not in Feb interview list.. he checked my case and name in to his system.. next day I send an email.. and I got reply that interview scheduled on 15th Feb and pakcet 4 sent on 8 Jan.. I still don\'t beilive and will wait till 15 jan to make any travel arrangements.
Air tickets

I m flying KLM .. leave Newark on 19th .
Plan to do medical in breach candy on 28th Jan
Shriganesh, sgurjar...

I sent an email to Mumbai consulate on Monday inquiring about the interview date, but haven\'t heard back. I have been trying to call them for the past two days between 2 and 4 pm Indian time, but can\'t get through. Yesterday, I fell asleep on the couch after trying to call them between 4 and 5 am EST :). I have asked my parents to take over the task of getting an answer on the phone, while I wait for their reply to my email.
Can Spouse apply for EAD IN CP route?

Hi friends,
 My question is whether spouse can apply for EAD in CP rote?
I mean just when you are starting in the last phase can you apply for wife\'s EAD?