Montreal Interview Tracker -- Part DeuX [Ara2000, AttaBoy, CDN_CPER, Dongky, Enduring, GC Indian, Ja

Re: Attend interview without a new letter?

Company lawyer feels there is no need to take another letter. Is it okay to attend the interview without a new letter? Company follows lawyers advise.

Most everyone has been asked for a notarized letter that is less than 12 months old. If your lawyer insists that you don't need it, ask them to give your their opinion on this issue in writing - that way you can show their opinion along with the old letter at the interview. My lawyer has already got the wheels moving to get the notarized letter now that we know that our interview is in Nov - we have not received P4 yet. May differ from lawyer to lawyer - some may not want to take the risk of procedural or document holdups, others (like yours) may know the law on this better and/or may interpret it to mean that notarization is not required.
Re: Re: jiang

That is really help. I'll be living at Lemontfort. I guess it is just few block away. I'll try them out. Thanks.

Originally posted by cajk2
Hi, I know one guy only submitted a faxed employment letter and got his immigration visa successfully. The letter is used to verify your future employment. If the officer is convinced that you have employment offer, I guess even a handwriting letter works.

To convert money, you can find many exchange shops (very small) in St. Catherine, downtown. The rate is good. Better than those major banks. The consulate is within one block to St. Catherine street. That is a very good business street. Some shops may open to very late. Have fun there. embossed seal of the Public Notary. I talked with my lawyer and she said there are various types of notarization and for immigration purposes, notary's stamp is sufficient. She said that submitted in P3 also did not have an embossed seal. I'm kind of buying her 'various types' arguement. But I really want to know what you think about it?

My letter had a non-embossed notary stamp. It was fine.
Re: Re- Canadian Landed Immigrant

Originally posted by StillAtSea

You no longer are a Canadian Landed Immigrant technically - in fact, it may even be fraudulent to represent that status or claim that when entering Canada. To maintain Landed Immigrant status, you have to be resident in Canada 6 months in any 12 month period. That is the reason for the 6 month minimum live-in period in Canada - to make sure that the Montreal CP facility is indeed offered only to 'real' Canadian residents (and citizens, of course).

At least, now you know you have toilet paper for the next time you need to go....;)

But according to new immigration law of canada you should be present in canada for 730 days out of last 5 years. It is better to find out from immigration lawyer in canada about your status.
Nonember interview

Just called NVC this morning and found out that my interview is on Nov 15.

P3 sent to St. louis- 7/30

NVC received from St. Louis- 8/20

Review completed- 9/11

Interview - 11/ 15

:) :)
Welcome letter and card

update on Toronto POE and cards.

finally got welcome letter from TSC this week. my poe date was August 21st in Toronto. In fact, i got two welcome letters, both in my name!!

i got my card as well...but under the Resident Since column: my birth date is there instead of my POE.

Brian, Najib others.....what does yours say...your POE or your Date of birth?

got a letter from Tornoto immgn that the photograph was not good (almost one month after POE) and asked to send another set of photographs...we sent reached on the 25th September..but no information yet about her card/welcome letter.

have been trying to call TSC all morning...but no success yet. Brian...what time did you call them. don't know if they sent me two welcome letters by mistake or if one of them should have been my wife's?

Answer to someone else's question:
an updated employment letter is something that they asked me at my interview as well. ...i think they really look for that. if your company lawyer says you don't need it, i like the idea of taking a written note from the lawyer to your interview and showing them that it was the lawyer's suggestion that the letter was not needed.

good luck and best regards,
Re: Welcome letter and card

Originally posted by pkv2

Brian, Najib others.....what does yours say...your POE or your Date of birth?

have been trying to call TSC all morning...but no success yet. Brian...what time did you call them. don't know if they sent me two welcome letters by mistake or if one of them should have been my wife's?
good luck and best regards,

My card has my POE date. That is, of course, the correct one.

Every member of my family received two welcome letters. This is quite common. I love hearing about mailroom delays at the INS.

I got through to the TSC after about a week of calling. I can't remember the time of day...probably mid-morning New York time. I will spend an eternity in Hell after selling my soul to the Devil, but at least I got through.

November interviews

Wanted to confirm that NVC is giving Nov. interview dates for Montreal. Called this morning - scheduled for Nov. 1st.:)
November interview

Hey Yummy_K

Did you hear anything about your interview? Mine is schedule for Nov.15.
Medical Exam in Vancouver

Pkt 3 review completed last wk, hoping for December Interview, has any one had their medical exam in vancouver, kindly share your experience.

Hi Everyone,

Here is my story :)

LC Approved: 02/01
I-140 Filed: 05/14/01
I-140 Receit Date: 07/31/01
I-140 Number: WAC-01-245-XXXXX
I-140 Approved: 01/02/02
Packet 3 generated: 06/02
Packet 3 Reviewed: 07/25/02
Medical: 10/01/02
Interview: 10/07/02
Crossed POE: 10/07/02

I left for Montreal on 09/29/02 and Stayed in Wyndham Montreal at the Desjardines Complex. This is an excellent hotel and is about a 7 minute walk from the consulate. It is located on St Catherines and Jean Mance

I took the following documentation with me:
6 Photos (taken at Sears), 6 months of pay stubs, 6 months of bank statements, last years tax return, Notarized letter of Employment, Appointment letter from the consulate, Vaccination information (all vaccinations completed in US beforehand), medical history info (just in case they ask).

