Mr. Rajiv Khanna is filing a petition with VSC for speeding up I140's. Please signup?

Petition lacks in substance

All your cheers , clapping and kudos , I think, would
come to a nought.

This petition lacks terribly in its text and substance... the
most pressing issue is that people who applied for I-140 long back are waiting while those having applied latter are getting
approvals. Including this text will negate any excuse
about either security or lack of resources or funds....

it will highlight the fact that cases are being worked on in some
arbitrary order.

What good is the petition if it lacks this ?
Please together and be cool!!!!

The only purpose of this petition is to hope that INS can speed up the processing of I-140 (might all of types of cases). Please don't fight with each other. Once your cases are in the range of 90 - 300, INS has reasons to do any order. For instance, you probably can get your I-140 in a month if you are a nurse because it is CURRENT but you might have to wait for almost a year if your E1 since they are currently processing April, 2002. If everybody is arguing about that OR complain the processing order, please try to understand the different type of processing time first. Otherwise, your petition is not strong at all since INS will give you guys very good reasons. You might argue that they might have random order even though the type is same. Alright, I believe that there is no case exactly same. So no reason argues that. BUT we have reasons to ask INS to do their best to speed up I-140 processing. Let us try to comment those to achieve our goal. Thanks.

Originally posted by PissedOffI140
All your cheers , clapping and kudos , I think, would
come to a nought.

This petition lacks terribly in its text and substance... the
most pressing issue is that people who applied for I-140 long back are waiting while those having applied latter are getting
approvals. Including this text will negate any excuse
about either security or lack of resources or funds....

it will highlight the fact that cases are being worked on in some
arbitrary order.

What good is the petition if it lacks this ?
I support this strongly - I-140 one year old

Yes, I support this effort. My I-140 is still pending for the past
one year (Feb 22 2002). When we enquired the reply came as
usual that it is with an officer and we will hear from them within
few weeks. (already 8 weeks passed).
Just wondering about VSC.

Mine is EB1 category (outstanding researcher)-
- Sekar (
:confused: :confused:
When will Mr. Khanna mail it to INS VSC

I really appreciate the effort Mr. Khanna is taking on our behalf. It will be helpful if somebody could post on this forum approx. when Mr. Khanna is planning on sending it to VSC INS.

Thanks Mr. Khanna.
Look at California processing date. There are obviously some wrong in Vermont. We need to get up to fix this big problem. I strongly support to file a petiton to VSC to speed up their working, especially for EB1 and EB2 NIW. There are a big unbelievable gap over there.
when will this be send out?

So, how many people has already signed up? How many do you need?

When will this petition be sent out?

I saw some other existing petition which has been there for a while and has not been sent out.

Just worry...
Wanted to Keep this Alive

These I140 delays in VSC are very frustraing especially when seeing the other service centers processing these applications much faster

2 things we can do-

1) Please sign this petition

2) Write directly to the director at VSC-

Customer Feedback:
We strive to provide quality service to our customers. If we have not lived up to this commitment, we would like to know. If we have met or exceeded your expectations, please let us know that as well. To comment on the services provided at this office, please write to the Center Director, at:
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
P.O. Box 1000
Saint Albans, Vermont 05479.

Note in the heading of the letter and on the envelope: "FOR THE PERSONAL ATTENTION OF THE DIRECTOR."

(More info available at this link-
What is it waiting for ?

May I ask the honorable Rajiv Khanna or someone else as to
what is being awaited for this petition to make its way to
its intended recipient ?

What exactly are we waiting for ? I mean, after this, do we
have any grounds of complaining about INS delays ? When we,
the affected, dilly dally about submitting a petition ?
Status of the petition

Mr Rajiv Khanna or concerned person,

What is the status of this petition, we don't have any news.
We will appreciate ur info on the status.

The Petition: Is this a Practical Joke on US ??

Fellow Supporters (Suckers...) of the petition,

If Mr. Khanna or The person who started the campaign of this petition has no sense to respond to so many of our cries to learn the status of the petition....How can we Expect VSC to respond any differently.

I get the feeling that this is some sort of practical joke at our expense.

They ahould at least let us all know what they are waiting for.

It is shameful.....


For those of you who have a ton of time everyday to come and check these message boards i have to apologize because i was not in the country for a while.

So the status as of last friday was that they are ready to send the petition to the VSC director via Fedex by today.

If i hear anything i will update.

Guys got a job to do. This whole thing does not mean much if the job is in jeopardy so i got to stick it up.

Petition has been sent

Hi Guys,

Below is the response from Mr. Khanna office on the Vermont Petition.

"We sent out the first set of signatures, we shall put up something when we receive a response"