I had the medical exam on 10/01/02 at 8:00am at the offices of Dr. Seidel and associates (5345 boul de l'assumption). Note that the suite number provided in the consulate documentation and on the panelphysicians website is wrong. The number is 115 and not 180. The staff was very friendly and the medical was completed within 1 hour. I left Montreal that day and went to Mont Tremblant which is a beautiful ski/golf resort 1.5 hours north of Montreal (I took golf lessons there).

I picked up the medical results on 10/04/02 and was ready for the interview.

The interview was on 10/07/02. I got to the consulate at 7:15 and was third in line. The security allowed us to enter the building at 8:00. Once through security, I was told to go wait in the "elevator" room. The wait there was until approximately 8:15 at which time we were told to get on the elevator (goes only to 19th floor) (NOTE: go to the back of the elevator because you will exit from the other door). Once up we lined up at the cashers to get the number. I got number C3. After about 1 hours wait I was called in and asked to show the documentation. The only thing they asked for were the medical results, passport, photos and the notarized letter of employment. I was then told to go back to the waiting room and wait for my number to be called again. The wait this time was about 45 minutes. The interview was about 10:00am and lasted 3-5 minutes. The only work related questions I was asked is the name of the company and the location of work. NO questions on job duties,... I was told that I was approved and to go back to the waiting room and wait for my name to be called. At 11:00am I was called again and was given the package to be taken to the POE.

I left Montreal at around 11:30am and arrived at the POE (Highgate Springs, VT) at 12:30. Unfortunately there was a mistake in the documentation and the officer wanted to verify that everything was ok by calling the consulate. Just at that moment, a tour bus of about 30 people arrived and the officer (who was alone) had to process all these people. Once he finished with the people he called the consulate and also looked at my OLD passport which contains most of the TN stamps for when I was in the US as a TN (NOTE: Take your old passports with you). Everything turned out ok and I left the POE with the I-551 stamp in my passport at 2:30pm.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Regards and good luck.
forgot... thank everyone here for all their help. I am not sure if I would have made it without all the information found here.

Impications of time between landing and starting job

Our CP interview in Montreal is scheduled for November. We plan to 'land' in a US POE soon thereafter and establish our PR status. However, IF :

a) due to current commitments ( I am commited to a client contract here till January) and the issues involved in moving residence (selling the house, making arrangements to move, schooling for the kids, etc.), we plan to actually move to the US in January/February, AND
b) circumstances at the employer have changed in the meanwhile and the job offer is not available anymore (not anticipated but one can never tell),

- what are the implications? Would it be a better idea to 'start' employment, take a long unpaid leave to resolve our situation /commitments here and then move?

Also, during the period between 'landing' and actually 'moving' we plan to make a number of trips to the US as part of the move and job start - scoping out neighborhoods, buying/renting a house, etc. We will have only the I-551 (?) on our passports for a while and traveling with Canadian licenses - will this be an issue?

Hey Guy's I am worried about my interview which is scheduled on 18 nov. in montreal.
Should employement letter be notarized? NVC did not mention about this. My company said that they will give letter on 13 th Nov.
I have W-2 Copies of my last 4-5 years .Is it sufficient ? or should I take transcripts from IRS office?
My wife worked for 6 months in 2001 on H-1 and then she came on h-4.Do i need her tax w-2 also?
I don't have my vaccination record....what should i do in this case?
what other documents i should arrange?
Is there any other CPer with interview date on 18 th NOV.?
Notarization - it appears that it is not required to be notarized. However, play safe and take a notarized version if possible. I have two versions, one notarized and the other not.

Vaccinations - two options - oneis to get a blood titer test right away - show your doctor the instructions re medical - the titer test will test for antibodies for any vaccinations you have taken previously. You can show the results of this test to help the panel physician determine what vaccinations you have had. Second option, (re) take all the shots at the medical.

W-2s, tax returns - take them all, hardly anyone has been asked for it but most people take it just in case..... so maybe you can bury them somewhere and pull it out only if you have to.
Day of Interview

To Successful CPers:

I have noted that most interview dates are for mondays, does Montreal conduct IV interviews only on mondays or someone has had an interview on a day other than monday, I am planning my trip and was wondering how this may effect the trip with wkend b/w medical and the interview, still don't have a date, but hoping for December.
Sucessful Interview on 10/15

Hi, All,
I would thank everybody contributing to this board. The information was very helpful.

We got our visas on 10/15. Everything was very smooth, except you may want to know the following:
1. When we entered the Consulate, the security guard asked us to go Window 6A for a number, which was wrong. Fortunately, we knew that before hand from the board we should go to Window # 25 (the Cashier's window).
2. You can do a single I-134 for your whole family. But be prepared to copy it as many as the number of your dependents. The official asked me if I have another copy for my daughter and I did not. She said she would just make a copy. I suspect they need a copy for each person as each person will have a file with the INS once entered the States.
3. Port of Entry: Champlain, NY. Everything was smooth. About 20 minutes waiting to get to the official. He examined all our passports and signaled us to enter without asking us to stop in the building until I showed him again our packages. He seemed to remember up we need to stamp our passports. He asked us to take our passports with the packages into the building instead of taking them for us. By this, we might have lost 20 minutes in queuing. Once an official inside took up our documents, everything was quick and smooth. He was very professional and welcomed us into the States and wished us good luck in our life.

If any further questions, let me know. Thanks.
Former J1 - our interview is scheduled for Friday (Nov. 1st). They may have specific days of the week or dates of the month to do them in order to consolidate the volumes into reasonable sized batches. Can't say for sure.

Jiang, congratulations. Wish you the best in your GC life.

Does anyone know if there are any IRS forms that may be asked for at the interview? We plan to carry our tax returns for the last year (Canadian only, no US tax returns filed).
